Hey all, since the standard pink and white site style bothers me, have written and uploaded a re-skin script to userstyles.org called peacepink silver It works in Firefox and Chrome and only needs the Stylish addon installed first. if your not sure about browser addons, neither Chrome or Firefox require an account to install Stylish, and Chrome doesnt require a restart. Userstyles doesnt require an account or restart either, so can install the script in under a minute. see Stylish for Firefox - Stylish for Chrome
The stainless effect is borrowed from the theme "Overlay" in customize options, and effectively replicates that for the whole site along with the silver background . Try that theme to see if you like the look
Fwiw noticed the font sizes in Firefox and Chrome dont look optimal on my 1366 screen (too small in Firefox, too large in Chrome) so have added a disabled section at the end of the script that you can enable if you agree theyre mis-sized, but dont know how it looks on a 1920 screen, so might not need changing
Also on the main landing page, have hidden the donate widget, the groups section, and the part at the end for "Be a Soilder for Jesus Christ". You can restore those if prefered by navigating in the script (Ctrl+F) to "display: none" and removing the ones you want kept