Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy  is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis.

If you use this remedy and it works for you please let me know so I can help other TIs with this information.

Kind regards

Music Teacher

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