Senator Elizabeth Warren
2400 JFK Federal Building
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, MA. 02203
Tel: 617-565-3170
Dear Senator Warren;
I am a signature petitioner on the Go Petition; Stop Predatory Gang Stalking and Covert Harassment Petition; and I have been victimized by this crime that exists in Massachusetts and New England.
This is a war crime; that will go down in history as one of the most horrific crimes in the world.
Gang stalking and Covert Harassment is an evil entity and a crime against humanity.
A program of layered agencies consisting of the military ,corporations, NSA, DOD, and criminal groups that have evolved into a ‘Secret Society’ that are using patterned military remote technology weapons on innocent civilians throughout the world. Upon the release of the CIA torture reports; John McCain referred to it as a “parallel government” that was unknown to society.
As a victim; I also have been labeled a ‘targeted individual’. We are a community of decent taxpaying civilians that have been suppressed and silenced by an NSA order-(given authority to over ride our constitutional rights through the Patriots Act ;) and falsely labeling us as “watched individuals” for the sake of National Security. In addition; the police; government agencies; government leaders have been ordered not to respond to our calls for assistance and a “gag” order has been placed on all media levels to ignore this crime and our complaints. By ignoring our plea for help; covert harassment will continue to grow in epidemic proportions worldwide and victims will continue to be harmed, tortured and murdered.
I once led a productive normal life before I was attacked by this program. A program that began with being grouped stalked, harassment at my home and work place, vandalism of my vehicle, the smearing of my personal character and then it escalated into harassment with military and private unmarked planes, drones and helicopters over my home. I am under surveillance at all times. My phones are wire tapped; my personal computers have been constantly hacked into and destroyed. Many of the victims have been subjected to military weapon experimentation such as the shocking by direct energy weapons and microwave audible hearing. In a recent Kiplinger Report; an article was written on the ‘9 Amazing Military Technologies of the Future.’ Of the nine reported, one was the Microwave Ray Gun ; (The Sierra Nevada Corp has developed this weapon under a U.S. Naval research contract.) This Ray Gun is designed to inject blasts of sound directly into a person’s head with the use of microwaves and microwave emitting waves, yet bypassing the ear, so it cannot be blocked out. The second weapon is a Space- Based laser (Developers; MIT of Massachusetts, Lockheed Martin, Marion, MA.) This weapon “can send a powerful destructive beam” at their object. Both of these weapons are for the most part silent and invisible to the eye However; victims are reporting flashes of light being directed at them and a tapping sound on the windows of their home prior to being “shocked” by these weapons . The third weapon; Super drones with infrared and payload sensors can also deliver these weapons. These weapons have been tested and used in Iraq and Desert Storm. All of these weapons are being developed by DARPA and other parts of the military, working with defense contractors and other private companies.
In 2001, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced The Bill 2977 ‘Space Preservation Act’ in the 107 Congress. In his original bill he specifically refers to the banning of exotic weapons in space. Specifically; Chemtrails, electron weapons, psychotronic and info weapons, extreme low frequency weapons (ELF) -Laser weapons and sonic weapons.
Senator Edward Kennedy met with State Representative James Guest to discuss and introduce in Massachusetts a new ‘Electronic Harassment ‘law that would be modeled after the Michigan Laws with life imprisonment. Senator Kennedy fell ill shortly after and this was never accomplished. There is a severe need now to enact a law on the issues discussed above on an emergency level.
As a United States Senator, representing Massachusetts, you took a solemn oath to protect and preserve the laws for the citizens of Massachusetts and the United States. That oath also included upholding the Constitution.
The hunting and torture of innocent civilians in the United States, Europe and the world needs to be addressed now. These weapons also have the potential for world mass destruction.
As a U.S. born citizen of Massachusetts- I ask you to please initiate a formal investigation. Certainly; there are far too many victims’ complaints to ignore. Probably the first order of this investigation would be to interview all victims in the Massachusetts and New England area on an individual basis with a technical investigative team. This could be accomplished in a short period of time. An email list can be provided to your office.
Thank you for your time and attention to this serious matter Senator Warren.
Kindest Regards;