These perps yesterday while driving blocked my vision and blinded me for almost half an hour and later resumed the vision, the same thing was done to me today morning for about 15 minutes and later gained my vision after which they started giving me severe headache and eyepain while in the office. these perps find all possible ways to torture me to force me to become a slave to them and heed to all their evil orders. they also deprive me of my sleep or give me over sleep. and they are taking full control of my body parts, they have already hurt my ear and almost making me deaf and some liquid start oozing out of my ear, they block my ear so that i dont listen to outside noice and speak to me in a low frequency so that they can take total control of my mind, they also threaten me that they will not let me eat, by giving burning sensation in my chest and stomach something like acidity and not let me eat. They also give me pain in my teeth, jaws and in my ear so that i will be able to chew the food. They also control my excretion by giving me severe constipation or continous loose stool, even while during the office hours and also create gastric during my work time in order to create nuisance.
They are trying out all possible tricks in order to completely surrennder to them, even while praying they try these tricks and induce evil thoughts and vision. These evil torture made me still more stubborn toward these evil guys.
what may come and happen I will surrender only to jesus christ and only to the almighty god so that he will take care of me even during my worst conditions. These perps also threaten me that shortly they will make me completely blind and kidnap me and carry out their evil actions on me and others, for which i really dont care. I am sure this is all the sign of antichrist.
Dear all I always pray for all of the guys who are undergoing this sort of torture, i humbly request you also pray for me and I am sure these evil perps will have a very hard time in the near future. and god will definitely punish them and surely destroy them,.
Thanks and Regards
Vincent George