Deca & Sue

.... and capricorn one being 'neutral'

I don't post under the comments somebody who :
a) attacked me for no reasons whatsoever at the first comment he made,

b) then whined that I was not posting his posts afterwards in the main room,

c) then falsely accused me of being a gov't agent (which might indicate that he is the gov't agent, time will tell but it is usually the case, what they are falsely accusing you because you don't take their shit is what they actually are) and

d) then whined again in the main room
My choice

So here is my comment:

Reported by LaBrat 11 hours ago in his comment

Comment by deca 11 minutes ago

I would not waste my joining alien contactees forums or spiritual believing forums ...if I knew I was suffering from being targeted from man made technology ...why would I ???  what could I offer them or what could they offerer me ....just ridicules

What????????  Am I understanding this correctly that it is in the context of Sue comment's below?  It really looks like it.

I am in entire agreement with Sue based on my research not published here yet because I am a new member but you have real testimonies of people being abducted, experiencing also sleep paralysis, without mentioning the shadow people.  They are not hallucinating, it's all very real because you have very good credible reports about it.  You also have what is called intraterrestrials and they are not human beings either.

Sue said:

How do we know that all the info on man attacking with electronics is not a cover for the truth? ie ETs attacking with telepathic powers. If this were true it would be more highly classified then anything. There is plenty of research done into the existence of ETs, no one can prove of course but nor can we prove being attacked by DEWs. Its a big universe, I think its naive of us to assume we know the exact whos and hows

p.s. To allow you to comment does not mean that I allow you to disrespect me.  Any entity out there who will disrespect me will not see their comments posted, period.  Thank you.

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    • 8:03 PM
    • 1270573665?profile=RESIZE_180x180thepropector

      hi capricorn1, my name is Rita. who was killed and by whom?

    • 1270573665?profile=RESIZE_180x180capricorn one-VPN

      Voices are making you think of 'little old me' when we need to be thinking of man's future here as well as our quality of life in the present

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