Polyphony and psychic violation

This video shows about POLIFONIA the voice of a woman can create various patterns of sound at a time, a similar composition to which it psychotronic to create states of consciousness.
They are oi the Russian Kosovo but did not know what it was, but I instinctively horrified cost me four years to find out it was a type of popular song typical of their land, so these women when they speak can create psychic discomfort. I am very sensitive to sound, and detected but could not name it.
Imagine a psychotronic induced a state of consciousness parbebral person, in which the system only retains the essential awareness not to die ... A woman using that property of sound modulated his voice to send through the telecommunications, neurolinguistic programming can make a man into believing what you want by creating a SUBCONSCIOUS IDEA, which will be developed in the future when something happens outside ...

As my belief is X, and I keep it in the pocket of my subconscious reaction to what happens outside X. Everything will be psychically programmed.

LA painting represents the HILANDERAS ARACNE myth, compounder Gobelins ...
The Gobelin is a tapestry created in France as a major industry.
A tapestry is a tapestry made ​​at the Manufacture Royale des Gobelins Paris or an imitation of his. Among the Gobelins are famous series The story of Constantine, The Muses, The History of Alexander, The Life of Moses and Don Quixote.
Named after Jehan Gobelins, a dyer of wool that was unveiled mid-fifteenth century by getting scarlet. It was a Jewish merchant who changed his surname to Eurpeizarlo.

Gobelin in French makes a magical allegory spaces, elves etc ...
Namely; Arachne was a weaver who dream ... that made up the story.

The arachnoid system is part of our body.This between the pyramid and the dura mater.
The system piramidal-
System consisting of the central nervous system pathways responsible for carrying nerve impulses from the motor cortex to alpha motor neurons of the ventral horn of the spinal cord.

If the arachnoid in some way controlled foreign issuable false nerve impulses ...

In a case of resonances, the electromagnetic aura that captures the human body, can be channeled quantified bioresonance and confuse the pyramidal system. That must be so easy to create chaos in our body, to learn the secrets of epigenetics. Only you know how your body reacts to troubleshoot if the system is attacked, to bring a resolution.


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