Perfectible BANKING OR BETTER KNOWN BANK SUPPORT THE MATRIX perfectible CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSING AND SECRET WEAPONS DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS" c="Virtual "Monday through Friday between 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. to do with colleague Augusto La Cruz 96.3 FM URBE ( " b="Virtual” que de lunes a viernes entre 6:30 y 8AM hago junto al colega Augusto La Cruz por URBE 96.3 FM (">Virtual "Monday through Friday between 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. to do with colleague Augusto La Cruz 96.3 FM URBE ( " b="Cualquier comentario o sugerencia al correo oa través del twitter @darwinch857.">Any comments or suggestions to e or through twitter @ darwinch857.
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b="">
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. " b="Hasta ahora, todo ha sido ignorado por los medios de comunicacíon poseídos y controlados por la criminalidad."">So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey " b="), pérdidas de memoria."">), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. " b="La información que el cerebro produce se transmite hacia algunos satélites con lo que algunas agencias y organizaciones de estudio de la raza humana “leen” el pensamiento.">The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts.
" b=""">
" b="12345123451"">12345123451
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b=""">redaccion.noticierodigital @
" b=""">
" b="">
" b="El Periodista OPENHAIMER tiene distintos casos que puede ver al llamarlo."">The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is " b="realizada en base a argumento inexistentes, fue explicada en medios de comunicación y ninguna institución ha realizado ninguna investigación."">argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
" b="Este tipo de denuncias cuando no son respondidas por ninguna institución legal desde el punto de vista legal comprueba este tipo de crímenes."">This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
" b="En la policía internacional INTERPOL la respuesta no se consigue usted por esta comunicación puede hacer exactamente lo mismo y vera que ninguna policía u organización."">The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
" b="Realizara ningún proceso legal…….."">Conduct any legal process ........
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b=""">
" b="Denuncia de Acoso Electrónico Torturas Mentales Acoso Electrónico y Voice to Skull."">Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. " b="Para introducir a los abogados en estos tipos violaciones a los derechos humanos, Al recolectar información acerca de cómo algunas organizaciones de estudio de la raza humana realizan actividades criminales de acoso, deterioro genético, manipulaciones y daños biológicos.">To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur " b="crímenes, pueden ser resueltos, de forma que la justica internacional diseña leyes que de forma general en los países que se someten, cumplen para la garantía de crímenes que pueden ser considerados sobre sistemas poblacionales extensos."">crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
" b="La inclusión comprobable de tecnologías en medicamentos o alimentos, permite la posibilidad de estimulación celular, deterioro del ADN, cambio metabólico y daños biológicos."">The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information " b="por las teorías descritas al final, la posibilidad de emitir campos electromagnéticos a estas escalas abre la posibilidad de que por fricción de campos pueda ser descifrada información de una molécula de ADN.">by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
" b="Le invitamos a leer la información siguiente."">We invite you to read the following information.
" b="Crímenes de lesa humanidad – Torturas en Venezuela"">Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
" b="Hemos tratado de hablar con el presidente Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías a cerca de estos crímenes que suceden en algunos lugares del mundo"">We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
" b="1.Radiación Satelital."">Satellite 1.Radiación.
" b="2.Deterioró genético (ADN) por Nanotecnología en Medicamentos."">2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
" b="Algunos casos en asías"">Some cases asias
" b=""">
" b="Conocimiento aceptado WIKIPEDIA"">WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
" b=""">
" b="•Directed-energy weapon"">• Directed-energy weapon
" b="•Electromagnetic shielding"">• Electromagnetic shielding
" b="•Electroshock weapon"">• Electroshock weapon
" b="•Microwave auditory effect"">• Microwave auditory effect
" b="•Non-lethal weapon"">• Non-lethal weapon" c="• Laws that protect American citizens ^" b="•Leyes Americanas que protegen a los ciudadanos ^">• Laws that protect American citizens ^
" b="•Leyes Americanas que protegen a los ciudadanos ^"">• Laws that protect American citizens ^" c="• Laws that protect American citizens ^" b="•Leyes Americanas que protegen a los ciudadanos ^">• Laws that protect American citizens ^" c="• ^" b="•^">• ^
" b="Nos encantaría se pusiesen en contacto ya que existen algunos abogados y fiscales."">We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
" b="Profesor de la Universidad de Carabobo."">Professor at the University of Carabobo.
" b="David Vega"">David Vega
" b="Químico"">Chemical
" b="04244476262">04244476262
" b="Aparato de Ruido Electromagnético: ( 0 Hrz - 7,5 GHrz )."">Electromagnetic Noise apparatus: (0 HRZ - 7.5 GHrz).
" b="Proyecto Sistema Bancario Perfectible."">Banking System Project Perfectible.
" b="Estuve desarrollando este proyecto hace dos años atrás, pero cada vez que intentaba desarrollarlo, las agencias me torturaban mas, me quemaban el cerebro y me decían que no podía realizarlo y que tenía que regalárselos."">I was developing this project two years ago, but every time I tried to develop it, most agencies were torturing me, burning my brain and I said he could not do and had to regalárselos.
" b="Algunos personajes decían que estas ideas se les habían ocurrido en un sueño, pero lo extraño es que siendo muy buenas ideas y parecieran ser bastante viables, no se encuentran en ningún país."">Some characters were saying that these ideas had occurred to them in a dream, but the strange thing is that being very good ideas and seem to be quite viable, not found in any country.
" b="Con proyecto de extracción petrolera de pozos terminales, paso exactamente lo mismo."">With oil drilling project wells terminal step exactly the same.
" b="Y con el ultimo fue hace muchísimo tiempo y no me había dado cuanta que este sistema era así y como nunca tuve un titulo en física o astrofísica, nunca me preocupe por el asunto."">And the last was a very long time and I had not much that this system was well and as I never had a degree in physics or astrophysics, I never worry about the matter.
" b="Perfectible"">Perfectible
It is based on the concept that any system is imperfect or that any system, all models are imperfect. Taking into account this concept perfected, we can develop systems based on their nature and continuous analysis of successes and failures tend to have feedback or are nourished by the interaction of variables provoking a resultant tends to be better or tends to improve in " b="base a las experiencias y sucesos de los acontecimientos o situaciones pasadas."">Based on the experiences and events of the past events or situations.
" b="Modelo Bancario perfectible"">Perfectible Banking Model
Taking into account the concept described above can conceive of a banking model which takes the basics of banking and includes some innovative features that allow you to create systems or build systems that tend to feed back statistical economic processes (macro and micro) for the interaction of many variables, eg political, social, cultural and religious. " b="Esta retroalimentación se basa en el mejoramiento de los sistemas existentes en búsqueda de mejorar y superar los errores que suceden en sistemas anteriores, por ejemplo: en la banca tradicional, en la economía regional y en el estado como tal."">This feedback is based on improving existing systems seeking to improve and overcome the mistakes that happen in legacy systems, for example, in traditional banking in the regional economy and the state as such.
The bank proposes an integrated structure be improved by several points which are precisely those that give the characteristic that allows them to present a perfected system and also has other features that enable somehow through software to constantly monitor variables " b="que intervienen en el sistema y de los elementos que interviene en el sistema, donde la intervención del sistema de banca perfectible se manifiesta cuando existen distorsiones que de alguna manera interfieran con el proceso normal de la economía."">involved in the system and elements involved in the system, where the banking system intervention occurs when there perfectible distortions that somehow interferes with the normal process of the economy.
" b="Clasificación de los sectores empresariales objeto de financiar"">Classification of business sectors to fund
" b="El sistema bancario perfectible se encuentra diseñado para prestar servicios a los sectores empresariales clásicos:"">The banking system is perfectible designed to serve traditional business sectors:
Small business: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. " b="El criterio de disminución de la tasa de interés pasiva debería tender a ser mayor de acuerdo a si las garantías de cumplimiento del pago del crédito le brindan al banco una valoración del riesgo menor."">The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment.
Medium enterprise: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. " b="El criterio de disminución de la tasa de interés pasiva debería tender a ser mayor de acuerdo a si las garantías de cumplimiento del pago del crédito le brindan al banco una valoración del riesgo menor."">The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment.
1. " b="Pequeña empresa:"">Small Business:
2. " b="Mediana empresa."">Medium enterprises.
3. " b="Gran empresa."">Great company.
" b="Modelo de productos y servicios financieros perfectibles"">Model of financial products and services perfectible
The financial service perfectible model consists of a set of investment criteria with distinct characteristics of what would be the classic investment criteria or standard of private banking today. " b="De esta forma tenemos los siguientes criterios financieros."">Thus we have the following financial criteria.
" b="fraccionados y que luego del análisis se determine que la fragmentación de procesos, sea ideal para de trasladar estos de la periferias hacia el centro teniendo en cuenta las actividades de la empresa y los horarios."">
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