Questionnaire For Targeted Individual's
I would you to complete this questionnaire, for your own personal use for complaints and court appearances even helping you with the recent news of the questionnaire that you might fill out for the UN - Nils Melzer - Accountability Report - for the High Commissioner see Blog, and also for might be useful for diary entries
I would like your feedback over machine use in your area, functions that are being used, and literature you have found helpful, any contacts that you have found helpful, any environmental problems in your area, strange occurences created by machine (i.e. sycorax, see Dr Who, Flashes in towns or cities).
The rest is obviously sensitive data and is for you to think about
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Chemical Spray Incidents with Approximate Dates and Times even years would help and witnesses?
Have you been sprayed at home or in your home village, town, city and locations?
What kind of mind manipulation/control have you endured?
If you can, what methods can you describe the gangstalkers using i.e. NLP? Dates and Times of Incidents or diaries kept?
What personal information have they found of yours or been paranoid about themselves - is this why they are picking on you? Source of Information?
Harrassment Incidents?
What Tortures (See Wikipedia for more information)?
What abuse have you encountered?
Crminal acts aginst you encountered ie. Stealing, invasion and intrusion of property, beatings ABH/|GBH, Accidents (Domestic Accidents)? See Canada Law on Google sites
Who are you in contact with in T.I. community?
What was mentioned on Street Theatre to label gangstalkers i.e. the mention of certain books for instance Raunni Kilde MD Bright light on Black Shadows or Mark M Rich's Hidden Evil?
who have you tried to contact professionally? When?
Have your complaints failed and why?
Are they accusing you of anything ar they libelling, slandering, defaming and blacklisting you?
Is politics discussed at all? India, China, Russia, any other country - or tenuous political relationships
What do they want to know about your or others religious practices - is it ethical or moral?
Has war been mentioned in any way and why?
Where is the major source of information coming from - have they infringed Data Protection?
Has music and copyright been infringed - have you had to endure music torture at any time?
Have YOU been told you are a copyright infringer - for wanting to know about gangstalking or anti gangstalking?
Are you able to get hold of the information or are people (perps) trying to stop you?
Has your solicitor or legal representation been threatened in any way? Have they tried to obstruct the course of justice?
When the voices and body map are used or wave applied against you, what type of incidents can you report?
Who has spoken even with a disguised voice on your street theatre?
Have you found connections to gangstalking via authority figures?
Have you frequented any places where there is irradiation even in low form?
Have you been electrocuted - in which way - and think of Hospital and Emergency Room Visits?
Have you had to adopt any special behaviours or actions to cut down Irradiation levels?
Have you reported radiation or pollution to the relevant authorities for your area or nationally?
Have you been asked to clear away irradiation or adopt special practices by perps?
Have you been threatened with FEMA or Deportment?
Have you been Threatened with death?
Have you been threatened with rape or had rape - Mind and body rape?
Have you been sexually abuse or tortured, sexual touching or hypersensitivity applied?
Have you been able to ascertain which machines are being used in your area? Voice to skull, DEW's.
Have you noticed areas of pollution, death of plants, affected wildlife, pets , or extra Co2 in your rea ie. ponds, lakes, waterways?
Have you endured cruelty to animals and pets?
Has the weather been affected?
Have you felt a special kind of wind around you - functions on machine?
Any unusal flashing in the sky or sycorax type flashes - see Dr who Christmas Invasion (David Tennant)?