Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks is the name of a book which has been written by A.K. Forwood and here is the description of the contents of that book as follows
A secret underground lurks throughout society a sophisticated network of secret policing units that are cropping up in every community. It is made up of people from all walks of life who are operating as a fascist secret police force against all freedom-loving citizens of the western world. They pretend to be serving a good cause but they are creating terror in our neighborhoods and destroying lives one person at a time. This secret network is not only used for targeting individuals with systematic harassment but those within it are often involved in sexual exploitation blackmail satanism and mind-control. Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control takes an inside look at the sinister side of this growing epidemic. Written by a target for targets.
I have not read this book yet but I am putting information about it on my social media sites and in other platforms because I am a long term victim of this system of gang-stalking and also of remote torture which is being conducted by means of digital signals being transmitted into my brain. I went to the police to report this crime being carried out against me but I found that the police themselves are being subjected to remote manipulation of their thought processes by digital electronic means to the extent that they refused to allow me to report the crime to them by both talking over me when I was reporting it and by using the scare tactic of implying indirectly that I might possibly suffer the loss of my freedom by psychiatric intervention if I continued to report this crime. Here is the following method that is being used against the police, the military, psychiatrists, all other medical professionals, scientists, university personnel, government advisors, politicians, the judiciary, lawyers and many others who have been given artificial authority in this world in order to manipulate their thought processes so that they are no longer effective doing their work as follows:-
If scientists wish us to believe a false message they first of all disrupt or impair or shut off the parts of our brains that govern reasoning and comprehension and when those parts of the brain are shut off they then deliver the false message and we automatically accept it without the ability to analyse if it is true or not.
They shut off those parts of our brains which govern reasoning and comprhension from time to time by means of transcranial magentic stimulation a procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain which is delivered by remote means to our brains by means of digital signals which come from our smart phones and from there into nano technology which is embedded throughout our brains. The fact that there is technology in many and varied injections has been proven by Professor Pablo Campra from the University of Almeria in Spain and by a number of other independent scientific groups throughout the world. For a copy of a legal document on this topic which is signed by Professor Campra please go to a website called Then right click on it and click on 'Translate into English.' Then click on the first icon on that website. That is the document in question.
Because of the scientific capability of remote manipulation of the thought processes of senior government officials, the judiciary and others this country and others have been been brought to a standstill. Unorthodox scientists and others have managed to persuade billions of people to accept the injectng of an untested material into their bodies. They have also managed to persuade both psychiatrists and the police that external voice hearers are mentally ill inspite of the fact that the capability to transmit voices into people's heads has existed since 1975 and has been well documented in numerous scientific documents. Scientists have also used the scientific capability of remote manipulation of thought processes to persuade some individuals that men can now become women and women can become men, which of course can never happen because it is impossible.
For this and further information on the scientific capability of remotely manipulating the thought processes of senior government staff and certain members of the public please read about the work of Professor of Human Communication Steven R. Corman whose work is based at Arizona State University, some of which can be found at the following online link
We must urgently put a stop to remote manipulation of our though processes by evil doers and we can put a stop to them instantly simply by having the infrastructure which allows wireless and wifi capabilities to exist disassembled and banned outright urgently. Please initiate a public discussion on this matter today.


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