We are unheard victims lost beneath the lies.
We are the fading ones put on a list to die.
We are rising wounded begging for your aide
Becoming specks of dust in an evil charade.
There are different types of Targeted Individuals. I can only speak for those of us who are long term victims of both covert harassment and criminal use of microwave weapons, because this is what I've experienced. What I've written on the other pages of this site describe most of what we experience, especially the pages on covert harassment, Microwave Weapons, mind control, Surveillance and My Testimony
We are held under constant satellite surveillance while being stalked, harassed and inflicted with various types of microwave and laser weapon attacks. The targeting starts out so inconspicuously that we do not realize we are being targeted until those who target us have succeeded with isolating us and instigating financial ruin. Prior to this point we can think we are just having a lot of bad luck. Once this point is reached we are targeted in ways that make it look like we are just "depressed," or have "Paranoid Schizophrenia" when we try to seek support from loved ones or help from law enforcement, especially when they are not familiar with the types of targeting we are experiencing. Most people are not yet aware of the technological part of targeting or the covert manipulations that surround us. Many doctors are happy to try to label and medicate us, instead of performing tests to prove the targeting. I have read reports about doctors who have aimed to prove the targeting and then got targeted or threatened for doing so. Efforts to prevent us from getting the types of help we need are strong and sometimes lethal.
Our relationships, homes and businesses are destroyed or sabotaged. Even our own family members and friends are brainwashed against us and/or are convinced that we are just "mentally ill." Set ups to discredit our testimonies start in the early stages of the targeting and can include false rumor campaigns (slander), fabricated emails, letters or phone messages and literal technologically induced brainwashing.
Consequently we are often forced to either not seek help or struggle to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of proving our sanity - proving that these technologies exist, and are being criminally used. . .and then proving that it is actually happening to us, WHILE WE ARE BEING TORTURED WITH MICROWAVE WEAPONS! This has had no success, that I know of, due to public lack of awareness, our diminished functionality while our brains are being microwaved and interference by those who target us.
I've experienced good objective reactions from some law enforcement personnel, which I have deeply appreciated, although they were not able to help protect me. And I've also experienced some who have launched into intense efforts to try to convince me that I am "mentally ill."
Sadly, some Targeted Individuals have been shoved into institutions. Can you imagine "being sane in an insane place"? I know of a woman whom this happened to. And it tears at my heart, because it almost happened to me as well. I want to find her and save her, but my hands are tied and this feels horrible. There are times, like when I remember my daughters being brainwashed into trying to have me institutionalized, that my heart has cried. . .
We are held under constant satellite surveillance while being stalked, harassed and inflicted with various types of microwave and laser weapon attacks. The targeting starts out so inconspicuously that we do not realize we are being targeted until those who target us have succeeded with isolating us and instigating financial ruin. Prior to this point we can think we are just having a lot of bad luck. Once this point is reached we are targeted in ways that make it look like we are just "depressed," or have "Paranoid Schizophrenia" when we try to seek support from loved ones or help from law enforcement, especially when they are not familiar with the types of targeting we are experiencing. Most people are not yet aware of the technological part of targeting or the covert manipulations that surround us. Many doctors are happy to try to label and medicate us, instead of performing tests to prove the targeting. I have read reports about doctors who have aimed to prove the targeting and then got targeted or threatened for doing so. Efforts to prevent us from getting the types of help we need are strong and sometimes lethal.
Our relationships, homes and businesses are destroyed or sabotaged. Even our own family members and friends are brainwashed against us and/or are convinced that we are just "mentally ill." Set ups to discredit our testimonies start in the early stages of the targeting and can include false rumor campaigns (slander), fabricated emails, letters or phone messages and literal technologically induced brainwashing.
Consequently we are often forced to either not seek help or struggle to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of proving our sanity - proving that these technologies exist, and are being criminally used. . .and then proving that it is actually happening to us, WHILE WE ARE BEING TORTURED WITH MICROWAVE WEAPONS! This has had no success, that I know of, due to public lack of awareness, our diminished functionality while our brains are being microwaved and interference by those who target us.
I've experienced good objective reactions from some law enforcement personnel, which I have deeply appreciated, although they were not able to help protect me. And I've also experienced some who have launched into intense efforts to try to convince me that I am "mentally ill."
Sadly, some Targeted Individuals have been shoved into institutions. Can you imagine "being sane in an insane place"? I know of a woman whom this happened to. And it tears at my heart, because it almost happened to me as well. I want to find her and save her, but my hands are tied and this feels horrible. There are times, like when I remember my daughters being brainwashed into trying to have me institutionalized, that my heart has cried. . .
I don't want to be left to evil pretenses of helping hands.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want to be declared insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I die.
I need you here beside me as I pray to God and cry.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want to be declared insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I die.
I need you here beside me as I pray to God and cry.
No problem ever got solved by misdiagnosing it!
Much of the targeting seems literally satanic and inflicts painful rounds of psychological and physical torture. There seems to be a heavy aim to instigate feelings of being unloved while being tortured. There are many reports of heavily Targeted Individuals committing suicide and this appears to be one of the aims of those who target us. But these are not REAL suicides - they are psychological and physical murders that are called suicide. They also try to frame us for crimes in efforts to have us incarcerated or discredited/slandered. And then there's the "rescue" - the part where they attack and set us up to be framed and then zoom in pretending to be rescuing us. I believe that the only reason this has not worked with me is because I have publicly exposed it and have not fallen for it. But, sadly, it appears that many have. I strongly feel that the "rescue" is really a desguised abduction, which they can call our choice to be shoved into literal enslavement with the use of "mind control technologies. I believe that this has happened to some of my loved ones. And it is too so sad, because they are no longer who they were.
After we are isolated from loved ones its more than difficult to form new friendships. When we get close to an individual they are either brainwashed against us or targeted into such states of emotional overwhelm that they have no energy left for us. And this appears to be the intention. In my case, there has been many deaths. Inconspicuous murders of the loved one of someone who is starting to believe us or care about us is not at all uncommon. I have been reaching out to people and am recently realizing how severely the targeting follows me. . .and this now has me feeling like I am trapped. I don't want people to be hurt for listening to me. Yet without public awareness the crimes seem to freely grow! Its a horrible "catch 22!"
I understand how difficult it is to believe that this is really happening to people, but it is true. What is happening to us is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. We are suffering indescribably - we are suffering in ways that no human being should EVER have to suffer.
Many Targeted Individuals have web sites and blogs on the web. But those whom I know personally are not on the web. I had found one woman on the web - (Racheal Orbin) who seemed to be another long term victim and was going throigh very similar chains of events as I have. But it appears that we were blocked from connecting and I got only one email from her before she seemed to have vanished.
There are a few people, whom I had been close to, who are also being heavily targeted. One has lost his license and has experienced strange chains of "accidents". . .like a head on collision with a Police Cruzer and a skiing accident that has partially crippled him. My gut feeling is that these were NOT Truly accidental. The fear and pain I saw in his eyes the last time I talked to him has haunted me as much as that in someone else whom I had been close to before the targeting vamped into lethal levels on all of us. It appears that those who can not be easily controlled or recruited are literally tortured around repeated attempts to force a "rescue" into enslavement. (It appears that those who have been enslaved are used in the "gang stalking" part of the targeting.)
This is a critical situation that is in desperate need of public awareness and government action to free those who have been enslaved and protect the rest of us from further harm.
Much of the targeting seems literally satanic and inflicts painful rounds of psychological and physical torture. There seems to be a heavy aim to instigate feelings of being unloved while being tortured. There are many reports of heavily Targeted Individuals committing suicide and this appears to be one of the aims of those who target us. But these are not REAL suicides - they are psychological and physical murders that are called suicide. They also try to frame us for crimes in efforts to have us incarcerated or discredited/slandered. And then there's the "rescue" - the part where they attack and set us up to be framed and then zoom in pretending to be rescuing us. I believe that the only reason this has not worked with me is because I have publicly exposed it and have not fallen for it. But, sadly, it appears that many have. I strongly feel that the "rescue" is really a desguised abduction, which they can call our choice to be shoved into literal enslavement with the use of "mind control technologies. I believe that this has happened to some of my loved ones. And it is too so sad, because they are no longer who they were.
After we are isolated from loved ones its more than difficult to form new friendships. When we get close to an individual they are either brainwashed against us or targeted into such states of emotional overwhelm that they have no energy left for us. And this appears to be the intention. In my case, there has been many deaths. Inconspicuous murders of the loved one of someone who is starting to believe us or care about us is not at all uncommon. I have been reaching out to people and am recently realizing how severely the targeting follows me. . .and this now has me feeling like I am trapped. I don't want people to be hurt for listening to me. Yet without public awareness the crimes seem to freely grow! Its a horrible "catch 22!"
I understand how difficult it is to believe that this is really happening to people, but it is true. What is happening to us is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. We are suffering indescribably - we are suffering in ways that no human being should EVER have to suffer.
Many Targeted Individuals have web sites and blogs on the web. But those whom I know personally are not on the web. I had found one woman on the web - (Racheal Orbin) who seemed to be another long term victim and was going throigh very similar chains of events as I have. But it appears that we were blocked from connecting and I got only one email from her before she seemed to have vanished.
There are a few people, whom I had been close to, who are also being heavily targeted. One has lost his license and has experienced strange chains of "accidents". . .like a head on collision with a Police Cruzer and a skiing accident that has partially crippled him. My gut feeling is that these were NOT Truly accidental. The fear and pain I saw in his eyes the last time I talked to him has haunted me as much as that in someone else whom I had been close to before the targeting vamped into lethal levels on all of us. It appears that those who can not be easily controlled or recruited are literally tortured around repeated attempts to force a "rescue" into enslavement. (It appears that those who have been enslaved are used in the "gang stalking" part of the targeting.)
This is a critical situation that is in desperate need of public awareness and government action to free those who have been enslaved and protect the rest of us from further harm.
When I read the following statement it forced my aching heart to release a batch of tears, "I wish to everyone who has lasted long enough to read this, all luck in searching for just normal life. When we will get the right to that, the most important battle of humankind will have been won." by Targeted Individual, Aleksander Zielinski. (I wonder if he is still alive.)
Click here if you are a Targeted Individual
Click here if you want to help us
My Blog; www.sharonpoet-ti.blogspot.com
"On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of
Mind Invasive Technology" by British Psychoanalyst Carol Smith
P.S. Please do not look for faults in Targeted Individuals instead of helping us in the ways that are needed. We are surrounded by manipulations that are intentionally set up to make us look bad. The people who target us, and those whom they control, will use those set ups to discredit us and make people look down on us.
I have undergone round after round of attempts to frame me or have me labeled as "mentally Ill." The "mentally Ill" labeling stuff started in 2003 - directly after I reported my belief that my little brothers death was not an accident. Other members of my own family have been used in this process of trying to label me, although I have been separate from them through most of my adult life. The aim has also continued through puppets - people who are controlled by those who target me. It has often felt like a full time job to just avoid these set ups.
And on the smaller scales; There appears to be an aim to try to make me look bad for smoking cigarettes. I've caught puppets taking pictures of me smoking. What they will not tell you is the extreme levels of distress, torture and abuse that they used to drive me back to smoking in 2008/2009. . .and the ways that they have tortured me with microwaves and/or surrounded me with smoking puppets every time I try to quit. The last time I quit they even had two puppets offering to buy me a pack of cigarettes. When I quit smoking I usually get emotional, for a while. . .as I release pains I've suppressed with the cigarettes. And this now posses a serious problem, because there have been too many times when I've been tortured for crying or having any sort of deep feelings. . .and times when they have had people suggested that my tears are just cause to label me as "mentally ill."
I do not know of any words that can describe how horrible it feels to be held in a public prison, remotely tortured and not allowed to fully take care of myself. While being heavily technologically and psychologically tortured, cigarettes have actually helped me to retain my sanity through numbing out some of the emotional pain that I have not been allowed to privately and freely release. (This may appear to go against what my original work is about, but my past statement do not aply to extreme situation.)
While under these extreme levels of distress, and forcibly held in destitution, I have even bought cigarettes with the gift cards I've gotten from churches...etc. And that leads me to another set up; The targeting has also forced me into, and holds me in, such a state of poverty that I've had to seek help from different towns, organizations and churches. I guess this is something we are not supposed to do, but I have done what I have to survive. The first organization I had sought help from severely limited degrading levels of help and repeatedly suggested that I was not allowed to get help from any other place. This seemed like part of the torture process. After that I sometimes felt guilty for seeking help in other places so that I'd not starve. They changed their tune, with me, after I started writing about it, but I wonder how many other people are treated this way. And I still feel like I am doing something wrong for seeking help in other places.
My homes have been destroyed, in various ways, by those who target me. My work has been repeatedly sabotaged. And the dozens of other jobs I have aimed for were either used as a way to inflict deeper levels of abuse or were quickly sabotaged when they are with people whom they do not have control over.
Since 2004, I have repeatedly aimed to restart my work. . .even changing my name and its name and locations, but it had been repeatedly sabotaged. And the amount of financial help I get seems to have been being controlled by those who target me.
My first reports about something suspicious happening were in 2002 or 2003 after my little brother's death, which happened within a year after he started figuring out that our family was being targeted. I have been begging for every level of personal help since 2006. But those who target me have prevented the levels of help I need.
Since 2006 I'd been held in a state of having to spend most of my time trying to figure out how to survive while surrounded by manipulative walls that hold me in a state of destitution. (I have even begged for money at gas stations and in parking lots.) There are those who chose to use my need for help a reason to judge me, instead of helping me. But, thank God, there are also those whose Hearts understand and do what they can to help. I think of them as my human angels although I do not know most of them.
This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to help restore our safety and freedom.
World I See
What kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.
Supporting Sites
Back up Sites
Click here if you want to help us
My Blog; www.sharonpoet-ti.blogspot.com
"On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of
Mind Invasive Technology" by British Psychoanalyst Carol Smith
P.S. Please do not look for faults in Targeted Individuals instead of helping us in the ways that are needed. We are surrounded by manipulations that are intentionally set up to make us look bad. The people who target us, and those whom they control, will use those set ups to discredit us and make people look down on us.
I have undergone round after round of attempts to frame me or have me labeled as "mentally Ill." The "mentally Ill" labeling stuff started in 2003 - directly after I reported my belief that my little brothers death was not an accident. Other members of my own family have been used in this process of trying to label me, although I have been separate from them through most of my adult life. The aim has also continued through puppets - people who are controlled by those who target me. It has often felt like a full time job to just avoid these set ups.
And on the smaller scales; There appears to be an aim to try to make me look bad for smoking cigarettes. I've caught puppets taking pictures of me smoking. What they will not tell you is the extreme levels of distress, torture and abuse that they used to drive me back to smoking in 2008/2009. . .and the ways that they have tortured me with microwaves and/or surrounded me with smoking puppets every time I try to quit. The last time I quit they even had two puppets offering to buy me a pack of cigarettes. When I quit smoking I usually get emotional, for a while. . .as I release pains I've suppressed with the cigarettes. And this now posses a serious problem, because there have been too many times when I've been tortured for crying or having any sort of deep feelings. . .and times when they have had people suggested that my tears are just cause to label me as "mentally ill."
I do not know of any words that can describe how horrible it feels to be held in a public prison, remotely tortured and not allowed to fully take care of myself. While being heavily technologically and psychologically tortured, cigarettes have actually helped me to retain my sanity through numbing out some of the emotional pain that I have not been allowed to privately and freely release. (This may appear to go against what my original work is about, but my past statement do not aply to extreme situation.)
While under these extreme levels of distress, and forcibly held in destitution, I have even bought cigarettes with the gift cards I've gotten from churches...etc. And that leads me to another set up; The targeting has also forced me into, and holds me in, such a state of poverty that I've had to seek help from different towns, organizations and churches. I guess this is something we are not supposed to do, but I have done what I have to survive. The first organization I had sought help from severely limited degrading levels of help and repeatedly suggested that I was not allowed to get help from any other place. This seemed like part of the torture process. After that I sometimes felt guilty for seeking help in other places so that I'd not starve. They changed their tune, with me, after I started writing about it, but I wonder how many other people are treated this way. And I still feel like I am doing something wrong for seeking help in other places.
My homes have been destroyed, in various ways, by those who target me. My work has been repeatedly sabotaged. And the dozens of other jobs I have aimed for were either used as a way to inflict deeper levels of abuse or were quickly sabotaged when they are with people whom they do not have control over.
Since 2004, I have repeatedly aimed to restart my work. . .even changing my name and its name and locations, but it had been repeatedly sabotaged. And the amount of financial help I get seems to have been being controlled by those who target me.
My first reports about something suspicious happening were in 2002 or 2003 after my little brother's death, which happened within a year after he started figuring out that our family was being targeted. I have been begging for every level of personal help since 2006. But those who target me have prevented the levels of help I need.
Since 2006 I'd been held in a state of having to spend most of my time trying to figure out how to survive while surrounded by manipulative walls that hold me in a state of destitution. (I have even begged for money at gas stations and in parking lots.) There are those who chose to use my need for help a reason to judge me, instead of helping me. But, thank God, there are also those whose Hearts understand and do what they can to help. I think of them as my human angels although I do not know most of them.

This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to help restore our safety and freedom.
World I See
What kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.
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