Pretending Government Trillionair MindControl Technicals Demonstrated one by one EM(Electromagnetic) remote mind control and remote surgery then murdersed rather than demonstrating everybody same time by scanning created Cancer, virus other EM surgery fake deseases, fake accidents to flood murder to keep trillionair family control the world by controlling mind of instant sleepwalk mediaworkers and others for over 50 years are ONLY Group of MURDERS. Same evils made human sleepwalk instantly with focused EM.
Survival==each media (TV station, Newspaper etc.) >100 media-in-charges filful 4 requirments including live for whole humankind, PhD equivalent in Science and Techs above 50 year-old continue doing reseaerch to check if they are sleepwalkers etc. to report Everybody Info >3 evidence for importance + >3 evidence for truthfulness repeatedly unitl enough evidence prove everybody received and understand.
Technology Level doesn't determine Equality Level. Equality Level is determined by Media Fairness: Report Everybody Info Same Ruler: >3 or >10 evdience repeatedly until enough evidence prove everybody received and understand.
Trillionair Eileen Rockefeller can live another 50 years. Husbands of 3 daughters of David Rockefellers can live another 30-50 years. They would not change as trillionair technicals they are liars. Liars not educable. They murder with Cancer, virus other fake diseases fake accidents to keep themselves feel powerful because they do not live for whole humankind therefore they follow animal instinct rather than following humanbeing's moral principles.They do not think about 100 years later or after their death : everybody thousands of times better. Everybody engineer after everybody government employee. Today most private FIRMS are stealing from bank and government for a living.
Technology-Level doesn't determine Equality-Level. Equality-Level is determined by Media-Fairness: Report Everybody Info Same Ruler: >3 or >10 evdience repeatedly until enough evidence prove everybody received and understand.
Pretending Government Trillionair Mind Control Technicals would not change as trillionair technicals they are liars. Liars not educable.