We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:THAT1. There are individuals in this country, victims of Psychotronic (Mind and Body Control) Weapons, who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent. Victims of mind/body control detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nanomaterials and place them under continuous surveillance. They monitor the human brain, continuously alter consciousness and behavior, directly assault and torture mind and bodies of the human subjects.These are some of symptoms that targeted individuals may experience:a). Microwave hearing, torture with loud noise.b). Visual hallucinations, “dreams”.c). Reading thoughts, retrieving memories.d). Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and perceptions.e). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands (i.e. the Manchurian Candidate effect).f). Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of memory.g). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleeph). Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, manipulation of body systems, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions.2. Some victims are subject to harassement and organized stalking in their communities. Some victims receive false psychiatric diagnosis and in addition become victims of the system from which they are seeking help (medical institutions as well as law enforcement)3. The misuse of such brain and body manipulation technology directly undermines the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A Presidential Commission has been appointed by Barack Obama in the USA to discuss the ethics of neuroimaging testing and protection of human subjects.THEREFORE, your petitioners request the House of Commons to appoint a Public Inquiry in Canada to get to the bottom of these gross violations of human rights based upon the evidence collected by victims for many years. Goals of the Public Inquiry should include:• End of misuse of these technologies• Compensation of involuntary human subjects for their damages• Removal of any materials implanted in human subjects, such as microchips or nanomaterials, that send signals to their mind and bodies• People responsible should be exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.Signatures Addresses(Sign your own name. Do not print) (Give your full home address, or your city and province, or province and postal code)________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________