"Psychic" Distortions aka Disfigurement

In addition to the view of one of my legs that shows the mechanical electronic 'system' that runs through my body and the view of what it has done to my feet; I am posting (3) photographs of my face; One dated 3-16-11; the next 3-27-11 and the more normal photo, dated 3-29-11.  The last one is dated 4-6-11 where they apply wrinkles above upper lip.   The good one of me that is typical of what i look like i posted yesterday wherein i was wearing a purple hat is dated: 4-5-11 3:23 p.m.  I have great evidence to indict these flunkies according to a couple of men friends but both say they can't imagine anyone taking the case, however.  What Lockheed Missiles and Space Systems - Stanford Research Institute holding hands with the CIA are doing to me is intended to 'break me.'  I can't wait to go to the N>Y> Bioethics meeting with my photos and oh, so much more.   I go out in public and never from day to day, moment to moment know if I will take on a good or grossly distorted image of a sickly old lady.  I suppose they want to make me look like a bag lady - what they also do a daily routine when leaving my apt in the a.m. is scoop of tons of dust and hairs, etc. and blast my black tights and skirt so that I will give the appearance of wearing dirty hose. YOU SEE - THEY ARE LOSING - AND THEY ARE POOR LOSERS!  I have taken on the attitude that I am in a theatre production - the lead role, of course.  One has to maintain a sense of humor about it; otherwise I might collapse and weep over it. I've had people look at me in very strange ways.  One example is when I was having lunch where  young college kids congregate and they transformed my neck into that of a turkey's and this one poor girl was literally sitting there starring at my neck and holding on to her own -  thank God I have a sense of humor ... if this wasn't so horrific it might be comical.  It'd be a good movie and these  bastards are all over the movie industry as in the Military - Industrial - Entertainment Industry.  They murdered Patrick Swayze with the same disease they've given Steve Jobs; Farrah Fawcett, Michael Douglas, Liam Neeson's wife are surely other 'hits' and on and on. They do it because they can get away with it; and they do it because death and destruction excites them.  It gets their genitals all hot and bothered.  Today they  are threatening me with wrinkles above the mouth inside laugh lines - this is their favorite assault - they artificially electronically manufacture these wrinkles using nano particles and then they 'activate' the area as though nudging me what they have done with a "ha ha ha."  What they would really like to be able to do is enhance that little stub they carry around in their pants.


Essentially, what is going on is holographic projections and transmitting images.  SRI/ Lockheed is known for psi operations and "technological exotics for CIA covert actions."  They've had this stuff down for ages.  They can do just one area as in the last photo dated 4-6-11 or age the texture of one's skin and wrinkle the entire face as depicted in the (2) others.   It's actually being done to a lot of other people only they don't know what's going on and think they have just gotten old from the weapons and not taking care of themselves.  It's not the case with me - I'm getting old numerically certainly, but I've been lucky in that time sort of cast a spell on me and i haven't gotten old physically AND THAT'S THE ONE THING THEY TOLD ME THEY WOULD GO AFTER.  These are all-time losers who WILL be caught if I have to hunt them down before this is ended.  I know a lot of the faces involved in my targeting and I can identify them.


Aren't we having fun...................

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