A social credit score system is now being set up in order to rigidly control most of the human race. Complex algorithms would be used to award debits or credits to each individual based on hundreds of different activities which are routinely carried out be each individual. These complex algorithms would eventually police themselves because they have been preprogrammed to do so and this preprogramming is currently ongoing. These complex algorithms are already in force in the lives of many individuals, totally unknown to some. If an individual who is already initiated into the social credit score system attempts to raise awareness of this human control and enslavement system through regulated channels such as emails , then these complex algorithms could possibly come into force and automatically delete the emails concerned. Therefore it is imperative that when sending out emails to warn the public please make numerus spelling mistakes and write in a type of code such as half english and half another common language in your area.
These Preprogrammed computer codes known as algorithms could in future make your car malfunction or your credit card refuse to work if you should public criticize anyone in public office.