I know who the perps are and I just want to balls out scream at them, but I wont, that wont do me any good, today I'm faced with more narrations of my thoughts (24/7 deal since last year them making up more crap that im apperently thinking and more threats ect ect) I've condemned them regularly and tried to push past there barricades. My Ma has cancer and its terminal and I'm forced to stay home and not venture out too far to go to a beach or anything happy or they will make my life miserable there to, I have the opportunity to get out of here someplace beautiful and I can't take it . I just want to create happy memories now for all the ones they destroyed and keep some precious ones of me an Ma having fun, somehow I have to creatively think of something I can do with her close by. I'm soooo greatful to still have family after all this. My whole past has been stirred around and ruined I tried my darndest to put together a photo album of things that they couldn't mess up I just want to look back and think of something happy of course it was mostly things i did on my own not with anyone else and family.All those years I ventured out as a teen the little I had was destroyed as it was let alone them digging through it all over again making matters worse. Behind me is a path of destruction that needs healing and a new light shone on it but I wont dare go there again till they let me be. I have a lot of self control but again that only goes so far I need to be balls out once in a while and I'm surprised I've lasted this long without tactfully screaming bloody F at them on the internet, there is no way I'd give them that satisfaction. I would really like to write a letter to the PM of Canada or the Mayor but I'm so un educated on the subject I would sound like a small child. I feel so repressed like this. Thank you again blog for being here to get this crap out!

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