ready to march the streets with signs or so to speak

Where are all the petitions to hand in to the government and to put an end to this war??? I'll sit here all day and sign every one, somewhere I read said to go to public affairs with nonsence like this but I'm afraid what do they do do you end up on the news? the only other option is to hire a private investegator with money i dont have. oh what to do if they dont stop I'm there damsel in distress anything happens to them they take it out on me. This is an age old problem is so pathetic people can't discuss it or put laws specifically on it  someones gotta have enough balls one of thease days to stand up against it in the right place and time. I would so stand in front of city hall with a sign with more people to do so tired had company today did as much normal things as i could the nonsence was still in the backround its like having two lives simutamiously.....

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  • Sure I'd love to see it! I was acctually just reading on the sightings in Toronto I was wondering if they had ever figured it out after reading another article on drones in Vancouver....

  • Yes he was mind controlled, tortured and labeled mentally ill like so many.. That is what is sick with this world....
  • I agree but bring it home.. Mention Aaron Alexis and a few other famous TIs .. Not to mention while the public is sleeping the population is becoming more controlled by GMOs, chemtrails, electronic manipulation and harassment ... Point out that all of the future generations including their children will be the controlled world if not stopped.... We need to awaken the public
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