I have a theory. Perps or gangstalkers as sociopaths. A novel Idea. People with no remorse doing a job that they love, hurting people in order to feel more powerful than their victim. Studies have shown that this type of degredation is becoming more and more prevelant in these modern times, yet it's always existed. These people seem to have no concience. They thrive on the pain of others.
A sociopath commonly believes that they are smarter than everyone else. The tend to become violent when confronted or found out. If they are caught in a lie they may become violent, or simply take out their aggression at home. A perfect candidate for this type of program.
A sociopathic personality would thrive in this sort of situation.
Being paid to harass a T.I and get away with it. We all know what these weapons can do, how powerless they make us believe we are. The sociopath will see this as encouragement.
My belief is that perps are simply sociopaths who are picked and chosen specifically for the purpose of harassing us.
Here is my suggestion for these perps, a non violent approach. Take a picture, it lasts longer and speaks a thousand words. Walk with your hands in your pockets while holding a camera at the ready. Snap a shot of the perp and report them to the police. Try not to sound like a T.I, in fact you are being targeted so speak the truth yet omit the details of your struggle. State the perp is a sociopath and has been harassing you. This may be enough to get them off your back.
If you have a face to face confrontation with a perp try to carry a sound recording device in your other pocket. An audio recording of a threat may be enough to scare them off once it's delivered to the police.
Police do take sociopathic people seriously, and if some stranger is harassing you "out of the blue" it lends creedance to your claim.
I believe that not all police are bad, Most in my experience sign up to serve and protect. Others though may have the same mentality as the perps, the perpes are simply paid better.
Although it may or may not be a risk going to the police I believe it is an option to be considered.
I like the analogy of wolves. A wolf will often pick off the sick and the lame, they are easier prey. This harassment will continue and more perps are sure to arise. Feel free to use this analogy when explaining why you are being targeted so often. "Wolves go after the easiest prey, bad luck I guess. They ARE like animals officer, maybe they can smell something, something about me".
Whichever way you want to word it you will need an explanation, some how. Never the truth.
Who other than a psychiatrist can know the mind of a sociopath, a being so far from the reality that normal people inhabit, let alone a police officer sworn to serve and protect.