Prayers Please

I am at a very crucial crossroad which I believe God has led me to.


Even prior to being in the situation I am in now, I have resisted, knowing the danger signals, knowing that I will be in the eye of the storm.


I have asked for several signs, messages and confirmation from God though and I got repetitive references to the Story of Jonah and something about going to the Galilee (Sea of Galilee).


Suffice it to say, resistant as i was, knowing how the main perp works and how the perp contacts whatever circle I get into, and knowing the perp has immediate and open access to the place i would be going to, I wanted to choose another path.


I prayed for it and waited for a signal to change direction.


... and the message remained: I should be where God has allowed me to be in.


So in my heart, I knew something big is gonna happen. Something major which will turn the tide and be the platform on which His glory will be shown.


I  am in a situation which IF I were to see it just with my own eyes, I may consider a danger zone akin to closely being pushed off a cliff - a reason to cry foul, a reason to ask God and the instigators why.


But I am not asking God that now. Thankfully, God has given me the peace and that assurance that He's at work, He's moving, He's testing not just my obedience but those of others as well.


He has allowed a situation which is really critical in that in my hands is the proof of the recurrent harassment i've been undergoing. Honestly, it is tempting for me to deal with this as I have been dealt with.


I believe though that God is teaching me and the other parties to do what is right, in a manner that's aligned with His purpose.


I am waiting for God's signal, for his go signal.


I am waiting to see whether the other parties will proceed with the path they have taken or do what is right by God.


I will stand and be still while God is working for I know that He is  their God as He is also mine.


As much as I wanna be given the benefit of the doubt, I believe God wants me to give others that as well.


I am waiting to see how this situation will proceed in a timeframe that's set by Him.


Please help me pray that I do what is right by God with the situation tha he has allowed to happen.


Thank you God for this.

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  • This happens to me awell-sunburned all year around... Interesting what you mentioned about the metal in yr cuppboard. I noticed also in the beginning of my torture when I was driven away from my apartment  that my zink was all covered with a greasy laywer that wasnt there before. I believe that when they beam or zap us or our brains in, materials in our surroundings are effected aswell. I have also noticed that my plants for instance are always dried out, no matter how much water I give them... Imagine what this does to human tissues then..evilness/Annie 



    In our place, the trees where they snaked the cable wires on, died.

  • Also, the original knock shocks definitely were not hypnosis, as the metal in my airing cupboard was affected and a split second later my brain would have a violent shock. Often. Also my body could have spasms and even jackknife. Fun huh. Hypnosis has in other ways played a part. I wake sometimes with a sunburnt face.
    If you indeed have an RFID implant, I do not wonder. They can control the most basid of instincts, they can control your dream state, they can fry you and cause you undue physical damage. Consider yourself a magnet to the radiation or EMF fields hovering around you.
    Unless you are in an environment where people are really kind and are cognizant of the fact that the fun that they have at your expense can harm you or at its worst, kill you, and they stop - then you have to acknowledge that you really will undergo extreme electronic harassment. Act accordingly after the fact.
  • Thanks again, great info. Yes I have implants.
    What type of implants?
    Were you informed of what the doctor was gonna place inside your body?
    I underwent surgery too but thought the implant placed on me was just a simple implant, no RFID chips whatsoever.
    Once I get to the details of what happened before, during and after the operation however, you'll understand why I am entertaining the possibility that had an eye implant been place, it must have been during that period.
    Yes I feel worse in a crowd and even lights affect me.
    If electronic appliances have in their manual the reminder that negative ions from them will harm your body, If documentations prove mobile signals are harmful to health, If there's a perimeter range set for electrical posts, cell sites, etc - then it's but logical that a radio transmitter and receiver inside your body will have the effects of all these type of waves combined multiplied numerous times over.
    I foolishly retalliated against the media in 1995 and first OS began, followed by EH.
    I only discovered, on hindsight that those who have been harassing me (plus the doctor who went inside during the operation, as I was advised, to observe. she wasn't supposed to be there, she wasn't my doctor) are mostly from the media.
    And if you know the story about what really happened, you will even wonder why they are attacking me instead of apologizing to me.
    I was the one aggrieved yet here I was the one being pilloried.
    I guess there are just people so used to power they think they can play with ANYONE's life.
    I guess there are some people so used to be in the center of things when they do not receive the attention they want, they attack those who they think are dispensable.
    An editor told me it was Masonic so everywhere!
    One of the ever-present common denominator in this non-ending harassment thing, the media girl, is the grand daughter/ relative of a very powerful figure in the Philippine Political, Media, defense and justice arena. A Grand Master in the Philippine Masonic organiation. 
    Diagnosed at UCH London with neural pathway damage but refused a ct scan.
    Can you expound on this? Why did you refuse the scan? (Only if you wish.)
    Went to Poland for scan and had 2 violent dew attacks in 2 different hotels.
    Just 2? I mean, i thought most of us here are under attack 24/7?
    How were you attacked?
    It began as a hate crime and it is made clear to me that I have NO privacy. I am a soap opera even in the bathroom.
    For me, I believe it started as the usual power-tripping stance of cliques who believe they own the cyberscape they're in and all the people in it. For them, ganging up on people who catch their attention or the attention of others is tantamount to them having fun.
    Control. Power. Fitting in. I guess this is what it really was for them.
    Then like you, I became their soap opera material, their milking cow, their golden goose.
    Raking in money while having fun...
    Covering up for their crimes by enjoining everyone...
    Making bullying exciting and entertaining for everyone so they won't be tagged for the thigs that they are...
    These and earning at the same time for all the drama that they milk and create...
    Sex. Crime. Violence.
    The formula that they sell.
    The formula that they give to the public.
    The formula that the public wants.
    Unless the demand wanes, unless the public sees them for the abusive, violent charlatans that they are, they will continue in their arrogance.
  • Also, the original knock shocks definitely were not hypnosis, as the metal in my airing cupboard was affected and a split second later my brain would have a violent shock. Often. Also my body could have spasms and even jackknife. Fun huh. Hypnosis has in other ways played a part. I wake sometimes with a sunburnt face.
  • Thanks again, great info. Yes I have implants. Yes I feel worse in a crowd and even lights affect me. I foolishly retalliated against the media in 1995 and first OS began, followed by EH. An editor told me it was Masonic so everywhere! Diagnosed at UCH London with neural pathway damage but refused a ct scan. Went to Poland for scan and had 2 violent dew attacks in 2 different hotels. It began as a hate crime and it is made clear to me that I have NO privacy. I am a soap opera even in the bathroom.
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