Upcoming New Moon Cycle and Continuing...
Preparing the Physical Body Temple
With only four planetary grid transmissions (two months) left before our grand initiation through the Rites of Passage, the call is going out to all Planetary Light Servers to PURIFY and PREPARE!
Begin now to fortify your body to receive nourishment from God as we place our full attention on the perfection that we are. During this New Moon, we highly recommend starting internal cleansing and major housekeeping on all levels; lightening up on what we are consuming materially and especially what we are putting into our bodies.
Preparation Recommendations:
The Yoga of Fasting
Long have the spiritual masters demonstrated the value of strengthening and cleansing the body through the yoga of fasting. During this practice, we greatly re-qualify our energy to be utilized for more divine purposes instead of the heavy workload involved in digesting and excreting. As we temporarily empty the physical body of any additional matter density, we are free to vibrate at a higher frequency with our thoughts focused upon the living-light nourishment available to us as particles of God.
The ability to fast also demonstrates a more advanced level of mastery of the needs of the physical body which is imperative to moving forward on the Path of Initiation.
Fasting on Sundays
We are greatly encouraging everyone to tune in to their inner guidance and ascertain whether or not you are ready to integrate a weekly fasting regime into your process of purification. It is our sincerest wish that those planning on participating in the Rites of Passage institute the practice of fasting one day per week with a preference towards Sunday as this is the traditional day of rest and spiritual communion. As with all recommendations, please do what works best for you in honor of your personal flow and bodily rhythms.
Communing with the Elements of Nature
While you are fasting, it is important to place your attention upon divine subjects and the presence of God, the eternal sustaining source. Immerse yourself in the kingdoms of nature as this is where true life-giving energies are at their highest. Allow the elementals and devic builders of form to assist you in your daily ablutions in the spirit of grace and gratitude.
Divine Nutrition and Lightening Up
As we prepare for the greater influx of light and physical plane mastery, we are being guided to consume that which is of the highest light quotient and food that is filled with vibrant life sustaining energies.
Eating fresh organic fruits, raw vegetables and sprouted legumes/seeds/grains is highly recommended during this preparatory time in order to receive the most abundant supply of God living sustenance through our food.
Slow and prayerful chewing/eating is also very helpful in assimilating the physical and etheric nutrients available within our daily meals.
In further support of lightening our physical load, reducing the amount we eat can prove highly beneficial. Reserve the mornings for a mini-fast and a greater alignment with the pranic energies of the Great Central Sun and Mother Earth.
Taking our meals sometime during the noon-day and setting sun may allow for a higher level of light absorption as we cultivate our ability to live on the God Force that pervades all things.
You may also wish to research proper food combining in order to assure your body is able digest and receive all the available nutrition from your meals to optimum capacity.
In closing, we would like to thank each and every one of you for coming this far with us as one Group Avatar. These upcoming Rites of Passage will lift us to levels of consciousness that have been merely conceptual until this turning point in our divine evolution.
Arm in arm, we stand at the Christine gates of the Kingdom, preparing for our collective entry as one Body of God. All we can say is... HALLELUJAH!