I once heard wirelessly transmitted technologically induced voices coming from inside my head in the past. These internal voices informed me at that time that they were planning to totally paralyze me in the future but they would leave me with the ability to feel pain. They further informed me that they would then wirelessly send pain signals to me after I was totally paralysed but I would not be able to move a muscle to let anybody know that I was being silently tortured. This silent torture would then go on for the rest of my life.
During this time my muscles were being manipulated against my will wirelessly by electronic muscle stimulation technology. I was so frightened by these psychotronic weapon attacks that I could not stop my teeth from chattering with fear. I attempted suicide on two occasions because of these frightening messages and wirelessly generated sensations. After the suicide attempts which were both overdoses of medication I was unconscious in Castlebar General Hospital for four days on each occasion. The reason I am telling my story to the public is because I am afraid that remotely administered silent torture may be being administrated by wireless means to individuals in hospitals who may be suffering from dementia or who may have locked-in syndrome and who may have no ability to inform the staff of their extreme suffering. We need to discuss this phenomenon on the off-chance that it is happening to somebody somewhere.
For my full story please read my website which is called