What we are is to a great extent defined by our brain. From the simplest movements and regulations of the bodily processes, to such complex representations as memory, feelings, emotions, speech, cognition, will – each and every one of us is what our brain makes us. Now imagine a world where our brains can be manipulated. Who or what would we be?

I am calling on EU citizens in particular and on all people worldwide to support my petition to the European Parliament. This is a request to investigate through a parliamentary committee civilian implications of development, use and especially abuse of the so-called “new principles”, “manipulation of human beings” technologies, and adjacent technologies based on the electromagnetic properties of the human brain and body.


Allegedly thousands of ordinary people worldwide, mostly in the US and the EU have been desperately complaining, unheard. In May 2011 over 300 people subscribed to witness with the US Bioethics Commission, to no effect. Probably many more voices are needed!!! The claims are drowned in deliberate campaigns of discreditation and ridicule. People raising the issues are abused. While there are no rights or privacy. While law, morals and ethics do not work. While appeals for investigation for years meet silence and silencing.

While anyone and anybody can potentially be affected.

As a former EU employee of an office under the authority of one of the highest-ranking EU, security policy, officials, I have sent the petition to the EU Parliament since I have gained an extensive personal experience of all the atrocities and inhumanness of abuse of such technologies in, before and after the office. I was just an ordinary person whose life was intruded into, unawares, without any scruples. There are hardly articles in the EU Charter of Fundamental Human Rights, which were not outrageously trampled upon.

Why the technologies?

All this is becoming reality nowadays, with an ever-increasing speed.

To exemplify, in spring 2013 the EU and the US have announced billions-worth Human brain projects, with President Obama designating brain research as the grand challenge for the XXI century.

This was the first significant effort to bring the non-classified brain research into light, while saying that all the technologies are decades ahead. But in the military context there has been a debate for decades already, which has gone totally unnoticed by the general public.

This debate was centered around the notions of ‘new principles’ technologies, brought up in the UN in 1975 and which is well traceable through the UNODA Yearbooks.

Now, 10 December 2013, coinciding with the UN Day of Human Rights the “new principles technologies” were brought up by the Russians:

"We also know that most of the world’s leading countries are actively upgrading their military arsenals and investing huge sums in developing advanced weapons systems, including in those built with new generation technologies and according to new principles."

This followed the announcement in 2012 that the technologies will be in the programs till 2020,

In 1999 the EU Parliament upon a presentation by a person who has worked in the UN disarmament for years voted for a Resolution which: " 30. Calls in particular for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of such systems."

But up till now nothing has been done!  None of the civilian applications aspects, such as fundamental human rights, legal protection, prevention of abuses and non-consensual experimentation, civilian protection, personal data protection, public health aspects, ethical implications, greater societal implications have even been put onto discussion! Thus the Petition, with the appeal for a resolution regarding the civilian aspects and for call on the EU member states to ban the technologies of manipulation of human beings. 

What can you do?

Act now!

Just a click may not be enough, but a copy-paste at the Parliament’s site of the petition (please send a brief post to to get a copy of the Petition before posting at Parliament’s site) will make a difference!




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