This is a call to all TI of Europe and of the whole world. I wish to make to each one of you a proposal, in order to start a public awareness campaign of world scale.
It is about a simple action: a poster campaign in the streets, that each one of us will participate to alone or in organized groups (on the public – and legal – spaces reserved for this purpose... and they are numerous) and revealing a single message, the same in French or English : “NON À LA TÉLÉPATHIE SYNTHÉTIQUE. VOUS POURRIEZ ÊTRE UN TI. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS.” “NO TO SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY. YOU COULD BE A TI. INFORM YOURSELF.”
I think it's clear and simple and that it will serves us far much more than using ambiguous words like “psychotronic”. When people search for this term on internet, I mean, people who are not aware of the problem, they find things that seem incredible to them, that they can't comprehend that easily. The word TI is generally used in a more clearer and clever way and we must draw the public attention with it.
We only have to choose a particular day, one single day (and we will proceed to the posting in the night that will precede this famous day).
You will with find on my wall the message written above, that you can choose to use in the form of impression or using a silkscreen printing process (copy the message on a transparent plastic support of which you will hollow out then the letters, with a cutter, to use it several times with a bomb of painting).
For you to choose which method seems the most efficacious. I propose the night of February 26th for us to act. It is a Sunday and most people work the next day. Thus, our activities won't be disturbed.
However, legal posting can be done also in broad daylight. Nevertheless, to proceed the night will certainly create an effect of surprise in the morning. We mustn't limit our action to one or two posters, but stick as much posters as possible during the course of the night. Choose public places, in full center of the place you live and do not hesitate to return the following day to take a photograph.
Thanks to simple and efficacious actions like these, we can draw the attention of the media. And the more we will draw attention on this problem, the more the public will be confronted to the possibility the question of the veracity of what we're actually living. We need support, in particular financial supports. And we must act strategically accordingly to our needs.