International Protest Against Mind and Body-Invasive Technologies ( FFCHS)

A global alliance of those covertly targeted by covert mind and body manipulation technologies believed to be emanating from intelligence agency sources, are holding a worldwide protest against the use of these devices on nonconsenting individuals. The technologies used are capable of remotely accessing and adversely affecting the human brain and body functions so therefore raise serious privacy issues for all who value freedoms in modern society.

Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) October 12, 2009 -- On Wednesday, October 14, IAACEA, the International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse is staging a worldwide protest against the use of electronic technologies that assault and harass members of the unsuspecting public. This coalition unites concerned professionals and victim groups, in: Canada - Nanaimo, British Columbia and Toronto, Ontario, the U.S. - San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA, Cincinnati, OH, Philadelphia, PA, and Washington, DC, England - London, India, China and other countries.

IAACEA claims that many people are suffering from the effects of various advanced technologies that remotely target the human mind and body. Many conventional means of redress are expensive and in some cases, exhausted. Members have organized and report their readiness to stage worldwide civil protests on this vital issue. "This is a historic event...I believe we must win (back) something that belongs to us", says Robin Yan one of the event organizers in Toronto, Canada.

Through these civil protests, IAACEA intends to educate the public, gain media attention and mobilize national policy changes in the involved countries. Long-term goals include: creating laws to protect citizens from electromagnetic arms and prosecuting offenders who commit the crimes of electronic harassment and organized stalking, which often occurs, when these crimes are committed.

IAACEA's stated goal is to ban the use of electromagnetic weapons that remotely interfere with the human body and mind and make it a criminal offense to possess and use such weapons. Electromagnetic (EM) frequencies powering these devices are microwave, infrared, extremely low frequency (ELF) and others. All EM energy is radiation. Members explain that this form of harassment is invasive. They believe that long-term exposures to EM can destroy the health of those targeted, and has caused deaths to occur.

Electromagnetic weapons that remotely "tetanize" or contract muscles are one type of these devices. The patent abstract explains what occurs when this weapon is used on an unsuspecting target: "because the electrical current is a close replication of the physiological neuroelectric impulses which control striated muscle tissue, it tetanizes the subject's skeletal muscles without causing any perceptible sensation." (U.S.. Patent 5675103 Inventors:Herr; Jan Eric (San Diego, CA) 1996).

Other devices can painfully target the human brain, send a microwave audio signal that only one person in a crowd can hear, vibrate internal organs, and send shocks to targeted areas of the body. All of these devices exist in miniaturized, cell phone -like form. They can be activated remotely and covertly, relatively easily, according to private investigator reports and member accounts.

The military has defined these devices. Captain Paul Tyler writes: "The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging .. In all of these cases the EM systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.". ("Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology " by Lt. Col Dean, June 1986. This section written by Capt. Paul Tyler).

Unwitting EM assault victims report frightening, and sometimes traumatizing experiences. Once targeted by these rogue elements, assault experiences continue for years without end. IAACEA members explain that this is an insidious crime which is silent, unseen and covert in character. They believe there are horrible debilitating effects, because the entire body is targeted.

Dr. Nick Begich, BBC documentary producer and expert speaker at the European Parliament urges that, "the new science of applying subtly modulated energy to manipulate brain activity or in order to alter other physiological functions should be investigated again across all agencies and departments of the government." ("Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace" by Nick Begich, publisher Earthpulse Press, Alaska, U.S., 2000 ISBN 1-890693-43-X)

U.N. speaker and described non-lethal weapons specialist, Cheryl Welsh, Davis, CA, has documented stories of victims of advanced electromagnetic warfare technology. This CNN News Network documentary producer, urges that, "all non-consensual experimentation needs to stop".

IAACEA states that these illegally transmitted directed energy signals violate the targeted person's civil and human rights. (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 1948-2009). Protesters and civil rights activists intend that their work will restore human rights to individuals targeted by these assaults. Information on the Protest and IAACEA can be obtained by contacting:   IAACEA:

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance:
Derrick Robinson



Dear Attorney General Holder,

We write to request that you address expanding abuses by the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the 2008 Attorney General’s Guidelines issued by your predecessor. Despite our diverse political affiliations and interests, we agree that federal law enforcement agencies should require (at least) individualized suspicion of criminal activity before initiating investigatory activities.

In addition to a thorough analysis of the Bureau’s current operations and their impacts on civil rights and civil liberties, we also ask that you promulgate revised Attorney General’s Guidelines to restore rights and liberties eroded by Attorneys General Mukasey in 2008 and Ashcroft in 2003. Beyond its governing policies, the Bureau also remains in desperate need of institutional reform, including new leadership and new internal checks and balances to end the problems that have long undermined the Bureau’s legitimacy.

The FBI has emerged as a recidivist institution, repeatedly violating the rights of law-abiding Americans en masse. As you know, the COINTELPRO era spanned decades and reflected an aggressive campaign by the FBI until the 1970s to undermine civil rights organizations, like the NAACP, pursuing peaceful political activities protected by the First Amendment. Nor was the Bureau’s assault on the civil rights movement its first foray into criminalizing conduct that our Constitution protects: the program began by targeting labor organizers and political dissidents, and followed the previous Palmer Raids, which similarly vilified legions of Americans on the basis of their political views.

In September 2010, a series of FBI raids targeting peace activists throughout the Midwest suggested that the Bureau is once again operating under unconstitutional policies. Their recurrence under your leadership could leave an enduring stain on your tenure, as well as that of the Obama administration, and offends fundamental American values shared across the political spectrum.

The 2008 Mukasey Guidelines were the latest of several revisions to the original Guidelines issued in 1976 to end the abuses of COINTELPRO. The 2008 revisions allow individual agents discretion to use intrusive investigatory methods without any evidence suggesting that a crime has been committed, and even permit race, religion, or political speech to serve as factors justifying intrusive investigation.

The Bureau’s ongoing “undisclosed participation” activities recall COINTELPRO’s abuses and even expand upon them. FBI agents, informants, and state and local law enforcement agents cooperating with them through Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) have infiltrated faith institutions and activist groups advocating for causes as varied as pro-life or pro-choice stances on reproductive rights, environmental causes, opposition to racial bias pervading the criminal justice system, and foreign policy objectives.

Even some of the legal standards governing these activities remain secret, despite repeated requests from the public and Members of Congress seeking greater transparency. FBI Director Robert Mueller delivered inaccurate testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this summer, admitting after the hearing—in writing—that the Bureau’s surveillance activities are limited neither by evidence, nor even by suspicion. Mueller's admission confirms that agents are currently monitoring law-abiding Americans arbitrarily and potentially on the basis of constitutionally protected association, political speech, religion, national origin, or race.

Inadequate transparency unfortunately pervades the Bureau’s operations. In at least three reports over the last four years (in 2007, 2008, and 2010), the Justice Department's Inspector General has documented rampant abuse of investigatory powers expanded by the PATRIOT Act—as well as further abuses of new powers invented by the FBI without congressional authorization.

At a minimum, we request that you rescind the 2008 Mukasey Guidelines and issue new Guidelines to better respect constitutional rights. While considering the scope of reforms needed to protect civil rights and civil liberties, you should not grant the existing Guidelines artificial legitimacy, nor should the Bureau be afforded credibility that it has not only failed to earn, but also actively undermined. In the interim, new powers demanded by the FBI should be denied and its leadership should be replaced.

Respectfully submitted,

Regional Contact Person
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Phone No.:
Deborah Newhook, Organizer
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Phone No.: (250) 591-5888
Derrick Robinson, Member
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Director, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, FFCHS
Phone No.: (513) 344-4113

               "IAACEA Now! Protests”
California, October 7, 2009         On Wednesday, October 14,  the International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse, IAACEA, is staging a worldwide protest against the use of electronic technologies to assault and harass members of the unwitting public. This coalition unites concerned professionals and victim groups, in Canada (British Columbia, Ontario, Toronto, Nanaimo), the U.S. (San Francisco, California, Washington, DC), England (London), China and other countries. 
IAACEA claims that many people are being targeted by advanced technologies that remotely affect the human mind and body. Many conventional means of redress are expensive and in some cases, exhausted. Members have organized and will stage worldwide civil protests, in these cities, on this vital issue.

Through these protests, IAACEA intends to educate the public, gain media attention and mobilize national policy changes in the countries. Long-term goals include: creating laws to protect citizens from electromagnetic (EM) weapons and prosecuting offenders who commit the crimes of electronic harassment and organized stalking, (which can occur, when these crimes are committed).

IAACEA’s stated goal is, to ban the use of electromagnetic weapons that remotely interfere with the human body and mind and make it a criminal offense to possess and use such weapons. Electromagnetic frequencies powering these devices are microwave, infrared, extremely low frequency (elf) and others. All EM energy is radiation. Members explain that this form of harassment is invasive.  They believe that long-term exposures to EM can destroy the health of those targeted, and has caused deaths to occur.

Electromagnetic weapons that remotely "tentanize muscles" are one form of these devices. The patent abstract language explains what occurs when this weapon is used on an unsuspecting target: "because the electrical current is a close replication of the physiological neuroelectric impulses which control striated muscle tissue, it tetanizes the subject's skeletal muscles without causing any perceptible sensation." (U.S. Patent 5675103 Inventors:Herr; Jan Eric (San Diego, CA) 1996).

Other devices can painfully target the human brain, send a microwave audio signal that only one person in a crowd can hear, vibrate internal organs, and send shocks to targeted areas of the body. All of these devices exist in miniaturized, cell phone like form.  They can be activated remotely and covertly, relatively easily, according to private investigator reports and member accounts.    
The military has defined these devices. Captain Paul Tyler writes: “The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging .. In all of these cases the EM systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.". ("Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology " by Lt. Col Dean, June 1986. This section written byCapt. Paul Tyler).
Unwitting EM assault victims report frightening, and sometimes traumatizing experiences. Once targeted  rogue elements, either governmental or private or both, assault experiences continue for years. IAACEA members explain that this is an insidious crime which is silent, unseen and covert, in character.  They believe there are horrible debilitating effects, because the entire body is targeted.
Dr. Nick Begich, BBC documentary producer and expert speaker at the European Parliament urges that, “the new science of applying subtly modulated energy to manipulate brain activity or in order to alter other physiological functions should be investigated again across all agencies and departments of the government.” (Earth Rising, The Revolution” by Nick Begich, publisher Earthpulse Press, Alaska, U.S., 2000 ISBN 1-890693-43-X)
U.N. speaker and described non-lethal weapons specialist, Cheryl Welsh, Davis, CA, has documented stories of victims of advanced electromagnetic warfare technology.  This U.S. CNN News Network documentary producer, urges that, “all nonconsensual experimentation needs to stop.”
IAACEA states that these illegally transmitted directed energy signals violate the targeted person's civil and human rights. (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 1948-2009). Protesters and civil rights activists intend that their work will restore human rights to targeted individuals of these assaults. Information on the joining the October 14 Protest and IAACEA issues of concern, can be obtained by contacting:
IAACEA, at: 
FFCHS, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Organized Stalking, OH,




   Dear Member of the Canadian Government:  

   We are writing you on behalf of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons  to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being targeted unjustly without their informed consent by Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society. 

   Victims of Psychotronic weapons detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidents of psychological torture, mental and physical mutilations. Criminals place human subjects under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is.  They monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images. They continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, commands, images, "dreams", and other disturbances into the brain. They directly abuse, torture and assault our bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures from remote locations.

   These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals: 

   1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense, loud, electronic-sounding noise. 

   2). Visual distortions and hallucinations. 

   3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions. 

   4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands. 

   5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities.  

   6). Debilitation of mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently. 

   7). Loss of memory and knowledge.  

   8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on). 

    9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep

   10). Blurred vision

   11). Cramps, seizures and spasms

   12). Excruciating, artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious, medical conditions. 

   Investigation of these crimes is under jurisdiction of RCMP in Canada. We have contacted RCMP, police, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Courts and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. The government “doing nothing” in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous, fascist mind control experiments on innocent and defenseless people.  That is why the Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. The government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws. Instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed principles and values and the reality.

   It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, and the health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes.

   Doctor Joseph Mengele and other Nazis, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experiments with unwilling victims.  We are the latest victims.  THIS MUST STOP, and the people responsible exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.  We demand only that our human rights are respected, and that the Canadian Government appoints a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence collected, intercepted, and compiled by victims for many years.

   This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately.



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  • My blog was banned of what I put for a blog yesterday about the Black Pope and the New World Order. The black pope is a devil worshiper and so are the other Jesuits. The black pope is the one who's in charge will all the occults. He's running the show for the New World Order to be in place here folks. Check out the link I provide below and get eductated on this shit! It doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe in God and Jesus or the bible, get the knowledge and the truth in your brains.

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