Master Taheri whose teachings speak of love and union of all for finding inner peace and improving health, and the founder of “Interuniversalism Spiritual Theory”, has been imprisoned in Iran through false accusations. Master Taheri has thousands of followers world-wide. However, the supporters of his teachings of peace in Iran have been forced into seclusion and isolation for the fear of their lives.
Master Taheri’s explorations and teachings of the past 30 years were closed under pressures by certain members of the Iranian government 6 years ago.
Master Taheri has been imprisoned for the past 2 and half years in solitary confinement, enduring harsh interrogations, and torture. He has been on a hunger strike for a few weeks in protest of unjust treatment and imprisonment as the judiciary system in Iran refuses appropriate defense and reevaluaton of his case. His health is rapidly deteriorating and the help of the world is needed.
We are a group of his students and we want to bring his innocent and humble voice to the world. WE NEED YOUR HELP to add volume to voices in any possible way, that demand justice and freedom for a man who has touched millions of lives through his compassionate teaching and unconditional love for all beings.
please sign this petition: