KING SOLOMON HAS BEAUTIFUL PRAYERS TO GOD, AND MUCH KNOWLEDGE. MANY NAMES OF GOD THE SERVANTS CALLED UPON AND EVENTS IN ANCIENT DOCUMENTS. The Greater Key Of Solomon Including A Clear And Precise Exposition Of King Solomon’s Secret Procedure, Its Mysteries And Magic Rites,Original Plates, Seals, Charms And Talismans. Translated From Ancient Manuscripts In The British Museum, London. By S. Liddell MacGregor MathersWhen we enter herein with all humility, let God the Almighty One enter into thisCircle, by the entrance of an eternal happiness, of a Divine prosperity, of a perfect joy,of an abundant charity, and of an eternal salutation. Let all the demons fly from thisplace, especially those who are opposed unto this work, and let the Angels of Peaceassist and protect this Circle, from which let discord and strife fly and depart. Magnifyand extend upon us, O Lord, Thy most Holy Name, and bless our conversation andour assembly. Sanctify, O Lord our God, our humble entry herein, Thou the Blessedand Holy One of the Eternal Ages! Amen.O Lord God, All Powerful and All Merciful, Thou who desirest not the death of asinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness and live; give and grant untous thy grace, by blessing and consecrating this earth and this Circle, which is heremarked out with the most powerful and holy Names of God. And thee, I conjure, OEarth, by the Most Holy Name of ASHER EHIEH entering within this Circle, composedand made with mine hand. And may God, even ADONAI, bless this place withall the virtues of Heaven, so that no obscene or unclean spirit may have the power toenter into this Circle, or to annoy any person who is therein; though the Lord GodADONAI, Who liveth eternally unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.I beseech Thee, O Lord God, the All Powerful and the All Merciful, that Thou wiltdeign to bless this Circle, and all this place, and all those who are therein, and thatThou wilt grant unto us, who serve Thee, and rehearse nothing but the wonders of Thy law, a good Angel for our Guardian; remove from us every adverse power; preserveus from evil and from trouble; grant, O Lord, that we may rest in this place in allsafety, through Thee, O Lord, Who livest and reignest unto the Ages of the Ages.Amen.O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come unto Thee. O Lord God Almighty,who has reigned before the beginning of the Ages, and Who by Thine Infinite Wisdom,hast created the heavens, the earth, and the sea, and all that in them is, all that isvisible, and all that is invisible by a single word; I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I adoreThee, I glorify Thee, and I pray Thee now at the present time to be merciful unto me,a miserable sinner, for I am the work of Thine hands. Save me, and direct me by ThyHoly Name, Thou to Whom nothing is difficult, nothing is impossible; and deliver mefrom the night of mine ignorance, and enable me to go forth therefrom. Enlighten mewith a spark of Thine Infinite Wisdom. Take away from my senses the desire of covetousness,and the iniquity of mine idle words. Give unto me, Thy servant, a wiseunderstanding, penetrating and subtle heart, to acquire and comprehend all Sciencesand Arts; give unto me capacity to hear, and strength of memory to retain them, sothat I may be able to accomplish my desires, and understand and learn all difficult anddesirable Sciences; and also that I may be able to comprehend the hidden secrets of the Holy Writings. Give me the virtue to conceive them, so that I may be able to bringforth and pronounce my words with patience and humility, for the instruction of others,as Thou hast ordered me.O God, the Father, All Powerful and All Merciful, who hast created all things, whoknowest and conceivest them universally, and to Whom nothing is hidden, nothing isimpossible; I entreat Thy Grace for me and for Thy servants, because Thou seest andknowest well that we perform not this work to tempt Thy Strength and Thy Power asif in doubt thereof, hut rather that we may know and understand the truth of all hiddenthings. I beseech Thee to have the kindness to be favorable unto us; by ThySplendour, Thy Magnificence, and Thy Holiness, and by Thy Holy, Terrible, and IneffableName IAH, at which the whole world doth tremble, and by the Fear with whichall creatures obey Thee. Grant, O Lord, that we may become responsive unto ThyGrace, so that through it we may have a full confidence in and knowledge of Thee,and that the Spirits may discover themselves here in our presence, and that thosewhich are gentle and peaceable may come unto us, so that they may be obedient untoThy commands, through Thee, O Most Holy ADONAI, Whose Kingdom is an everlastingKingdom, and whose Empire endureth unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.O Lord, be Thou unto me a Tower of Strength against the appearance and assaultof the Evil SpiritsO Lord of Heaven and of Earth, before Thee do I confess my sins, and lament them,cast down and humbled in thy presence. For I have sinned before Thee by pride, avarice,and boundless desire of honours and riches; by idleness, gluttony, greed,debauchery, and drunkenness; because I have offended Thee by all kinds of sins of theflesh, adulteries, and pollutions, which I have committed myself, and consented thatothers should commit; by sacrilege, thefts, rapine, violation, and homicide; by the eviluse I have made of my possessions, by my prodigality, by the sins which I have committedagainst Hope and Charity, by my evil advice, flatteries, bribes, and the illdistribution which I have made of the goods of which I have been possessed; byrepulsing and maltreating the poor, in the distribution which I have made of thegoods committed to my charge, by afflicting those over whom I have been set inauthority, by not visiting the prisoners, by depriving the dead of burial, by not receivingthe poor, by neither feeding the hungry nor giving drink to the thirsty, by neverkeeping the Sabbath and the other feasts, by not living chastely and piously on thosedays, by the easy consent which I have given to those who incited me to evil deeds, byinjuring instead of aiding those who demanded help from me, by refusing to give earunto the cry of the poor, by not respecting the aged, by not keeping my word, by disobedienceto my parents, by ingratitude towards those from whom I have receivedkindness, by indulgence in sensual pleasures, by irreverent behaviour in the Temple ofGod, by unseemly gestures thereat, by entering therein without reverence, by vain andunprofitable discourse when there, by despising the sacred vessels of the temple, byturning the holy Ceremonies into ridicule, by touching and eating the sacred breadwith impure lips and with profane hands, and by the neglect of my prayers andadorations.I detest also the crimes which I have committed by evil thoughts, vain and impuremeditations, false suspicions, and rash judgments; by the evil consent which I havereadily given unto the advice of the wicked, by lust of impure and sensual pleasures;by my idle words, my lies, and my deceit; by my false vows in various ways; and by mycontinual slander and calumny.I detest also the crimes which I have committed within; the treachery and discordwhich I have incited; my curiosity, greed, false speaking, violence, malediction, murmurs,blasphemies, vain words, insults, dissimulations; my sins against God by thetransgression of the ten commandments, by neglect of my duties and obligations, andby want of love towards God and towards my neighbour.Furthermore I hate the sins which I have committed in all my senses, by sight, byhearing, by taste, by smell, and by touch, in every way that human weakness canoffend the Creator; by my carnal thoughts, deeds, and meditations In which I humbly confess that I have sinned, and recognise myself as being in thesight of God the most criminal of all men.I accuse myself before Thee, O God, and I adore Thee with all humility. O ye,Holy Angels, and ye, Children of God, in your presence I publish my sins, so thatmine Enemy may have no advantage over me, and may not be able to reproach me atthe last day; that he may not be able to say that I have concealed my sins, and that I benot then accused in the presence of the Lord; but, on the contrary, that on my accountthere may be joy in Heaven, as over the just who have confessed their sins in thypresence.O Most Almighty and All Powerful Father, grant through Thine unboundedMercy that I may both see and know all the Spirits which I invoke, so that by theirmeans I may see my will and desire accomplished, by The Sovereign grandeur, and byThine ineffable and Eternal Glory, Thou Who art and Who wilt be for ever the Pureand Ineffable Father of ALL.O Lord All Powerful, Eternal God and Father of all Creatures, shed upon me theDivine Influence of Thy Mercy, for I am Thy Creature. I beseech Thee to defend mefrom mine Enemies, and to confirm in me true and steadfast faith.O Lord, I commit my Body and my Soul unto thee, seeing I put my trust in nonebeside Thee; it is on thee alone that I rely; O Lord my God aid me; O Lord hear me inthe day and hour wherein I shall invoke Thee. I pray Thee by Thy Mercy not to put mein oblivion, nor to remove me from Thee. O Lord be Thou my succor, Thou Who artthe God of my salvation. O Lord make me a new heart according unto Thy lovingKindness. These, O Lord, are the gifts which I await from Thee, O my God and myMaster, Thou who livest and reignest unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.O Lord God the All Powerful One, who hast formed unto Thyself great and IneffableWisdom, and Co-eternal with Thyself before the countless Ages; Thou Who inthe Birth of Time hast created the Heavens, and the Earth, the Sea, and things thatthey contain; Thou who hast vivified all things by the Breath of Thy Mouth, I praiseThee, I bless Thee, I adore Thee, and I glorify Thee. Be Thou propitious unto me whoam but a miserable sinner, and despise me not; save me and succor me, even me thework of Thine hands. I conjure and entreat thee by Thy Holy Name to banish frommy Spirit the darkness of Ignorance, and to enlighten ne with the Fire of thy Wisdom;take away from me all evil desires, and let not my speech be as that of the foolish. OThou, God the Living One, whose Glory, Honour, and Kingdom shall extend unto theAges of the Ages. Amen.O Lord God, Holy Father, Almighty and Merciful One, who hast created all things,Who knowest all things and can do all things, from Whom nothing is hidden, towhom nothing is impossible; Thou who knowest that we perform not these ceremoniesto tempt Thy power, but that we may penetrate into the knowledge of hiddenthings; we pray Thee by Thy Sacred Mercy to cause and to permit, that we may arriveat this understanding of secret things, of whatever nature they may be by Thine aid, OMost Holy ADONAI, whose Kingdom and Power shall have no end unto the Ages ofthe Ages. Amen.O Lord, be Thou unto me a strong tower of refuge, from the sight and assaults ofthe Evil Spirits.Behold the Symbols and Names of the Creator, which give unto ye forever Terrorand Fear. Obey then, by the virtue of these Holy Names, and by these Mysteries ofMysteries.O ye Spirits, ye I conjure by the Power, Wisdom, and Virtue of the Spirit of God,by the uncreate Divine Knowledge, by the vast Mercy of God, by the Strength of God,by the Greatness of God, by the Unity of God; and by the holy Name of God EHEIEH,which is the root, trunk, source, and origin of all the other Divine Names, whencethey all draw their life and their virtue, which Adam having invoked, he acquired theknowledge of all created things.I conjure ye by the indivisible Name IOD, which marketh and expresseth the Simplicityand the Unity of the Nature Divine, which Abel having invoked, he deserved toescape from the hands of Cain his brother. I conjure ye by the Name TETRAGRAMMATON ELOHIM, which expresseth andsignifieth the Grandeur of so lofty a Majesty, that Noah having pronounced it, savedhimself, and protected himself with his whole household from the Waters of theDeluge.I conjure ye by the Name of God EL Strong and Wonderful, which denoteth theMercy and Goodness of His Majesty Divine, which Abraham having invoked, he wasfound worthy to come forth from the Ur of the Chaldeans.I conjure ye by the most powerful Name of ELOHIM GIBOR, which showethforth the Strength of God, of a God All Powerful, who punisheth the crimes of thewicked, Who seeketh out and chastiseth the iniquities of the fathers upon the childrenunto the third and fourth generation; which Isaac having invoked, he was found worthyto escape from the Sword of Abraham his father.I conjure ye and I exorcise ye by the most holy Name of ELOAH VA-DAATH,which Jacob invoked when in great trouble, and was found worthy to bear the Nameof Israel, which signifieth Vanquisher of God; and he was delivered from the fury ofEsau his brother.I conjure ye by the most potent Name of EL. ADONAI TZABAOTH, which is theGod of Armies, ruling in the Heavens, which Joseph invoked and was found worthy toescape from the hands of his Brethren.I conjure ye by the most potent Name of ELOHIM TZABAOTH, which expressethpiety, mercy, splendour, and knowledge of God, which Moses invoked, and hewas found worthy to deliver the People Israel from Egypt, and from the servitude ofPharaoh.I conjure ye by the most potent Name of SHADDAI, which signifieth doing goodunto all; which Moses invoked, and having struck the Sea, it divided into two parts inthe midst, on the right hand and on the left. I conjure ye by the most holy Name of ELCHAI, which is that of the Living God, through the virtue of which alliance with us,and redemption for us have been made; which Moses invoked and all the watersreturned to their prior state and enveloped the Egyptians, so that not one of themescaped to carry the news into the Land of Mizraim.Lastly, I conjure ye all, ye rebellious Spirits, by the most holy Name of GodADONAI MALEKH, which Joshua invoked, and stayed the course of the Sun in hispresence, through the virtue of Methratton, its principal Image; and by the troops ofAngels who cease not to cry day and night, QADOSCH, SADOSCH, QADOSCH,ADONAI ELOHIM TZABAOTH (that is, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts,Heaven and Earth are full of Thy Glory); and by the Ten Angels who preside over theTen Sephiroth, by whom God communicateth and extendeth His influence over lowerthings, which are KETHER, CHOKMAH, BINAH, GEDULAH, GEBURAH, TIPHARETH,NETZACH, HOD, YESOD, AND MALKUTH.I conjure ye anew, O Spirits, by all the Names of God, and by all His marvellouswork; by the heavens; by the earth; by the sea; by the depth of the Abyss, and by thatfirmament which the very Spirit of God hath moved; by the sun and by the stars; bythe waters and by the seas, and all which they contain; by the winds, the whirlwinds, and the tempests; by the virtue of all herbs, plants, and stones; by all which is in theheavens, upon the earth, and in all the Abysses of the Shades.I conjure ye anew, and I powerfully urge ye, O Demons, in whatsoever part of theworld ye may be, so that ye shall be unable to remain in air, fire, water, earth, or in anypart of the universe, or in any pleasant place which may attract ye; but that ye comepromptly to accomplish our desire, and all things that we demand from yourobedience.I conjure ye anew by the two Tables of the Law, by the five books of Moses, by theSeven Burning Lamps on the Candlestick of Gold before the face of the Throne of theMajesty of God, and by the Holy of Holies wherein the KOHEN HA-GADUL wasalone permitted to enter, that is to say, the High-Priest.I conjure ye by Him Who hath made the heavens and the earth, and who hathmeasured those heavens in the hollow of His hand, and enclosed the earth with threeof His fingers, Who is seated upon the Kerubim and upon the Seraphim; and by theKerubim, which is called the Kerub, which God constituted and placed to guard theTree of Life, armed with a flaming sword, after that Man had been driven out ofParadise.I conjure ye anew, Apostates from God, by Him who alone hath performed greatwonders; by the Heavenly Jerusalem; and by the Most Holy Name of God in Four Letters,and by Him Who enlighteneth all things and shineth upon all things by hisVenerable and Ineffable Name, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH; that ye come immediatelyto execute our desire, whatever it may be.I conjure ye, and I command ye absolutely, O Demons, in whatsoever part of theUniverse ye may be, by the virtue of all these Holy Names;-- ADONAI, JAH, HOA,EL, ELOAH, ELOHINU, ELOHIM, EHEIEH, MARON, KAPHU, ESCH, INNON,AVEN, AGLA, HAZOR, EMETH, YAH, ARARITHA, YOVA, HA-KABIR, MESSIACH,IONAH, MAL-KA, EREL, KUZU, MATZPATZ EL SHADDAI; and by all theHoly names of God which have been written with blood in the sign of an eternalalliance.I conjure ye anew by these other names of God, Most Holy and unknown, by thevirtue of which Names ye tremble every day;-- BARUC, BACURABON, PATACEL,ALCHEEGHEL, AQUACHAI, HOMORION, EHEIEH, ARBATON, CHEVON,CEBON, OYZROYMAS, CHAI, EHEIEH, ALBAMACHI, ORTAGU, NALE,ABELECH (or HELECH), YEZE (or SECHEZZE); that ye come quickly and withoutany delay into our presence from every quarter and every climate of the worldwherein ye may be, to execute all that we shall command ye in the Great Name ofGod.Here be the Symbols of Secret things, the standards, the ensigns and the banners,of God the Conqueror; and the arms of the Almighty One, to compel the AerialPotencies. I command ye absolutely by their power and virtue that ye come near untous, into our presence, from whatsoever part of the world ye may be in, and that yedelay not to obey us in all things wherein we shall command ye by the virtue of Godthe Mighty One. Come ye promptly, and delay not to appear, and answer us withhumility Here again I conjure ye and most urgently command ye; I force, constrain, andexhort ye to the utmost, by the most mighty and powerful Name of God EL, strongand wonderful, and by God the Just and Upright, I exorcise ye and command ye thatye in no way delay, but that ye come immediately and upon the instant hither beforeus, without noise, deformity, or hideousness, but with all manner of gentleness andmildness.I exorcise ye anew, and powerfully conjure ye, commanding ye with strength andviolence by Him Who spake and it was done; and by all these names: EL, SHADDAI,ELOHIM, ELOHI, TZABAOTH, ELIM, ASHER EHEIEH, YAH, TETRAGRAMMATON,SHADDAI, which signify God the High and Almighty, the God of Israel,through Whom undertaking all our operations we shall prosper in all the works ofour hands, seeing that the Lord is now, always, and for ever with us, in our heart andin our lips; and by His Holy Names, and by the virtue of the Sovereign God, we shallaccomplish all our work. Come ye at once without any hideousness or deformity before us, come ye withoutmonstrous appearance, in a gracious form or figure. Come ye, for we exorcise yewith the utmost vehemence by the Name of IAO and ON, which Adam spake andheard; by the Name EL, which Noah heard, and saved himself with all his family fromthe Deluge; by the Name IOD, which Noah heard, and knew God the Almighty One;by the Name AGLA, which Jacob heard, and saw the Ladder which touched Heaven,and the Angels who ascended and descended upon it, whence he called that place theHouse of God and the Gate of Heaven; and by the Name ELOHIM, and in the NameELOHIM, which Moses named, invoked, and heard in Horeb the Mount of God, andhe was found worthy to hear Him speak from the Burning Bush; and by the NameAIN SOPH, which Aaron heard, and was at once made eloquent, wise, and learned;and by the Name TZABAOTH, which Moses named and invoked, and all the pondsand rivers were covered with blood throughout the land of Egypt; and by the nameIOD, which Moses named and invoked, and striking upon the dust of the earth bothmen and beasts were struck with disease; and by the Name, and in the NamePRIMEUMATON, which Moses named and invoked, and there fell a great and severehail throughout all the land of Egypt, destroying the vines, the trees, and the woodswhich were in that country; and by the Name IAPHAR, which Moses heard andinvoked, and immediately a great pestilence began to appear through all the land ofEgypt, striking and slaying the asses, the oxen, and the sheep of the Egyptians, so thatthey all died; and by the Name ABADDON which Moses invoked and sprinkled thedust towards heaven, and immediately there fell so great rain upon the men, cattle,and flocks, that they all died throughout the land of Egypt; and by the Name ELIONwhich Moses invoked, and there fell so great hail as had never been seen from thebeginning of the world unto that time, so that all men, and herds, and everything thatwas in the fields perished and died throughout all the land of Egypt. And by the NameEDONAL, which Moses having invoked, there came so great a quantity of locustswhich appeared in the land of Egypt, that they devoured and swallowed up all that thehail had spared; and by the Name of PATHEON, which having invoked, there arose sothick, so awful, and so terrible darkness throughout the land of Egypt, during thespace of three days and three nights, that almost all who were left alive died; and bythe Name YESOD and in the Name YESOD, which Moses invoked, and at midnightall the first-born, both of men and of animals, died; and by the Name of YESHIMON,which Moses named and invoked, and the Red Sea divided itself and separated in two;and by the name HESION, which Moses invoked, and all the army of Pharaoh wasdrowned in the waters; and by the Name ANABONA, which Moses having heardupon Mount Sinai, he was found worthy to receive and obtain the tables of stonewritten with the finger of God the Creator; and by the Name ERYGION, which Joshuahaving invoked when he fought against the Moabites, he defeated them and gainedthe victory; and by the Name HOA, and in the Name HOA, which David invoked, andhe was delivered from the hand of Goliath; and by the name YOD, which Solomonhaving named and invoked, he was found worthy to ask for and obtain in sleep theIneffable Wisdom of God; and by the Name YIAI, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to have power over all the Demons, Potencies, Powers,and Virtues of the Air.By these, then, and by all the other Names of God Almighty, Holy, Living, andTrue, we powerfully command ye, ye who by your own sin have been cast down fromthe Empyreal Heaven, and from before His Throne; by Him who hath cast ye downunto the most profound of the Abysses of Hell, we command Ye boldly and resolutely;and by that terrible Day of the Sovereign Judgment of God, on which all the dry bonesin the earth will arise to hear and listen unto the Word of God with their body, andwill present themselves before the face of God Almighty; and by that Last Fire whichshall consume all things; by the (Crystal) Sea which is known unto us, which is beforethe Face of God: by the indicible and ineffable virtue, force, and power of the CreatorHimself, by His Almighty power, and by the Light and Flame which emanate from HisCountenance, and which are before His Face; by the Angelical Powers which are in theHeavens, and by the most great Wisdom of Almighty God; by the Seal of David, by theRing and Seal of Solomon, which was revealed unto him by the Most High and SovereignCreator; and by the Nine Medals or Pentacles, which we have among ourSymbols, which proceed and come from Heaven, and are among the Mysteries ofMysteries or Secrets of Secrets, which you can also behold in my hand, consecratedand exorcised with the due and requisite Ceremonies. By these, then, and by all theSecrets which the Almighty encloseth in the Treasures of the Sovereign and HighestWisdom, by His Hand, and by His marvellous power; I conjure, force, and exorcise yethat ye come without delay to perform in our presence that which we shall commandye.I conjure ye anew by that most Holy Name which the whole Universe fears,respects, and reveres, which is written by these letters and characters, IOD, HE, VAU,HE; and by the last and terrible judgment; by the Seat of BALDACHIA; and by thisHoly Name, YIAI, which Moses invoked, and there followed that great Judgment ofGod, when Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up in the centre of the earth. Otherwise,if ye contravene and resist us by your disobedience unto the virtue and power ofthis Name YIAI, we curse ye even unto the Depth of the Great Abyss, into the whichwe shall cast, hurl, and bind ye, if ye show yourselves rebellious against the Secret ofSecrets, and against the Mystery of Mysteries. AMEN, AMEN. FIAT, FIAT.Behold anew the Symbol and the Name of a Sovereign and Conquering God,through which all the Universe fears, trembles, and shudders, and through the mostmysterious words of the Secret Mysteries and by their Virtue, Strength, and Power. I conjure ye anew, I constrain and command ye with the utmost vehemence andpower, by that most potent and powerful Name of God, EL, strong and wonderful, byHim who spake and it was done; and by the Name IAH, which Moses heard, andspoke with God; and by the Name AGLA, which Joseph invoked, and was deliveredout of the hands of his brethren; and by the Name VAU, which Abraham heard, andknew God the Almighty One; and by the Name of Four Letters, TETRAGRAMMATON,which Joshua named and invoked, and he was rendered worthy and founddeserving to lead the Army of Israel into the Promised Land; and by the Name ANABONA,by which God formed Man and the whole Universe; and by the NameARPHETON, and in the Name ARPHETON, by which the Angels who are destined tothat end will summon the Universe, in visible body and form, and will assemble (allpeople) together by the sound of the Trumpet at that terrible and awful Day of Judgment,when the memory of the wicked and ungodly shall perish; and by the NameADONAI, by which God will judge all human flesh, at Whose voice all men, bothgood and evil, will rise again, and all men and Angels will assemble in the air beforethe Lord, Who will judge and condemn the wicked; and by the Name ONEIPHETON,by which God will summon the dead, and raise them up again unto life; and by theName ELOHIM, and in the Name ELOHIM, by which God will disturb and excitetempests throughout all the seas, so that they will cast out the fish therefrom, and inone day the third part of men about the sea and the rivers shall die; and by the NameELOHI, and in the Name ELOHI, by which God will dry up the sea and the rivers, sothat men can go on foot through their channels; and by the Name ON, and in theName ON, by which God shall restore and replace the sea, the rivers, the streams, andthe brooks, in their previous state; and by the Name MESSIACH, and in the NameMESSIACH, by which God will make all animals combat together, so that they shalldie in a single day; and by the Name ARIEL, by which God shall destroy in a singleday all buildings, so that there shall not be left one stone upon another; and by theName IAHT, by which God will cast one stone upon another, so that all people andnations will fly from the sea-shore, and will say unto them cover us and hide us; andby the Name EMANUEL, by which God will perform wonders, and the winged creaturesand birds of the air shall contend with one another; and by the Name ANAEL,and in the Name ANAEL, by which God will cast down the mountains and fill up thevalleys, so that the surface of the earth shall be level in all parts; and by the NameZEDEREZA, and in the Name ZEDEREZA, by which God will cause the Sun andMoon to be darkened. and the Stars of heaven to fall; and by the Name SEPHERIEL,by which God will come to Universal Judgment, like a Prince newly crowned enteringin triumph into his capital city, girded with a zone of gold, and preceded by Angels,and at His aspect all climes and parts of the Universe shall be troubled and astonished,and a fire shall go forth before Him, and flames and storm shall surround Him; andby the Name TAU, by which God brought the Deluge, and the waters prevailed abovethe mountains, and fifteen cubits above their summits; and by the Name RUACHIAH,by which God having purged the Ages, He will make His Holy spirit todescend upon the Universe, and will cast ye, ye rebellious Spirits, and unclean beings, into the Depths of the Lake of the Abyss, in misery, filth, and mire, and will place ye inimpure and foul dungeons bound with eternal chains of fire.By these Names then, and by all the other Holy Names of God before Whom noman can stand and live, and which Names the armies of the Demons fear, tremble at,and shudder; we conjure ye, we potently exorcise and command ye, conjuring ye inaddition by the terrible and tremendous PATHS of God and by His Holy habitationwherein He reigneth and commandeth unto the eternal Ages. Amen.By the virtue of all these aforesaid, we command ye that ye remain not in anyplace wherein ye are, but to come hither promptly without delay to do that which weshall enjoin ye. But if ye be still contumacious, we, by the Authority of a Sovereign andPotent God, deprive ye of all quality, condition, degree, and place which ye now enjoy,and precipitate ye into and relegate ye unto the Kingdom of Fire and of Sulphur, to bethere eternally tormented Come ye then from all parts of the earth, wheresoever yemay be, and behold the Symbols and Names of that Triumphant Sovereign Whom allcreatures obey, otherwise we shall bind ye and conduct ye in spite of yourselves, intoour presence bound with chains of fire, because those effects which proceed and issuefrom our Science and operation, are ardent with a fire which shall consume and burnye eternally, for by these the whole Universe trembleth, the earth is moved, the stonesthereof rush together, all creatures obey, and the rebellious Spirits are tormented bythe power of the Sovereign Creator.I conjure and pray ye, O ye Angels of God, and ye Celestial Spirits, to come untomine aid; come and behold the Signs of Heaven, and be my witness before the SovereignLord, of the disobedience of these evil and fallen Spirits who were at one timeyour companions. Behold us again prepared to conjure ye by the Names and Symbols of God, wherewithwe are fortified, and by the virtue of the Highest One. We command ye andpotently ordain ye by the most strong and powerful Names of God, Who is worthy ofall praise, admiration, honor, glory, veneration, and fear, that ye delay not longer, butthat ye appear before us without any tumult or disturbance, but, on the contrary, withgreat respect and courtesy, in a beautiful and human form.Obey ye, Obey ye, behold the Symbols and Names of the Creator; be ye gentle andpeaceable, and obey in all things that we shall command ye.In the Name of ADONAI ELOHIM TZABAOTH SHADDAI, Lord God of ArmiesAlmighty, may we successfully perform the works of our hands. and may the Lord bepresent with us in our heart and in our lips.By the Holy Names of God written in this Book, and by the other Holy and IneffableNames which are written in the Book of Life, we conjure ye to come unto uspromptly and without any delay, wherefore tarry not, but appear in a beautiful andagreeable form the figure, by these Holy Names: ADONAI, TZABAOTH, EL, ELOHI,ELOHIM, SHADDAI and by EHEIEH, YOD HE VAU HE which is the Great Name ofGod TETRAGRAMMATON written with Four Letters, ANAPHODITION, and ineffable;by the God of those Virtues and Potencies, Who dwelleth in the Heavens, Whorideth upon the Kerubim, Who moveth upon the Wings of the Wind, He WhosePower is in Heaven and in Earth, Who spake and it was done, Who commanded andthe whole Universe was created; and by the Holy Names and in the Holy Names, IAH,IAH, IAH, ADONAI TZABAOTH; and by all the Names of God, the Living, and theTrue, I reiterate the Conjuration, and I conjure ye afresh ye Evil and rebellious Spirits,abiding in the Abysses of Darkness. I conjure, I address, and I exorcise ye, that ye may approach unto and come beforethe Throne of God, the Living and the True, and before the Tribunal of the Judgmentof His Majesty, and before the Holy Angels of God to hear the sentence of yourcondemnation.Come ye then by the Name and in the Name of SHADDAI which is that of GodAlmighty, strong, powerful, admirable, exalted, pure, clean, glorified, virtuous, great,just, terrible, and holy; and by the Name and in the Name of EL, IAH, IAH, IAH,Who hath formed and created the world by the Breath of His Mouth, Who supportethit by His Power, Who ruleth and governeth it by His Wisdom, and Who hath cast yefor your pride into the Land of Darkness and into the Shadow of Death.Therefore, by the Name of the Living God, Who hath formed the heavens above,and hath laid the foundations of the earth beneath, we command ye that, immediatelyand without any delay, ye come unto us from all places, valleys, mountains, hills, field,seas, rivers, fountains, ponds, brooks, caverns, grottos, cities, towns, villages, markets,fairs, habitations, baths, courtyards, gardens, vineyards, plantations, reservoirs, cisterns,and from every corner of the terrestrial earth where ye may happen to be inyour assemblies, so that ye may execute and accomplish our demands with all mildnessand courtesy; by that Ineffable Name which Moses heard and invoked, which hereceived from God from the midst of the Burning Bush, we conjure ye to obey ourcommands, and to come unto us promptly with all gentleness of manner.Again we command ye with vehemence, and we exorcise ye with constancy, thatye and all your comrades come unto us in an agreeable and gracious manner like thebreeze, to accomplish successively our various commands and desires. Come ye, then,by the virtue of these Names by the which we exorcise ye; ANAI, ÆCHHAD,TRANSIN, EMETH, CHAIA, IONA, PROFA, TITACHE, BEN ANI, BRIAH, THEIT;all which names are written in Heaven in the characters of Malachim, that is to say,the tongue of the Angels.We then, by the just judgment of God, by the Ineffable and Admirable Virtue ofGod, just, living, and true, we call ye with power, we force and exorcise ye by and inthe admirable Name which was written on the Tables of Stone which God gave uponMount Sinai; and by and in the wonderful Name which Aaron the High Priest barewritten upon his breast, by which also God created the World, the which name isAXINETON; and by the Living God Who is One throughout the Ages, whose dwellingis in the Ineffable Light, Whose Name is Wisdom, and Whose Spirit is Life, beforeWhom goeth forth Fire and Flame, Who hath from that Fire formed the firmament,the Stars and the Sun; and Who with that Fire will burn ye all for ever, as also all whoshall contravene the Words of His Will.Come ye, then, without delay, without noise, and without rage, before us, withoutany deformity or hideousness, to execute all our will; come ye from all places whereinye are, from all mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, brooks, ponds, places, baths, synagogues;for God, strong and powerful, will chase ye and constrain ye, being gloriousover all things; He will compel ye, both ye and the Prince of Darkness. Come ye, comeye, Angels of Darkness; come hither before this Circle without fear, terror, or deformity, to execute our commands, and be ye ready both to achieve and to complete allthat we shall command ye.Come ye, then, by the Crown of the Chief of your Emperors, and by the Sceptresof your power, and of SID, the Great Demon, your Master; by the Names and in theNames of the Holy Angels who have been created to be above you, long before theconstitution of the world; and by the Names of the two Princes of the Universe, whoseNames are, IONIEL and SEFONIEL; by the rod of Moses, by the staff of Jacob; by thering and seal of David, wherein are written the Names of Sovereign God; and by theNames of the Angels by which SOLOMON has linked and bound ye; and by thesacred bonds by which ANAEL hath environed and hath conquered the Spirit: and bythe Name of the Angel who ruleth potently over the rest, and by the praise of all creatureswho cry incessantly unto God, Who spake, and immediately all things, even theAges, were made and formed; and by the Name HA-QADOSCH BERAKHA, whichsignifies the Holy and Blessed One; and by the Ten Choirs of the Holy AngelsCHAIOTH HA-QADESH, AUPHANIM, ARALIM, CHASHMALIM, SERAPHIM,MALACHIM, ELOHIM, BENI ELOHIM, KERUBIM, and ISHIM; and by, and in theSacred name of Twelve Letters of which each letter is the Name of an Angel, and theletters of the Name are ALEPH, BETH, BETH, NUN, VAU, RESH, VAU, CHETH, HE,QOPH, DALETH, SHIN.By these Names therefore, and by all the other Holy Names, we conjure ye and weexorcise ye; by the Angel ZECHIEL; by the Angel DUCHIEL; by the AngelDONACHIEL; and by the Great Angel METATRON, Who is the Prince of the Angels,and introduceth the Souls before the Face of God; and by the Angel SANGARIEL, bywhom the portals of Heaven are guarded; and by the Angel KERUB, who was madethe Guardian of the Terrestrial Paradise, with a Sword of Flame, after the expulsion ofAdam our forefather; and by the Angel MICHAEL by whom ye were hurled downfrom the Height of the THRONE into the Depth of the Lake and of the Abyss, thesame Name meaning, “Who is like God upon Earth;” and by the Angel ANIEL; and bythe Angel OPHIEL; and by the Angel BEDALIEL; wherefore, by these and by all theother Holy Names of the Angels, we powerfully conjure and exorcise ye, that ye comefrom all parts of the world immediately, and without any delay, to perform our willand demands, obeying us quickly and courteously, and that ye come by the Name andin the Name of ALEPH, DALETH, NUN, IOD, for we exorcise ye anew by the applicationof these Letters, by whose power burning fire is quenched, and the wholeUniverse trembleth.We constrain ye yet again by the Seal of the Sun which is the Word of God; and bythe Seal of the Moon and of the Stars we bind ye; and by the other Animals and Creatureswhich are in Heaven, by whose wings Heaven cleanseth itself, we force andattract ye imperiously to execute our will without failure. And we conjure, oblige, andterribly exorcise ye, that ye draw near unto us without delay and without fear, as far asis possible unto ye, here before this Circle, as supplicants gently and with discretion,to accomplish our will in all and through all. If ye come promptly and voluntarily, yeshall inhale our perfumes, and our suffumigations of pleasant odour, which will be both agreeable and delightful unto ye. Furthermore ye will see the Symbol of yourCreator, and the Names of his Holy Angels, and we shall afterwards dismiss ye, andsend ye hence with thanks. But if, on the contrary, ye come not quickly, and ye showyourselves self-opinionated, rebellious, and contumacious, we shall conjure ye again,and exorcise ye ceaselessly, and will repeat all the aforesaid words and Holy Names ofGod and of the Holy Angels; by the which Names we shall harass you, and if that benot sufficient we will add thereunto yet greater and more powerful ones, and we willthereunto again add other Names which ye have not yet heard from us, which arethose of an Almighty God, and which will make ye tremble and quake with fear, bothye and your princes; by the which Names we conjure both you and them also, and weshall not desist from our work until the accomplishment of our will. But if perchanceye yet shall harden yourselves, and show yourselves self-opinionated, disobedient,rebellious, refractory, and contumacious, and if ye yet resist our powerful conjurations,we shall pronounce against you this warrant of arrest in the Name of GodAlmighty, and this definite sentence that ye shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy,and that in sign of the Divine Vengeance ye shall all perish by a terrifying andhorrible death, and that a fire shall consume and devour you on every side, andutterly crush you; and that by the Power of God, a flame shall go forth from HisMouth which shall burn ye up and reduce ye unto nothing in Hell. Wherefore delay yenot to come, for we shall not cease from these powerful conjurations until ye shall beobliged to appear against your will.Thus then, therefore, we anew conjure and exorcise ye by and in the Holy Nameof ON, which is interpreted and called God; by the Name and in the Name of EHEIH,which is the true Name of God, “I am He who Is;” by and in the Ineffable Name ofFour Letters YOD HE VAU HE, the Knowledge and understanding of which is hiddeneven from the Angels; by the Name and in the Name of EL, which signifieth anddenoteth the powerful and consuming fire which issueth from His Countenance, andwhich shall be your ruin and destruction; and by the Light of the Angels which is kindledand taken ineffably from that flame of Divine ardour.By these then, and by other most Holy Names which we pronounce against youfrom the bottom of our hearts, do we force and constrain ye, if ye be yet rebelliousand disobedient. We conjure ye powerfully and strongly exorcise ye, that ye comeunto us with joy and quickness, without fraud or deceit, in truth and not in error.Come ye then, come ye, behold the Signs and the Names of your Creator, beholdthe Holy Pentacles by the virtue of which the Earth is moved, the trees thereof and theAbysses tremble. Come ye; come ye; Come ye.I conjure and pray ye, O ye Angels of God, and ye Celestial Spirits, to come untomine aid; come and behold the Signs of Heaven, and be my witness before the SovereignLord, of the disobedience of these evil and fallen Spirits who were at one timeyour companions. Behold us again prepared to conjure ye by the Names and Symbols of God, wherewithwe are fortified, and by the virtue of the Highest One. We command ye andpotently ordain ye by the most strong and powerful Names of God, Who is worthy ofall praise, admiration, honor, glory, veneration, and fear, that ye delay not longer, butthat ye appear before us without any tumult or disturbance, but, on the contrary, withgreat respect and courtesy, in a beautiful and human form.Obey ye, Obey ye, behold the Symbols and Names of the Creator; be ye gentle andpeaceable, and obey in all things that we shall command ye.In the Name of ADONAI ELOHIM TZABAOTH SHADDAI, Lord God of ArmiesAlmighty, may we successfully perform the works of our hands. and may the Lord bepresent with us in our heart and in our lips.By the Holy Names of God written in this Book, and by the other Holy and IneffableNames which are written in the Book of Life, we conjure ye to come unto uspromptly and without any delay, wherefore tarry not, but appear in a beautiful andagreeable form the figure, by these Holy Names: ADONAI, TZABAOTH, EL, ELOHI,ELOHIM, SHADDAI and by EHEIEH, YOD HE VAU HE which is the Great Name ofGod TETRAGRAMMATON written with Four Letters, ANAPHODITION, and ineffable;by the God of those Virtues and Potencies, Who dwelleth in the Heavens, Whorideth upon the Kerubim, Who moveth upon the Wings of the Wind, He WhosePower is in Heaven and in Earth, Who spake and it was done, Who commanded andthe whole Universe was created; and by the Holy Names and in the Holy Names, IAH,IAH, IAH, ADONAI TZABAOTH; and by all the Names of God, the Living, and theTrue, I reiterate the Conjuration, and I conjure ye afresh ye Evil and rebellious Spirits,abiding in the Abysses of Darkness. I conjure, I address, and I exorcise ye, that ye may approach unto and come beforethe Throne of God, the Living and the True, and before the Tribunal of the Judgmentof His Majesty, and before the Holy Angels of God to hear the sentence of yourcondemnation.Come ye then by the Name and in the Name of SHADDAI which is that of GodAlmighty, strong, powerful, admirable, exalted, pure, clean, glorified, virtuous, great,just, terrible, and holy; and by the Name and in the Name of EL, IAH, IAH, IAH,Who hath formed and created the world by the Breath of His Mouth, Who supportethit by His Power, Who ruleth and governeth it by His Wisdom, and Who hath cast yefor your pride into the Land of Darkness and into the Shadow of Death.Therefore, by the Name of the Living God, Who hath formed the heavens above,and hath laid the foundations of the earth beneath, we command ye that, immediatelyand without any delay, ye come unto us from all places, valleys, mountains, hills, field,seas, rivers, fountains, ponds, brooks, caverns, grottos, cities, towns, villages, markets,fairs, habitations, baths, courtyards, gardens, vineyards, plantations, reservoirs, cisterns,and from every corner of the terrestrial earth where ye may happen to be inyour assemblies, so that ye may execute and accomplish our demands with all mildnessand courtesy; by that Ineffable Name which Moses heard and invoked, which hereceived from God from the midst of the Burning Bush, we conjure ye to obey ourcommands, and to come unto us promptly with all gentleness of manner.Again we command ye with vehemence, and we exorcise ye with constancy, thatye and all your comrades come unto us in an agreeable and gracious manner like thebreeze, to accomplish successively our various commands and desires. Come ye, then,by the virtue of these Names by the which we exorcise ye; ANAI, ÆCHHAD,TRANSIN, EMETH, CHAIA, IONA, PROFA, TITACHE, BEN ANI, BRIAH, THEIT;all which names are written in Heaven in the characters of Malachim, that is to say,the tongue of the Angels.We then, by the just judgment of God, by the Ineffable and Admirable Virtue ofGod, just, living, and true, we call ye with power, we force and exorcise ye by and inthe admirable Name which was written on the Tables of Stone which God gave uponMount Sinai; and by and in the wonderful Name which Aaron the High Priest barewritten upon his breast, by which also God created the World, the which name isAXINETON; and by the Living God Who is One throughout the Ages, whose dwellingis in the Ineffable Light, Whose Name is Wisdom, and Whose Spirit is Life, beforeWhom goeth forth Fire and Flame, Who hath from that Fire formed the firmament,the Stars and the Sun; and Who with that Fire will burn ye all for ever, as also all whoshall contravene the Words of His Will.Come ye, then, without delay, without noise, and without rage, before us, withoutany deformity or hideousness, to execute all our will; come ye from all places whereinye are, from all mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, brooks, ponds, places, baths, synagogues;for God, strong and powerful, will chase ye and constrain ye, being gloriousover all things; He will compel ye, both ye and the Prince of Darkness. Come ye, comeye, Angels of Darkness; come hither before this Circle without fear, terror, or deformity, to execute our commands, and be ye ready both to achieve and to complete allthat we shall command ye.Come ye, then, by the Crown of the Chief of your Emperors, and by the Sceptresof your power, and of SID, the Great Demon, your Master; by the Names and in theNames of the Holy Angels who have been created to be above you, long before theconstitution of the world; and by the Names of the two Princes of the Universe, whoseNames are, IONIEL and SEFONIEL; by the rod of Moses, by the staff of Jacob; by thering and seal of David, wherein are written the Names of Sovereign God; and by theNames of the Angels by which SOLOMON has linked and bound ye; and by thesacred bonds by which ANAEL hath environed and hath conquered the Spirit: and bythe Name of the Angel who ruleth potently over the rest, and by the praise of all creatureswho cry incessantly unto God, Who spake, and immediately all things, even theAges, were made and formed; and by the Name HA-QADOSCH BERAKHA, whichsignifies the Holy and Blessed One; and by the Ten Choirs of the Holy AngelsCHAIOTH HA-QADESH, AUPHANIM, ARALIM, CHASHMALIM, SERAPHIM,MALACHIM, ELOHIM, BENI ELOHIM, KERUBIM, and ISHIM; and by, and in theSacred name of Twelve Letters of which each letter is the Name of an Angel, and theletters of the Name are ALEPH, BETH, BETH, NUN, VAU, RESH, VAU, CHETH, HE,QOPH, DALETH, SHIN.By these Names therefore, and by all the other Holy Names, we conjure ye and weexorcise ye; by the Angel ZECHIEL; by the Angel DUCHIEL; by the AngelDONACHIEL; and by the Great Angel METATRON, Who is the Prince of the Angels,and introduceth the Souls before the Face of God; and by the Angel SANGARIEL, bywhom the portals of Heaven are guarded; and by the Angel KERUB, who was madethe Guardian of the Terrestrial Paradise, with a Sword of Flame, after the expulsion ofAdam our forefather; and by the Angel MICHAEL by whom ye were hurled downfrom the Height of the THRONE into the Depth of the Lake and of the Abyss, thesame Name meaning, “Who is like God upon Earth;” and by the Angel ANIEL; and bythe Angel OPHIEL; and by the Angel BEDALIEL; wherefore, by these and by all theother Holy Names of the Angels, we powerfully conjure and exorcise ye, that ye comefrom all parts of the world immediately, and without any delay, to perform our willand demands, obeying us quickly and courteously, and that ye come by the Name andin the Name of ALEPH, DALETH, NUN, IOD, for we exorcise ye anew by the applicationof these Letters, by whose power burning fire is quenched, and the wholeUniverse trembleth.We constrain ye yet again by the Seal of the Sun which is the Word of God; and bythe Seal of the Moon and of the Stars we bind ye; and by the other Animals and Creatureswhich are in Heaven, by whose wings Heaven cleanseth itself, we force andattract ye imperiously to execute our will without failure. And we conjure, oblige, andterribly exorcise ye, that ye draw near unto us without delay and without fear, as far asis possible unto ye, here before this Circle, as supplicants gently and with discretion,to accomplish our will in all and through all. If ye come promptly and voluntarily, yeshall inhale our perfumes, and our suffumigations of pleasant odour, which will be both agreeable and delightful unto ye. Furthermore ye will see the Symbol of yourCreator, and the Names of his Holy Angels, and we shall afterwards dismiss ye, andsend ye hence with thanks. But if, on the contrary, ye come not quickly, and ye showyourselves self-opinionated, rebellious, and contumacious, we shall conjure ye again,and exorcise ye ceaselessly, and will repeat all the aforesaid words and Holy Names ofGod and of the Holy Angels; by the which Names we shall harass you, and if that benot sufficient we will add thereunto yet greater and more powerful ones, and we willthereunto again add other Names which ye have not yet heard from us, which arethose of an Almighty God, and which will make ye tremble and quake with fear, bothye and your princes; by the which Names we conjure both you and them also, and weshall not desist from our work until the accomplishment of our will. But if perchanceye yet shall harden yourselves, and show yourselves self-opinionated, disobedient,rebellious, refractory, and contumacious, and if ye yet resist our powerful conjurations,we shall pronounce against you this warrant of arrest in the Name of GodAlmighty, and this definite sentence that ye shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy,and that in sign of the Divine Vengeance ye shall all perish by a terrifying andhorrible death, and that a fire shall consume and devour you on every side, andutterly crush you; and that by the Power of God, a flame shall go forth from HisMouth which shall burn ye up and reduce ye unto nothing in Hell. Wherefore delay yenot to come, for we shall not cease from these powerful conjurations until ye shall beobliged to appear against your will.Thus then, therefore, we anew conjure and exorcise ye by and in the Holy Nameof ON, which is interpreted and called God; by the Name and in the Name of EHEIH,which is the true Name of God, “I am He who Is;” by and in the Ineffable Name ofFour Letters YOD HE VAU HE, the Knowledge and understanding of which is hiddeneven from the Angels; by the Name and in the Name of EL, which signifieth anddenoteth the powerful and consuming fire which issueth from His Countenance, andwhich shall be your ruin and destruction; and by the Light of the Angels which is kindledand taken ineffably from that flame of Divine ardour.By these then, and by other most Holy Names which we pronounce against youfrom the bottom of our hearts, do we force and constrain ye, if ye be yet rebelliousand disobedient. We conjure ye powerfully and strongly exorcise ye, that ye comeunto us with joy and quickness, without fraud or deceit, in truth and not in error.Come ye then, come ye, behold the Signs and the Names of your Creator, beholdthe Holy Pentacles by the virtue of which the Earth is moved, the trees thereof and theAbysses tremble. Come ye; come ye; Come ye.Behold the Signs and Holy Names by and before whose power every knee shouldbow, of all that is in Heaven, upon Earth, or in Hell. Humble ye yourselves, therefore,under the Mighty hand of God.I conjure thee, O Creature of Fire, by Him who removeth the Earth, and maketh ittremble, that thou burn and torment these Spirits, so that they may feel it intensely,and that they may be burned eternally by thee.Be ye accursed, damned, and eternally reproved; and be ye tormented with perpetualpain, so that we may find no repose by night nor by day, nor for a singlemoment of time, if ye obey not immediately the command of Him Who maketh theUniverse to tremble; by these Names, and in virtue of these Names, the which beingnamed and invoked all creatures obey and tremble with fear and terror, these Nameswhich can turn aside lightning and thunder; and which will utterly make you to perish,destroy, and banish you. These Names then are Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, He,Vau, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Pe, Tzaddi,Qoph, Resh, Shin, Tau.By these secret Names, therefore, and by these signs which are full of Mysteries,we curse ye, and in virtue of the power of the Three Principles. Aleph, Mem, Shin, wedeprive ye of all office and dignity which ye may have enjoyed up till now; and bytheir virtue and power we relegate you unto a lake of sulphur and of flame, and untothe deepest depths of the Abyss, that ye may burn therein eternally for ever.O ADONAI most powerful, EL most strong, AGLA most holy, ON most righteous,the ALEPH and the TAU, the Beginning and the End; Thou Who hastestablished all things in Thy Wisdom; Thou Who has chosen Abraham Thy faithfulservant, and hast promised that in his seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed,which seed Thou hast multiplied as the Stars of Heaven; Thou Who hast appearedunto Thy servant Moses in flame in the midst of the Burning Bush, and hast madehim walk with dry feet through the Red Sea; Thou Who gavest the Law to him uponMount Sinai; Thou Who hast granted unto Solomon Thy Servant these Pentacles byThy great Mercy, for the preservation of Soul and of Body; we most humbly imploreand supplicate Thy Holy Majesty, that these Pentacles may be consecrated by Thypower, and prepared in such manner that they may obtain virtue and strength againstall Spirits, through Thee, O Most Holy ADONAI, Whose Kingdom, Empire, and principality,remaineth and endureth without end.Ateh Adonai Elohim Asher Ha-Shamain Ve-Ha-Aretz, &c.Thou:, O Lord, Who hast made both Heaven and Earth, and hast measured themin the hollow of Thy hand; Thou Who art seated upon the Kerubim and the Seraphim,in the high places, whereunto human understanding cannot penetrate; ThouWho hast created all things by Thine agency, in whose Presence are the Living Creatures,of which four are marvellously volatile, which have six wings, and whoincessantly cry aloud: “QADOSCH, QADOSCH, QADOSCH, ADONAI ELOHIMTZABAOTH, Heaven and Earth are full of Thy Glory;” O Lord God, Thou Who hastexpelled Adam from the Terrestrial Paradise, and Who hast placed the Kerubim toguard the Tree of Life, Thou art the Lord Who alone doest wonders; show forth I prayThee Thy Great Mercy, by the Holy City of Jerusalem, by Thy wonderful Name of fourletters which are YOD, HE, VAU, HE, and by Thy Holy and Admirable Name, giveunto me the power and virtue to enable me to accomplish this experiment, and tocome unto the desired end of this operation; through Thee who art Life, and untoWhom Life belongeth unto the eternal ages. Amen.O Almighty Father and Lord, Who regardest the Heavens, the Earth, and theAbyss, mercifully grant unto me by Thy Holy Name written with four letters, YOD,HE, VAU, HE, that by this exorcism I may obtain virtue, Thou Who art IAH, IAH,IAH, grant that by Thy power these Spirits may discover that which we require andwhich we hope to find, and may they show and declare unto us the persons who havecommitted the theft, and where they are to be found.I conjure ye, over this burning Incense, anew, ye Spirits above named, by all theaforesaid Names, through which all things created tremble, that ye show openly untome (or unto this child here present with us) those things which we seek.DIES MIES YES-CHET BENE DONE FET DONNIMA METEMAUZ,DIES MIES YES-CHET BENE DONE FET DONNIMA METEMAUZ; O Lord,Who liberatedst the holy Susanna from a false accusation of crime; O Lord, Who liberatedstthe holy Thekla; O Lord, Who rescuedst the holy Daniel from the den oflions, and the Three Children from the burning fiery furnace, free the innocent andreveal the guilty.“By Saint Peter and Saint Paul, such a person hath not done this thing.”“By Saint Peter and Saint Paul, such a person hath not done this thing.”“By Saint Peter and Saint Paul, such a person hath not done this thing.”SCEABOLES, ARBARON, ELOHI, ELIMIGITH, HERENOBULCULE, METHE,BALUTH, TIMAYALL, VILLAQUIEL, TEVENI, YEVIE, FERETE, BACUHABA,GUVARIN; through Him by whom ye have empire and power over men, ye mustaccomplish this work so that I may go and remain invisible.O thou ALMIRAS, Master of Invisibility, with thy Ministers CHEROS, MAITOR,TANGEDEM, TRANSIDIM, SUVANTOS, ABELAIOS, BORED, BELAMITH, CASTUMI,DABUEL; I conjure ye by Him Who maketh Earth and Heaven to tremble,Who is seated upon the Throne of His Majesty, that this operation may be perfectlyaccomplished according to my will, so that at whatsoever time it may please me, I maybe able to be invisible.I conjure thee anew, O ALMIRAS, Chief of Invisibility, both thee and thy Ministers,by Him through Whom all things have their being, and by SATURIEL,HARCHIEL, DANIEL, BENIEL, ASSIMONEM, that thou immediately comest thitherwith all thy Ministers, and achievest this operation, as thou knowest it ought to beaccomplished, and that by the same operation thou render me invisible, so that nonemay be able to see me.METATRON, MELEKH, BEROTH, NOTH, VENIBBETH, MACH, and all ye, Iconjure thee O Figure of wax, by the Living God, that by the virtue of these Charactersand words, thou render me invisible, wherever I may bear thee with me. Amen.Come unto me and never quit me whithersoever I shall go.AGLA, AGLA, AGLA, AGLA; O God Almighty who art the Life of the Universeand who rulest over the four divisions of its vast form by the strength and virtue ofthe Four Letters of Thy Holy Name Tetragrammaton, YOD, HE, VAU, HE, bless inThy Name this covering which I hold as Thou hast blessed the Mantle of Elijah in thehands of Elisha, so that being covered by Thy Wings, nothing may be able to injureme, even as it is said: “He shall hide thee under His wings and beneath His feathersshall thou trust, His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”RECABUSTIRA, CABUSTIRA, BUSTIRA, TIRA RA, A; and shall keep it carefully to serve thee at need.VEGALE, HAMICATA, UMSA, TERATA, YEH, DAH, MA, BAXASOXA, UN,HORAH, HIMSERE; O God the Vast One send unto me the Inspiration of Thy Light,make me to discover the secret thing which I ask of Thee, whatsoever such or such athing may be, make me to search it out by the aid of Thy holy Ministers RAZIEL,TZAPHNIEL, MATMONIEL; Lo, Thou hast desired truth in the young, and in thehidden thing shalt Thou make me known wisdom. RECABUSTIRA, CABUSTIRA,BUSTIRA, TIRA, RA, A, KARKAHITA, KAHITA, HITA, TA.ADONAI, ELOHIM, EL, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, Prince of Princes, Existenceof Existences, have mercy upon me, and cast Thine eyes upon Thy Servant (N.), whoinvokes Thee most devoutedly, and supplicates Thee by Thy Holy and tremendousName Tetragrammaton to be propitious, and to order Thine Angels and Spirits tocome and take up their abode in this place; O ye Angels and Spirits of the Stars, O allye Angels and Elementary Spirits, O all ye Spirits present before the Face of God, I theMinister and faithful Servant of the Most High conjure ye, let God himself, the Existenceof Existences, conjure ye to come and be present at this Operation, I, the Servantof God, most humbly entreat ye. Amen.SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS, IAH, IAH, IAH, ENAM, IAH, IAH,KETHER, CHOKMAH, BINAH, GEDULAH, GEBURAH, TIPHERETH, NETZACH,HOD, YESOD, MALKUTH, ABRAHAM, ISAAC, JACOB, SHADRACH, MESHACH,ABEDNEGO, be ye all present in my aid and for whatsoever I shall desire to obtain.ABAC, ALDAL, IAT, HUDAC, GUTHAC, GUTHOR, GOMEH, TISTATOR,DERISOR, DESTATUR, come hither all ye who love the times and places wherein allkinds of mockeries and deceits are practiced. And ye who make things disappear andwho render them invisible, come hither to deceive all those who regard these things,so that they may be deceived and that they may seem to see that which they see notand hear that which they hear not, so that their senses may be deceived, and that theymay behold that which is not true.Come ye then hither and remain, and consecrate this enchantment, seeing thatGod the Almighty Lord hath destined ye for such.O God, Who hast created all things, and hast given unto us discernment tounderstand the good and the evil; through thy Holy Name, and through these HolyNames;-- IOD, IAH, VAU, DALETH, VAU, TZABAOTH, ZIO, AMATOR, CREATOR,do Thou, O Lord, grant that this experiment may become true and veritable in myhands through Thy Holy Seal, O ADONAI, Whose reign and empire remaineth eternallyand unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.*****Concerning The Divine Love Which Precedes the Acquisitionof This KnowledgeSolomon, The Son Of David, King Of Israel, hath said that the beginning of ourKey is to fear God, to adore Him, to honour Him with contrition of heart, to invokeHim in all matters which we wish to undertake, and to operate with very great devotion,for thus God will lead us in the right way. When, therefore, thou shalt wish toacquire the knowledge of Magical Arts and Sciences, it is necessary to have preparedthe order of hours and of days, and of the position of the Moon, without the operationof which thou canst effect nothing; but if thou observest them with diligencethou mayest easily and thoroughly arrive at the effect and end which thou desirest toattain.*********"Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, O Lord! and I shall be clean: Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."THE ADORATION AT THE INDUING OF THE VESTMENTS."By the figurative mystery of these holy vestures I will clothe me with the armour of salvation in the strength of the Most High, ANCHOR;AMACOR; AMIDES; THEODINIAS; ANITOR; that my desired end may be effected through Thy strength, O ADONAI! unto Whom the praise and glory will for ever and ever belong! Amen!"I DO invocate and conjure thee, O Spirits; and being with power armed from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, by BERALANENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIA, and APOLOGIAE SEDES; by the most Powerful Princes, Genii, Liachidæ, and Ministers of the Tartarean Abode; and by the Chief Prince of the Seat of Apologia in the Ninth Legion, I do invoke thee, and by invocating conjure thee. And being armed with power from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, by Him Who spake and it was done, and unto whom all creatures be obedient. Also I, being made after the image of GOD, endued with power from GOD and created according unto His will, do exorcise thee by that most mighty and powerful name of GOD, EL, strong and wonderful; O thou Spirits. And I command thee and Him who spake the Word and His FIAT was accomplished, and by all the names of God. Also by the names ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHI, EHYEH, ASHER EHYEH, ZABAOTH, ELION, IAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, LORD GOD MOST HIGH, I do exorcise thee and do powerfully command thee, O thou Spirits, that thou dost forthwith appear unto me here before this Circle in a fair human shape, without any deformity or tortuosity. And by this ineffable name, TETRAGRAMMATON IEHOVAH, do I command thee, at the which being heard the elements are overthrown, the air is shaken, the sea runneth back, the fire is quenched, the earth trembleth, and all the hosts of the celestials, terrestrials, and infernals, do tremble together, and are troubled and confounded. Wherefore come thou, O Spirits, forthwith, and without delay, from any or all parts of the world wherever thou mayest be, and make rational answers unto all things that I shall demand of thee. Come thou peaceably, visibly, and affably, now, and without delay, manifesting that which I shall desire. For thou art conjured by the name of the LIVING and TRUE GOD, HELIOREN, wherefore fulfil thou my commands, and persist thou therein unto the end, and according unto mine interest, visibly and affably speaking unto me with a voice clear and intelligible without any ambiguity.I DO invocate, conjure, and command thee, O thou Spirits, to appear and to show thyself visibly unto me before this Circle in fair and comely shape, without any deformity or tortuosity; by the name and in the name IAH and VAU, which Adam heard and spake; and by the name Of GOD, AGLA, which Lot heard and was saved with his family; and by the name IOTH, which Jacob heard from the angel wrestling with him, and was delivered from the hand of Esau his brother; and by the name ANAPHAXETON which Aaron heard and spake and wasmade wise; and by the name ZABAOTH, which Moses named and all the rivers were turned into blood; and by the name ASHER EHYEH ORISTON, which Moses named, and all the rivers brought forth frogs, and they ascended into the houses, destroying all things; and by the name ELION, which Moses named, and there was great hail such as had not been since the beginning of the world; and by the name ADONAI, which Moses named, and there came up locusts, which appeared upon the whole land, and devoured all which the hail had left; and by the name SCHEMA AMATHIA which Ioshua called upon, and the sun stayed his course; and by the name ALPHA and OMEGA, which Daniel named, and destroyed Bel, and slew the Dragon; and in the name EMMANUEL, which the three children, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, sang in the midst of the fiery furnace, and were delivered; and by the name HAGIOS; and by the SEAL 1 OF ADONI; and by ISCHYROS, ATHANATOS, PARACLETOS; and by O THEOS, ICTROS, ATHANATOS; and by these three secret names, AGLA, ON, TETRAGRAMMATON, do I adjure and constrain thee. And by these names, and by all the other names of the LIVING and TRUE GOD, the LORD ALMIGHTY, I do exorcise and command thee, O Spirits, even by Him Who spake the Word and it was done, and to Whom all creatures are obedient; and by the dreadful judgments of GOD; and by the uncertain Sea of Glass, which is before the DIVINE MAJESTY, mighty and powerful; by the four beasts before the throne, having eyes before and behind; by the fire round about the throne; by the holy angels of Heaven; and by the mighty wisdom of GOD; I do potently exorcise thee, that thou appearest here before this Circle, to fulfil my will in all things which shall seem good unto me; by the Seal of BASDATHEA BALDACHIA; and by this name PRIMEUMATON, which Moses named, and the earth opened, and did swallow up Kora, Dathan, and Abiram. Wherefore thou shalt make faithful answers unto all my demands, O Spirits, and shalt perform all my desires so far as in thine office thou art capable hereof. Wherefore, come thou, visibly, peaceably, and affably, now without delay, to manifest that which I desire, speaking with a clear and perfect voice, intelligibly, and to mine understanding.I Do conjure thee, O thou Spirits, by all the most glorious and efficacious names of the MOST GREAT AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE LORD GOD of HOSTS, that thou comest quickly and without delay from all parts and places of the earth and world wherever thou mayest be, to make rational answers unto my demands, and that visibly and affably, speaking with a voice intelligible unto mine understanding as aforesaid. I conjure and constrain thee, O thou Spirits, by all the names aforesaid; and in addition by these seven great names wherewith Solomon the Wise bound thee and thy companions in a Vessel of Brass, ADONAI, PREYAI or PRERAI, TETRAGRAMMATON, ANAPHAXETON or ANEPHENETON, INESSENFATOAL or INESSENFATALL, PATHTUMON or PATHATUMON, and ITEMON; that thou appearest, here before this Circle to fulfil my will in all things that seem good unto me. And if thou be still so disobedient, and refusest still to come, I will in the power and by the power of the name of the SUPREME AND EVERLASTING LORD GOD WHO created both thee and me and all the world in six days, and what is contained therein, EIE, SARAYE, and by the power of this name PRIMEUMATON which commandeth the whole host of Heaven, curse thee, and deprive thee of thine office, joy, and place, and bind thee in the depths of the Bottomless Pit or Abyss, there to remain unto the Day of the Last Judgment. And I will bind thee in the Eternal Fire, and into the Lake of Flame and of Brimstone, unless thou comest quickly and appearest here before this Circle to do my will. Therefore, come thou! in and by the holy names ADONAI, ZABAOTH, ADONAI, AMIORAN. Come thou! for it is ADONAI who commandest thee.O THOU great, powerful, and mighty KING AMAIMON, who bearest rule by the power of the SUPREME GOD EL over all spirits both superior and inferior of the Infernal Orders in the Dominion of the East; I do invocate and command thee by the especial and true name Of GOD; and by that God that Thou Worshippest; and by the Seal of thy creation; and by the most mighty and powerful name Of GOD, IEHOVAH TETRAGRAMMATON who cast thee out of heaven with all other infernal spirits; and by all the most powerful and great names of GOD who created Heaven, and Earth, and Hell, and all things in them contained; and by their power and virtue; and by the name PRIMEUMATON who commandeth the whole host of Heaven; that thou mayest cause, enforce, and compel the Spirits to come unto me here before this Circle in a fair and comely shape, without harm unto me or unto any other creature, to answer truly and faithfully unto all my requests; so that I may accomplish my will and desire in knowing or obtaining any matter or thing which by office thou knowest is proper for him to perform or accomplish, through the power of GOD, EL, Who created and doth dispose of all things both celestial, aërial, terrestrial, and infernal.O THOU wicked and disobedient spirits, because thou hast rebelled, and hast not obeyed nor regarded my words which I have rehearsed; they being all glorious and incomprehensible names of the true GOD, the maker and creator of thee and of me, and of all the world; I DO by the power of these names the which no creature is able to resist, curse thee into the depth of the Bottomless Abyss, there to remain unto the Day of Doom in chains, and in fire and brimstone unquenchable, unless thou forthwith appear here before this Circle, in this triangle to do my will. And, therefore, come thou quickly and peaceably, in and by these names of GOD, ADONAI, ZABAOTH, ADONAI, AMIORAN; come thou! come thou! for it is the King of Kings, even ADONAI, who commandeth thee.I CONJURE thee, O fire, by him who made thee and all other creatures for good in the world, that thou torment, burn, and consume this Spirits, for everlasting. I condemn thee, thou Spirits, because thou art disobedient and obeyest not my commandment, nor keepest the precepts of the LORD THY GOD, neither wilt thou obey me nor mine invocations, having thereby called thee forth, I, who am the servant of the MOST HIGH AND IMPERIAL LORD GOD OF HOSTS, IEHOVAH, I who am dignified and fortified by His celestial power and permission, and yet thou comest not to answer these my propositions here made unto thee. For the which thine averseness and contempt thou art guilty of great disobedience and rebellion, and therefore shall I excommunicate thee, and destroy thy name and seal, the which I have enclosed in this box; and shall burn thee in the immortal fire and bury thee in immortal oblivion; unless thou immediately come and appear visibly and affably, friendly and courteously here unto me before this Circle, in this triangle, in a form comely and fair, and in no wise terrible, hurtful, or frightful to me or any other creature whatsoever upon the face of earth. And thou shalt make rational answers unto my requests, and perform all my desires in all things, that I shall make unto thee.Now, O thou Spirits, since thou art still pernicious and disobedient, and wilt not appear unto me to answer unto such things as I would have desired of thee, or would have been satisfied in; I do in the name, and by the power and dignity of the Omnipresent and Immortal Lord God of Hosts IEHOVAH TETRAGRAMMATON, the only creator of Heaven, and Earth, and Hell, and all that is therein, who is the marvellous Disposer of all things both visible and invisible, curse thee, and deprive thee of all thine office, joy, and place; and I do bind thee in the depths of the Bottomless Abyss there to remain until the Day of Judgment, I say into the Lake of Fire and Brimstonewhich is prepared for all rebellious, disobedient, obstinate, and pernicious spirits. Let all the company of Heaven curse thee! Let the sun, moon, and all the stars curse thee! Let the LIGHT and all the hosts of Heaven curse thee into the fire unquenchable, and into the torments unspeakable. And as thy name and seal contained in this box chained and bound up, shall be choken in sulphurous stinking substances, and burned in this material fire; so in the name IEHOVAH and by the power and dignity of these three names, TETRAGRAMMATON, ANAPHAXETON, and PRIMEUMATON, I do cast thee, O thou wicked and disobedient Spirits, into the Lake of Fire which is prepared for the damnéd and accurséd spirits, and there to remain unto the day of doom, and never more to be remembered before the face of GOD, who shall come to judge the quick, and the dead, and the world, by fire.l BEHOLD thy confusion if thou refusest to be obedient! Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence! Behold the person of the exorcist in the midst of the exorcism; him who is arméd by GOD and without fear; him who potently invocateth thee and calleth thee forth unto appearance; even him, thy master, who is called OCTINIMOS. Wherefore make rational answer unto my demands, and prepare to be obedient unto thy master in the name of the Lord: BATHAL OR VATHAT RUSHING UPON ABRAC!ABEOR COMING UPON ABERERWELCOME Spirits, O most noble king I say thou art welcome unto me, because I have called thee through Him who has created Heaven, and Earth, and Hell, and all that is in them contained, and because also thou hast obeyed. By that same power by the which I have called thee forth, I bind thee, that thou remain affably and visibly here before this Circle so constant and so long as I shall have occasion for thy presence; and not to depart without my license until thou hast duly and faithfully performed my will without any falsity."BY TIME PENTACLE OF SOLOMON HAVE I CALLED THEE! GIVE UNTO ME A TRUE ANSWER."Bael; Paimon; Beleth; Purson; Asmoday; Viné; Balam; Zagan; Belial; Agares; Valefor; Barbatos; Gusion; Eligos; Zepar; Bathim; Sallos; Aim; Buné; Berith; Astaroth; Focalor; Vepar; Vual; Crocell; Alloces; Murmur; Gremory; Vapula; Haures; Amdusias; Dantalion; Vassago; Sitri; Ipos; Gäap; Stolas; Orobas; Seere; Samigina; Amon; Leraje; Naberius; Ronové; Forneus; Marchosias; Phenex; Sabnock; Shax; Orias; Andras; Andrealphus; Cimeies; Decarabia; Marbas; Buer; Botis; Marax; Glasya-Labolas; Foras; Gäap; Malphas; Häagenti; Caim; Ose; Amy; Zagan; Valac; Botis; Ronové; Furfur; Halphas; Räum; Bifrons; Andromalius; Furcas. GOD BLESS WORD. AMEN AMEN