It has been more than two months since I last posted a blog. I am still being sleep deprived and subjected to assaults to my body as well as dream probing. The primary person I named in my Color of Law Complaint to the FBI in 2013 is the person who is most active in the assaults to my body and the assaults used to cause sleep disturbances and sleep deprivation. He is also the one who is doing the dream probing and dream interrogation. This person knows all about these weapons of assaults. He knows how to put a person in dreams with a specific sanario around a specific content. He knows what technology is being used to veiw a person in their own homes in the smallest of detail. It is common knowledge now that nano particulate devices can be placed in a person's brain which can be read from and written too. Yes this is Mind Control. And this person I named in my complaint knows everything about these evil things and how to use them to destroy a person's life. He knows who is behind this evil, where the equipment comes from, where it is placed and the purpose of doing these things across the nation. This is the kicker. Everyone who has worked under him and everyone who has worked above him knows exactly what he has been doing for atleast the past twenty years.
" I'm a Marine" he shouts. I have known marines but they never went around blasting it in my ear or face. Do some asking around about the kind of person who does such things and you will understand the kind of individuals who are sought after to do these evil acts. You know the vile evil things that are being done to women, men, young and old across this nation and the world. The only difference between them and Hamas is that they haven't been given the "ok" .