One of the number one things that entertain perps is when you give them attention. They WILL NEVER GO AWAY, so long as you feed them with your anger and outrage. It drains GTIs' energy, and entertains the perps and all their friends who read their comments.
So, if you know the PP member is a perp, do as you do with your personal perps - GIVE THEM NOTHING, EVER!
I propose that once a perp has been identified, one of the PP respected regulars (Sue, God's Grace, JustMeKaren, etc) call for a freeze out of the perp. If we can't report them to the adm and get them kicked off, then carry on conversations around their comments, as though they were not there.
It is the quickest way to eliminate a perp from PP. They will either end up making a comment that WILL get them kicked off by the adm, or they will just dry up from lack of responses from GTIs.
Sue, here is one of the posts from LivingTargetSA01:
Permalink Reply by livingtarget.SA01 on July 5, 2016 at 6:31am
Yes God's Grace...Yes...hehe, just love how you quite bible verses. Very convincing
Just who destroyed my career again??
So you have a job??? With all the postings that you do on peacepink by job you mean being on this site?
Sue, you befriended a perp called LivingTargetSA01, after he came onto this site and placed derogatory comments about me on 4 different threads, you ignored how obviously rude he was, telling me that I had lost him his job, he just couldn't offer details. I found out later, that under another name, he was kicked off this site before....he was subsequently suspended from this site AGAIN. I think new members if they are going to write prolifically on this site, need to give us some background on themselves, if they want to be taken seriously.