Pineal gland and Louvre


The delivery of the fruit prohibido.La behavior can be changed with the control system cognitivo.Solo the key to open it you need: the sonido.Los psychiatric problems are generated by the manipulation of the pineal, which regulates the time of consciousness. with psychotronic and modulated sound patterns can generate a psychic catastrophe, which can create a human monster or a victim of psychiatric pathology.

If you go to the Louvre you understand everything!
Richelieu Room: ruins of the palace opened by King Sargon II at Khorsabad (northern Iraq) in 706 BC.
The beneficial genius delivers a sacred pineapple disciple, "gland that has the shape resembling pineapple (Latin pinea) or a pine cone." The Vatican has a plaza dedicated to the gland: the door of the sunlight, and generates the biorhythms of physiological homeostasis. The pineal is the diamond if it exists slaved with bioresonance quantified. I am a victim of mind control, I did a real estate mobbing in Vilanova i la Geltru, and I have spent the last 5 years researching the subject, I do not understand how people with no culture denounces this aberration! I hope the congress will be made on 20 November in Brussels, on electromagnetic and electronic harassment that people do with culture begin to talk about this reality, thanks to the symbolic hermeneutics I know.

Is that forbidden fruit that the Bible says we should not touch, and for which punishment of Adam and Eve.




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