Tuesday, March 9th - events of past 24 hrs.

8 AM Tweaked heart muscle; later ran Death Advertisement at MyYahoo page. The insertion space for personal advertising alternates between the cemetery buriel scene to the face of a woman covered in wrinkles ... this, I was advised, is their psychological campaign to "break me." They will break me by destroying my face OR possibly, from the experience I had at the library this afternoon, a lethal dose of non-lethal weaponry.

3:30 PM Targeted me with Pulsed Energy Projectiles Weapon while up at the University; struggled to stay on my feet but body went into temporary paralysis; fell in a heap on the floor where the librarian insisted on calling paramedics instead of helping me to get up. Apparently, the criminals wanted to give me a more indepth demonstration of their military might and Satanic evil practices. PEP is my best guess but suppose it could have been another type weapon.

Campus paramedics were terrific but then two more from the Fire Dept. who I was told “were in the area” showed up. There was something creepy about the two of them and what it was, I'm sure, is that they were in on it.

It crossed my mind that something might be in store for me because I was left alone the entire day. Obviously, they read my thoughts.

I continue to get zero sleep at night with very loud acoustics blasting away in my head and heating my body to the extremes... almost uninterrupted when I’m lying in bed at night for which I' ve been unable to find adequate shielding. They continue to harass and entertain me blasting the audio effects of aircraft engines
overhead followed by a train rolling down the tracks (with no train tracks anywhere on this side of town); and because I'm not in a war zone (except covertly) there could be no loud ovrehead military aircraft. It's all so ridiculous and to think of the amount of money taxpayers are footing the bill for to allow Lockheed Martin (black budget aerospace industries) and the rest of the players to carry out this sort of nonsense. Then came the knocking sound at my bedroom window while I sat on the edge of the bed coping with the creation of battery acid from hell using the same sick twisted slow methodical, sadistic movements up and down throat into esophagus into stomach and back and forth - the language of a disturbed individual sitting at the display screen in a cowardly remote location so as not to be found out.

4:14 a.m. Awakened to neurological pain to (R) Leg behind Knee accompanied by cramping of the leg which was turned off like a light switch shortly after I made a written note of it; more knocking sounds at bedroom window.

My son has been afflicted with what he believes is food poisoning and vomiting with terrible pain. This is the 3rd time recently and worse than other episodes. I need to explain the weapons assault and abuse to my son and his close family of friends. He continues to not want to hear about it, but now he will listen to what I have to say regardless. I wonder what his friends parents will have to say about all this... if they will even have heard of the technology. People have great difficulty believing their own government could do such evil things. They would rather believe someone is mentally ill just as Ret'd Colonel John Alexander told the USAF a long time ago about the weapon technology - "... If anyone complains, they will be considered delusional and mentally ill. The weapons are silent and invisible and cannot be detected. We have nothing to worry about."

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  • well, they do that all the time.
    I can sit in a bus, and the police cars would be outside stopping some car and they would look me straight in the eyes through the windows of the bus, like they all knew me and I was of some importance.
    I just ask them (in my thoughts) if they enjoy the gay gan. So I have my own weapon:) They absolutely hate that.
  • In certain areas, like in malls where there is security, my attacks get bigger.
    It is the police and/or these secutiry guys that conduct the attacks.
    Who else has access to such sophisticated weapons?
  • I have 4 mins left before the computer cuts me off here at the library. There is one thing I neglected to mention about the PEP attack which knocked me off my feet and left me a mess for a short while and that is that I am 99% certain it was the local police department who carried it out the hit on me. Earlier in the day, one of the men in blue walked toward me staring me straight in the face letting me know in unspoken language that he was one to stay away from. A half hour later I related the incident to a friend and he said I was probably just 'personalizing' but that the whole bunch of them are known as 'bullies' to stay away from. I knew that I was not personalizing.... it is documented that the weapon has been handed over to law enforcement agencies and if it is used in the way that it was used on me, it would be pretty much a given that police are the guilty party - even if I had not read that, I knew it immediately. I need to get a lawsuit started before my time is up based on an incident last July when a corrupt police officer and his deputy police chief documented and filed a falsified police report.
  • you ask why don't they go after terrorists and child molestors... THEY are the terrorists and child molestors. As Chavez said when he was in the Netherlands, and I've never heard a more accurate quote: "The American Government cares nothing about its own people." We need to reorganize and do a march like Martin Luther King did in the South. Come to Vermont and organize to expose the American Government and the actrocities it is carrying out on its own citizens. I know that we can pull it off. I will alert the University, Media and any and everybody in this city and surrounding towns.
  • Well now you sound like ME... exactly...
    Isn't it enough they isolate you , must they also hurt you constantly?
    Who did I piss off? Or didn't I really?
    They go and molest children as well. Nohting is holy for them.
    I guess it is research.
    You know, they've always done reaseach on rats and disabled, it has alwasy been OK.
    But they do this on normal people as well, just dubbel the number.
  • I just read your post and I am so sorry that is happening to so many people in here. Nothing like that has happened to me....they just watch and listen to me, like I am being constantly monitored...Its one thing to listen to our thoughts, speak to us, etc But why do they physically hurt people? Did we all piss someone off or something? I pissed someone off and they wanted to hurt me and discredit me with my job that I lost...but physical pain and stuff.......why dont they go after terrorists and child molestors?
  • I often wonder WHY didn't he tell me???!!
    Could be he was fooled to think I was involved.
    Later they TURNED HIM against ME!
    I hated him so much for a while
    But I know now that he was targeted himself.
    But why they turned him against me and he accepted without telling me i have no idea.
    But all I know was that he suddenly was healthy again, shining, no zombie looking, no strange walking around, no red eyes, no trembling of the heands, and so on...
    Maybe they've tortured him too much, brainwashed him - who knows.
    I just hope they will leave my father and mother alone.
    It hurts me even more to know that they are hurt.
  • I saw my father under attack under 2-3 years and didn't know what it was.
    I thought he was drinking too much or something.
    He tried to asked: Don't you think that "this" is strange, "that" is strange,,, I never realized I was targeted too..
    I now even realized that one of my oldest friends was targeted and they asked her to perp me,.. and she could not wait to get rid of me,... She thought she suffered from diabetes... a lot of fatigue, blurred view, didn't show up to work that often, and so on.
    Can you really blame him?
    Let him realize it himself if he doesn't want to accept it yet.
  • In the beginning, I tried to tell my son what was happening but he wouldn't hear of it. He still insists on cutting me off at any mention of it and, I'm sure, in large part because of remote influencing he has been under. I keep changing my mind with regard to telling him, thinking that maybe he's better off not knowing. But, this last belly ache and vomiting all over the place was too much. I tell him and his friends now finally.
  • I know what your son is experiencing, their fav. torture on me for a while.
    A lot of pain and a very bad taste.
    Yes, they need to know, but anyone that knows seems to be recruited into gang stalking and all of that.
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