This essay is a proposed current model of remote neural monitoring and manipulation throw the use of psychotronic weaponry. The assay takes into assumption that the reader has a basic knowledge of such purposed technology, example the transmitting effects of low radio frequencies (different EEG bands) on a person. Based on my prudent studies of this field, with the aid of social media and the internet, I hop the reader is better able to see the implications of such technologies. Most nations do not condone non concessional experimentation on its citizens unless it is in the best interest of its nation security. The notion or idea that an apposing nation may poises a weapon with psychotronic capabilities may lower the trashy hold of this sort of experimentation. This was the case with nuclear weapons testing on solders during the cold war. Based on the ideology that time is of the essence, to perfect this sort of weapon. I can see how non-consensual human experimentation can be used with remote neural monitoring and manipulation to perfect this sort of weapon. But to create this weapon, secrecy would be needed because of the implications and liabilities of such a device.
So what would be the nature of this human experimentation that would be needed to produce this weapon? First I’ll try to literate the importance of detecting this sort of device. Imagine a synthetic pelage were one could use psychotronic weaponry to producing signs and symptoms of a disease or disorder, crippling persons and even producing death that fits a current particular pathology. This technology then can systematic destroy a nation by targeting a very specific percentage of the population. Or even in the wrong hand be used as a form of negative eugenics to perfect a race. But how would this be possible? With a basic or even archaic computing and data saving power; information and or commands can be produce and transmitted to a subject. It has been stated that it is know possible to use telematics to lock on to a person or target for monitoring. It would not be a stretch to apply this telematrics technology to a persons EEG. Then from a safe distance the persons EEG can be monitored. Emotion, feels, states of mind all then can be recorded and studied. A step further would be to graph these thoughts sublimity to another person whether it be, mania, fear or absent mindedness. Manipulation of a targeted human’s basic characteristics can produce adverse effects that maybe desirable to the operator of such technology/weapon. This technology can be used in a positive manner beneficial to the handicapped. Even advance man kinds ability to learning, use memory, or even read.
Some implications or covers needed may preside as the following. Do to the trauma of such experiments, human test subjects would be susceptible to mental illness; or intentionally, even intensively driven to mental illness to relinquish the burden off proof and or liability of the experimenter. There for it would be up to the mental health practitioners to treat these test subjects. Most often medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms of mental illness. Which begs the question, is this a form of pharmaceutical narco-terrorism? Has there been such a large investment into this weapon, that now funding into black psychotronic programs could be used as a stimulus package for national defense or even the mental health industry. All hidden under a veil of secrecy, producing the pandemic that initial studies of this weapon where suppose to protect use from. I’ am not trying to denounce mental illness. I’ am merely stating a possibility of an out come from such a weapon. If there is knowledge of such a psychotronic weapons and non-consensual human experimentation was conducted this weapons existence should come to light and be made public.
Thomas M