Domestic PSI-Terror arbitraryly perpetrated against all laws and moreover with knowledge of different services in a country is a form of state sponsored terrorism, especially if not all means are undertaken to eliminate, banish and probate this illegitime and inhuman and unlawful behaviour, or even if intelligence programmes are establishes to sabotage, damage, deceive and distract citizens or for example making the turkish perpetrators legally immune. No other evaluation is possible under the circumstances that we currently have, because only destructive and negative effects result from Kilic's PSI-Terror. And it is about wrong doing. Kilic's PSI-Experiments started back in the 80's. Citizens have to take care of themselves in regards of PSI-Terror, telepathic manipulations, personality-deforming, covertly deprogramming and depatterning and all the other ugly perversions from this turkish PSI-group from Heidelberg.
In this blog I will develop an overview about Kilic's methods as they became known to me over the years.
First we have to understand that Kilic's methods were developed over many years. It surpassed many levels and many phases until any effect was registered. I am not of the opinion that Kilic's telepathy is worth any prize, because it is no real ability and the scientific problems of PSI-sciences are not overcome. Kilic's telepathy is merely a sex-telepathy-terror and developed around a psychological attribute, namely sexuality and/or sleep.
Ten different turkish perpetrators probably entangle their minds in such a way that powers are increased, intelligence is improved, the urge to sleep suppressed, sexual powers increased many magnitudes compared to a normal healthy person. In Germany this state was once called "Menschen-Kanone", which meant a weapon in the form of entangled minds, a telepathic weapon.
Many prerequisites are necessary to even come close to any probable effect, simply beginning any telepathy and psychokinesis from absolute zero proved to be impossible even for Kilic.
It is my understanding from analysis and observation that the Kilic brothers PSI-raped each other over years again and again. PSI-rape, sex-assaults, personality desintegration, personality-deforming and voodoo-methods became conditioning of their minds. They made themselves come with PSI, telepathy, psychokinesis, simulated orgasms and so on. This was expanded and extended soon to other citizens around them, it is difficult to say when to the day exactly it started, but Kilic is from Turkey and these turks experimented the first years among each other. The early years, this must have been outside Germany, because they just moved before or around 1990 from Turkey to Germany. This means that PSI-manipulations belong to their daily manipulative psychoterror since many many years, probably since their early puberty. It had it's first high when they were around 18....20 and this was in the 80's. There are rumors that this turkish family molested before in other countries including Turkey. It was then decided Kilic and his PSI-group be better preserved in Germany, which actually might reason or motivate very well the Kilic family's moving to Germany, as this happened with the help of intelligence. Other rumors say Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) was arrested as a student in Turkey, it is unclear if any early psychiatric hospitalisations also happened back then, because there are rumors about "rubber room" from that time, it is also unclear if psychiatric commitments of Kilic happened due to the family's early PSI-manipulations in any other country back then. Once in Germany, Kilic's hateful, revengeful, pervert, misanthropic and antidemocratic world view thrived quickly, it was from the very early days a sexual-PSI-rape-oriented pervert behavior, violating numberless laws of peaceful citizens, attacking citizens in a homicidal way. In those early days Kilic's PSI-group worked extensively on organizing a yet to happen mega-consequence of PSI-manipulation in our physical world. As such a mega-consequence didn't exist before 2000, he worked eagerly on weakening structures of society and government, several things happened in parallel back then. It was always a mixture of Psycho-Terror, Psychophysical Terror, telepathy, psychokinesis and machurian-candidate-principles, obviously it was a PSI-adapted version of the manchurian-candidate-principle which thrived covertly but on a domestic playground.
In Germany a certain idiomatic expression was on the rise in the 80's, meaning psychiatric hospitalizations in context of PSI, telepathy and psychokinesis, namely: "Der is dursch...."(Beschluss/Person ist durch/völlig erledigt!). This phrase meant a complex content and is originally from the 80's, a horrific phrase. It precisely meant involuntary psychiatric hospitalisations after Kilic's PSI-rapes, remembering back, many cruel and degrading treatments can be stated in context of Kilic's first terroristic appearance with PSI-Terror in many different countries, he PSI-raped and PSI-assaulted like a butcher these early years.
The best theoretical and reality-conform explanatory-model for PSI-Terror as I describe it here in all of my blogs is certainly using bio-cybernetics. The human mind and the brain work due to their information-related and quantum nature, on the basis of the laws of quantum information or at least these laws can be re-indentified there and form the backbone of the structure of reality. So far certainly true and a most promising abstract quantum-model. What I am trying to say is that very certainly these turkish PSI-perpetrators(Kilic Heidelberg) use these kind of quantum-categorized approach, it is included there and automatically met, which finally we recognize as telepathy, psychokinesis, permanent mindcontrol and remote-viewing. So that means practically: one mind can be synchronized to another mind. Of course questions arise considering if this happens voluntarily or not, with consent or not. The method is then information-snychronization that we perceive effectively as telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol and even remote-viewing.
Yet it remains absolutely true, that this information-synchronization doesn't happen out of the blue. A malicious and pervert and evil intent must exist with those who actively perpetrate dominant forms of telepathy, psychokinesis, PSI-rapes, and it is necessary to emphasize that not anybody has the possibility to PSI-rape another person, or to make them pain in their heart-muscle or to their genitals by telepathic or psychokinetic means.
It just doesn't happen out of the blue this arbitrary and malevolent PSI-Terror.
And here my other blogs fill in the gap. Because many difficulties must be overcome to project any thought or pain to anybody. Kemal Kilic, a most sadistic member of this turkish PSI-group, solved this problem by orchestrating and utilizing his whole family for his PSI-experiments, as far as I met them, eight males and two females, all turks. Using a small group of PSI-acquainted and experienced people, being even more familiar/silimar among each other, thereby establishing a kind of a proto-PSI-state of mind and getting closer to warm reading, a composite state of mind, has many decisive advantages and is probably only possible this way. Out of enforced similarty, a highly dense state of mind, of all the minds of all members of Kilic's PSI-group, develops a plateau-effect which is used to tremendously enhance synchronization-levels. A PSI-adaption of quantum principles, rebuild and applied on the cognitive level, is most probably Kilic's method. In the 80's Kilic's alleged ability was compared with an old indian or hindu statuette of a deity of ancient times, because of synchronization of many minds into one.
If this synchronization reaches a certain level, that obviously needs not to be that high, then manipulations become possible. These manipulations can include very, very damaging methods like psychological and psychophysical torture, psychophysical rapes(PSI-rapes), behaviour modification and personalty-deforming, other psychophysical effects with real physical consequences, terminal experiments and manipulations with deathly developments, it is described lenghty by many targeted individuals in their blog.
In the following I will try to develop what I experienced of special methods by these turks(Kilic) from Heidelberg. According to what I came to know these turks started their fatous and unlawful PSI-double-life with the telepathic comment in german: "Was,...Ihr betreibt Telepathie,' euch werd' ich helfen". It is unclear how far this goes and what Kilic was and is up to.