due to the severe torture by these perps and due to which i was not able to perform to the expectations of my employer, they fired me yesterday and i lost my job, my family was surviving because of this income, i really dont know what to do until i get another job, after i was fired, these perps became so happy and passed all filthy comments, i really still dont care, i will still trust in the lord, and he is my hope.  they also cautioning me of me losing my account with peacepink shortly, so that i would be not able to write blogs any more. so lets see how long it goes,  whatever may come i will still trust in the lord, i will remember all of you in my prayers, please remember me also in your prayers.


Thanks and Regards


Vincent George

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  • I will pray for you and your family to be protected and blessed and for your perps to turn their faces upwards to The Lord God Almighty! For thier knees to buckle and bow down in repentance before HIM...and for those whose consciences are sealed and hearts hardened, I pray the Lord God Almgihty traps your perps in their own snares and brings them into the light of HIS day to deal with them HIS way! In Jesus name I pray! Amen!
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