Please read it. Thanks.

I don’t want to explain why many “whys” below are important , please read it. Thanks.

Why 1.
CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION twice expressed its stances with Councils of Canadian on Non Lethal Weapons
Why 2.
UN CAT expressed its serious concern over the use of non lethal weapons since 2009
“26. The Committee notes that the Corrections Act 2004 provides a more consistent approach to the use of non-lethal weapons and requires that any such weapons can be used if allowed by regulation. The Committee asks which non-lethal weapons are authorized under the Act. The Committee also seeks an explanation of the circumstances where these weapons are used and how the Minister of Corrections monitors their use to ensure that it does not breach articles 2 and 16 of the Convention.
Why 3.
CNN reported Sonic Weapons, one type of non lethal weapons can travel in air, water, and all kinds of mediums.
Why 4.
UN twice viewed non lethal weapons as mass destruction in 2002 and 2010
Why 5.
Mr. Attorney General of Canada wrote me letter ,stating as follows

Why 6.
We wrote one letter to UN Committee Against Torture dated May 11,2012


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