As far as I came to know it, this turkish PSI-Terror started sometime before 1990. It appears they started their PSI-Terror when they realized that Remote-Viewing-Experiments and Research existed. They started a privately motivated endeavor and were present with telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol experiments and many other PSI-Experiments practically each day since that time. Check for yourself. When was the last time period without telepathy or any PSI? PSI is in this form a manmade product, a PSI-group is behind there and has to sustain it continuously, each hour, each day, each week and even throughout the night and even over many days and nights. Later more about the question of sleep-deprivation about how long to suppress the urge to sleep.

Memet Kilic, born Ali Güldane in 1967, moved according to his own curriculum vitae in 1990 to Heidelberg, Germany and was promoted sensationally to his new task.

It appears he joined the party "Die Grünen", while or after finishing his university degree.

Memet Kilic has many family members, and PSI-activities started according to my reconstruction and recollection several years before Memet Kilic himself came to Germany. This is important, and it is true.

The question of most interest is when sexually-oriented and rape-like PSI-Terror started and in what way it happened. In that early time period probably 1982...1983....1984 I have heard that the first PSI-assaults were incredibly cruel and hard. It is said that these first assaults were merely PSI-slaughtering to the genitals, hard, ruthless, no explanation, no help possible for years and no escape for years. One of the Kilic brothers, his name is probably Kemal Kilic, used an extremely terrific power to assault innocent citizens and any other people to the first time, probably to convince or to shock all those who were not willing to believe in modern voodoo, in active PSI-Manipulation, that Kilic actually has an alleged form of PSI-abilities, in manmade psychokinesis. The shock and trauma from this first time PSI-Terror or PSI-rape shockwave was that much heavy that it lasted for a long time. And there was no help and no escape at that time. Back then it was still commonly believed that parapsychology can not do harm to anybody. These early assaults were accompanied with comments through telepathy. For example there were comments that actually conveyed the will to assault and that this was the assault. Later this became more and more a commendation in 3rd person, because each telepathic comment used the 3rd person. Kilic started in the early days using an indirect form of address.

The first comments, or at least the first comments I know or became aware of through telepathy, were in german. But this might be incomplete as Kilic's telepathy started originally in his homeland and would have been in turkish. As practically all later telepathic comments can be attributed to Kilic or members of Kilic's PSI-group I am quite sure this was because Kilic was acquainted and highly fluent with the german language, otherwise he would not have moved to Germany planning to become a politician.

Manmade telepathy, arbitrarily telepathic comments, psychokinesis and a lot of PSI-deception and distraction started before Memet Kilic's official moving to Heidelberg in 1990, I think that other members of his family were already present several years earlier, namely before 1990 in southern Germany. One of the earliest psychokinetic manmade effects were actually sexually-oriented PSI-assaults, this is not necessarily the result of later developments synchronizing citizens more strongly. I have heard or became aware that there are citizens out there who were PSI-raped for the first time in the 80's and the following years. Then finally in 1988, a public parapsychological institute with consulting functions started work in southern Germany. According to the institute's public webpage it's goals are to help citizens who got problems with parapsychological methods, with telepathy, psychokinesis and other methods. Parapsychological institutes existed worldwide in many countries, but it must have been special circumstances and uncontrollable PSI-sources or dangerous PSI-perpetrators why this taxpayed institute started it's scientific work and public consultatory function. Obviously because of the existence of dangerous manmade PSI-manipulations that were on the rise back then.

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