Scott the snot I am happy you are so well informed.
So Ha Ha and I raise U a HA LOL
My interest in Harrp is like the A bomb they have now clue what they are doing.
They did not know what would happen if they blew one up or about the radiation.
Same here, blasting the ionosphere partial beams. It shields us from the sun.
Harrp to me looks like a big ion generator like the smoke eaters in bars. Charge up some
really big capacitors and discharge into the grid. Spacecraft like the ones go to mars
will be using Ion drives. Back to Tesla, these were his ideas death ray, radio, broadcast power
mind control radio talks with aliens. Everyone thought he was crazy but then they tought
about the power station at Nigeria falls the first one ever built. The model for the rest and
the electric motor. Like all of us want an end to evil and V2K. I believe a simple countermesure
could defeat V2K. By Grounding myself I have relief but it only practical not moving around to much.
Later J :)