First of all, psychiatrists are not interested in a patients "experiences" they are only concerned about the symptoms, and allieviating them, so they would not ask anything about mind control technologies or the invasive practise that might render someone sick. I'm being electronically tortured right now, with deep pain and gas, and did at one time experience voices, of which are now controlled with proper use of medication. If you dont' call it schizophrenia, then what does this author suggest we call it?Second, there are probably a good many articles like this out there that are very good, yet what difference do they make? We need to be talking about how to change this situation for people who are experiencing such levels of pain and malaise, fundamentally changing a situation which would require much more than having a change in a psychiatric evaluation.Third, I'm fearful that with this article on people like us there is a tendency to isolate and separate us from all of society, in which people in positions of taking on our claims, doctors, lawyers and such will only look upon us as subjects in which they will come to the conclusion that there is nothing they can do to help us. With the way it is now, you are treated as a patient of a psychiatrist and I don't know what you would be considered if you weren't a patient, maybe they could call us targets, but that open up a whole other way of treating us unfairly.
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  • I don't follow Eleanor White or the conventional t.i. philosophies. I have over time developed serious mental illness, of which I am being treated. There is nothing to think through. I don't believe in V2K as voices, I believe its sounds, like pops and clicks, but not voices. Voices are generated from classic schizophrenia. Anyway, you asked. I wasn't intending upon getting into an argument. But I see you saw red in my post to miss kitty and decided to jump at that. Figures.
  • why on earth would a TI allow the label of schizophrenia? this is exactly what we want to avoid-- perpetuating the idea that we are crazy or imagining things. also, you should rethink the idea that your voices are controlled by proper use of medication. plain and simple, they are controlled by the same individuals who are electronically attacking you and these people must have seen some benefit to causing you to think meds were helping. think it through.
  • if you would be so enlighened, miss kitty, to realize that I posted this separate from the original post because of your "filling up" of garbage and flippant comments. If you dont' have anything worthwhile and relevant to say about a current post, then kindly just shut up. I don't like what you have done to this forum with your other worldly content, much of which I have serious misgivings about. However, I come here because I'm attacked heavily and want action and justice. What exactly is your purpose in being here?
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