One of the latest things the Perps are doing to me is play fortune teller.
The want to make me desparate and make sure I have no body to turn to. they are very jealouse
that I can travel to places they wished the could.
They brain wash people against me. They will say you will have no one to travel with you, in the hope that I will
cancel my trip.
He tries to move into my life by acting as if the people I hang with are trying to hurt me and that they are real friends. Ofcourse he's the one who cause the problem, he has got them in his pocket. He wants me to react angry to their betrail and then he will put it on Social Media so the person in question can hear it and get angry at me and betray me even more. Even if they haven't betrayed me yet he wants it to happen, by changing my emotions towards that person in a bad way. After he turns people against me he start saying that person is not your friend, as if he doesn't know that he has cause bad blood between me and that person. A few days he told me every one is in on it, you have no friends. He believes or tries to make me believe he got everyone in his pocket
So he can keep on going playing fortune teller in my life. He starts to predict what will happen go me and the people in my life. He even wants TI's in his pocket, so he can stear up trouble between me and you.
I have lost my sons support, my cousin support, friends in congretion we where suppose to back me up were fake.
I am in trouble at work with a girl name Joyce, She has the same name as one of my Perp. I know a lot of people with this name. Do you know what this girl has done. She told everybody at my workplace that I have it in for her. The Perp I am Refuring to is tall and blond, The girl at my work use to be blond just like perp. She started a HATE campaingn against me at work. She plays victem, to the point that I felt threaten by one of the male supervisor. I think he want to beat me up for her. Now the male Perps said that's she crazy and that she not his girlfriend. I confroted the girl at work but she said it's a case of mistaken identiy. I don't know her.
Now I call her name. Now she works every day I work.
The wall are very thin at my workplace and she keeps on telling everybody that I call her name on Social Media.
Very odd. She even told them she knows me, to make her story stick. I know a few people with the name Joyce and they like to dominiate people, or take lead.
My life is full of people who harress me because they believe that I talk about them. They have the same name as some people I think about. They get angry and at me for nothing. I don't know them. So life is very difficult for me because of this. I ended up in a world full of stupid and angry people.
What can I do? Ignoring is hard sometimes. I already thought about self defense class.
They all listen to Social Media at work, since thay know it's me.
I even told my supervisor that I would stop working there, the Perp wanted me also to stop.
He even happy that I told the supervisor that, he's telling everybody that I listen to him. He wants me in his pocket now.
What can I do. He tries to make dissions for me now. He tortures me so badly, he doesn't take a rest, my head and vigina and heart are the main target. Cause it works! It's like I am stupid and can't think anymore.
But I am still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!