The following information can be found at the following video link https://www.bitchute.com/video/hc2DYTGVA8ng/ where Christopher James is interviewing David Hawkins who is a Artificial Intelligence (AI) pioneer and inventor among other things. Below are his latest videos and his website link is https://reversecsiscripts.com. If you want to get notified of his latest video, you can subscribe at this link https://www.patreon.com/reverseCSI.

David Hawkins who was being interviewed had insider knowledge of world affairs. He believes that Tesla cars are spy mobiles which can be remote controlled and they pick up information by means of signals intelligence without the awareness of those who purchase and drive them, and he believes that the information which they pick up may be being transmitted to a Tesla Base called Star Net Communications in Vancouver, Canada. He stated that Tesla cars should be banned forthwith because they have an inertial guidance system built into them so that they can be switched remotely to attack mode so that the driver loses control of them and can be externally controlled to to drive into people. He also believes that Star Net Communications may have been set up in 1995 by the now Prime Minister of Canada, Mr Justin Trudeau in order to operate an International hard core pornography industry and online gaming facility which operatives in sixty countries. He believes that it involves the sexual expolotation of women and children mainly for the purposes of the entrapment of politicians and others so that they can be manipulated to do the bidding of Justin Trudeau and others. David Hawkins went on to say that he believes that women and children were being murdered in the basement of Star Net Cmmunications, and that influencial people from sixty countries could dial up and ask for what they wished to see happen on their screens and it would be made to happen for their maximum sexual pleasure. By that means they would be entrapped to do the bidding of Justin Trudeau and his criminal organisation. This pedophile ring ran for five years from 2015 until August, 20th 1999, when it was raided by the police. The police took away all of the evidence of adult and child pornography and all other evidence. David Hawkins believed that it possibly was brought to the Treasury Building for the I.R.S. and Customs in New York which is building number Six and that building was then blown up during the September 11th 2001, Ground Zero Event. The Interviewee DAvid Hawkins then went on to say that not many companies anywhere in the world had the technical capability to carry out such a precise operation as that aforementioned Ground Zero even of September 11th 2001 but he said that both British Aerospace and Boeing had such capabilities. David Hawkins went on to say that he suspects that the entrapment team may have entrapped some of the Boeing directors by means of child pornography and blackmailed them to carry out the aforementioned actions. In order to recap so that the listeners and viewers would understand him clearly David Hawkins repeated his beliefs as follows :- He suspects that the now Prime Minister of Canada Mr Justin Trudeau is directing an international hard core adult and child pornography ring in order to entrap and then blackmail world leaders in some sixty countries in order to manipulate them to stay silent when incidents like the pipeline occur. ( He did not explain what he meant when he said the pipeline.) David Hawkins went on to say that he believes Star Net is now called Clear View A.I. He said that Clear View AI is taking images of people from the internet so that they can create false narratives which connects anyone to any event which never happened. No politician is safe from this technique which was perfected by Justin Trudeau and his father the late Pierre Trudeau who died in the year 2000. So far those who belong to this criminal organisation have collected between 10 and 20 billion images from the internet so they have images of us all by now. It is believed that Pierre Trudeau is responsible for setting up a branch of MK Ultra which is a mental torture system in Canada. Justin Trudeau is believed to have set up a fossel fuel sabotage program. Carbon dioxide is being falsely portrayed as a pollutant so that we can be penalised for using fuel in the future in order to empoverish and eventually enslave the human race under Justin Trudeau and his cabal. The interviewee, David Hawkins went on to say that he believes Clear View AI have been equipping compromised police with advanced weaponry without the knowledge and consent of their superior officers to the extent that now a rogue police force has been created similar to the Stazi police force of East Germany. This rogue police force may have been the ones who raided Donald Trump's Mari Lago home in the past number of weeks. David Hawkins also believes that Donald Trump may be being advised by compromised advisers. Today's date is 16th October, 2022.

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