Report RF\EMF\Microwave(FDA Public Affairs)

<h3 ""="" id="yui_3_13_0_ym1_1_1390803338972_4214">New source to report RF/EMF/MW signals
H Michael Sweeney via Causes
To Me
Jan 26 at 8:17 PM

TI's and opponents of Smart Meters, corporate wi-fi/cell towers, etc.: You can report RF/EMF/Microwave to an Office of FDA assigned to monitor and investigate Commercial device violations of device limits. THIS INCLUDES SMART METERS. You need not 'know the device,' which means if you can ascertain (i.e., by TriField meter or Tin-Foil Box) the attack source as a 'neighbor,' that's one more bit of outreach, but this one should generate documentation (response letter) that can be useful to make your case. They MIGHT even investigate, but don't hold your breath (it is FDA, after all). Just print and fill in the online form. AVOID talking about targeting at all costs or you will be ignored for sure. Avoid broad sweeping statements and certainties as to your beliefs (because you have no proof they would accept) - say instead, "I have reason to believe...'

I'd report any radiation event you can document that has caused illness or painful condition. Explain the source, cite symptoms, instances, frequency. Please share with your networks. When describing device, use "Device unknown... seems to come from next door," or similar. See email below:

FDA Public Affairs Specialist Mary Ellen Taylor said over the phone yesterday (01/17/13): "Causality is not necessary...if a person thinks that the radiation emitted is related to their illness or health problem, then turn it in."

Conversation with Mary at the San Francisco District Office to clear up confusion regarding reporting an Adverse Event (AE) from consumer radiation emitting devices such as a cell phones, ovens, wi-fi: She says people are submitting complaints to the wrong department (which oversees only MEDICAL devices) and they should instead be sent to her Department, as they are NOT forwarded. No one seems to know this, so they are SEEKING complaints.

Currently, no doctors, no consumers, no one has any idea that one can fill out a Consumer Radiation Occurrence report at all to the FDA! We'll have to figure out how to get the word spread out. Mary Ellen Taylor has said she's submitted changes to the form to expand and add more categories for wireless consumer devices that emit radiation.

ANYONE can submit to the FDA reports of ill health resulting from CONSUMER radiation emitting devices can be filled out by downloading, printing and then sending it to the mailing address listed on FDA reporting form-3649 (5 pages long) titled "ACCIDENTAL RADIATION OCCURRENCE REPORT" which you can download here:

Be sure to select the Microwave Radiation EMF category listed on page 2 by putting an X in the box next to that category: Microwave Communication, Data Transmit, and Measurement Products (Including CB radios, cell phones, walkie-talkies, household remote controllers)"

List the health problem experienced, when it started, what consumer device caused the health problem and how, how long did the problem last, etc, did you need to go to the hospital or see a doctor, etc.

Then put it in an envelope and mail it with the the appropriate postage to the following address listed on the form (please note there is no fax number listed):

U.S. Food and Drug Administration 
Center for Devices and Radiological Health 
Document Mail Center – WO66-G609 
10903 New Hampshire Avenue 
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

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