Please send your TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES to Judge Claude Bridel - "Justice de Paix du District de Nyon" (Switzerland) – in support of Katherine FriedliJudge Claude Bridel - ,Katherine Friedli (European Torture Case #52)TO JUDGE CLAUDE BRIDEL - "JUSTICE DE PAIX DU DISTRICT DE NYON" (SWITZERLAND) –22 July 2009Here is the link to our over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES FOR YOU TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESSome of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations – see OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESThere are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (‘suicide bombers’, coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally).YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE “A SELECTED WITNESS” to these are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal "scientific and medical" testing and experimentation as MKULTRA and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you – “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent destruction of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill US.Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!!PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:-Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rightsJohn FinchMAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627EMAIL: , MCmailteam@gmail.comTARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS
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