Salt lake city, Utah target..........................

my name is miss lura jim.. i am a native american and a target of all the trimming of them damed impants..................i am just came to know th apink page that i am on and i am sharing with you that i am not feeling to hot today due them perps and i am just sick from them for along time and for 9 years plus .. i am just sick and ffrom them mind control being in me for so ... long... i have family that are not educated from utah and i am just homless from them perps and being abused all the time from them impants and being electronic raped from them .. what we all called in terms to brainwashing of the perps .. programing ad reprograming.. i must be the worsted projects they have. they.. thru them v2k they want to hsay i am dying from them perps and wanted me to be their presiouse projects.. i am not sure and how many ugly perps are studing me thru each day and ia m just sick of them controling me or just sitting there trying to say they are done with me............. i am just being fooled in to dying and haveing a heart attack and due to them.. alot of my family are unaware of them perps a.. as they play with my life strings alll day long.. threats agaianst me all the time are life threatening anfd they think they can get away from all of us and get away from muder or using people that are people of america.. and to think if they are goverments and using people for control.. they are very sick people and i also know that in the future that they wanted me to be rich with knowlege........... i just want my own thoughts back and be m own person again. but?? i will never know?? i iahve hope that they lay off from me and .. just shut mme off... i was sitting between two power boxes and was amazed by the power that them impants have.. they can crush me to tiny bits and crush my skull in. i taste death in my mouth.. it is a biggest mistake to taste death in a person and that they have murered me time after time after time............. it is killing me to be my own person and to think i fortold and fortell my life and death situation.................. i want them hidden court to find them gone.......... i am at the shelter in salt lake city, utah and they know the times i die ..God doesn't want man to know when the end of the world end and what God does in his world thru a human. we all have hidden secrets of God and them perps comes in and a re curiouse of us as humans and put impants in and record God and his secrets. i want to live another day and to "sleep with the enemy" and to walk the green mile with out being sentenced for deth and to live or not.. i belive God will be coming in time to shut these off in time and so we all can have our life back.. i would like my own thinking back and my own private thoughts.......... these projects are tough for me. i guess God thought i can handle the worst of them perps 24 hours a day and i am very sick with microwave power surging thru the very middle of the being of the spirit........... i am homeless due to them concusion my memeory and mind to sent me to prison over their s.e.x offencen and sent me to prison to be in there with a bunch of perps .. 24 hours of shear pain and agony and being electonic raped.. pounding head aches and stomach being in torturouse pains and leg burning , face in heat and in pains that no one can ever go thru................ i am hungery right now and i am thru in about two hours .. i am glad that i shared with you all .i i am not afraid of them them or death. i had about over 15 plus close calss and not afraid.. that they ahve the capablity to mess with that time line of death........ they can alter my death the have me sitin a stand still death that they are sick of them .. they will stop me along the way as i depart out of this world and get the recoring of death and.. possible the visual of heaven as it aproached.. i am a homless native american and was tagreted to a point of homeless and native american............ i wanted to say i am not going to stop for nothing. and i am hungry. they can mess with any vitals of my anatomy and they can sloew and speed thing up in the body. i can say if they take my life tonight they are the cause of my murder.. in a sence they are the perpertaders of america .. doing thing to fellow american indians............... and to find me in the gutter at the shelter and to fortell or fortelling my death and their projects.. death with these impants are not soft kill.............. they are unhuman to any person that has to die. i never killed any one to have an exucusion like this in my life .. and to have prisoners out in the utah state prison that are in death row and having these implant are unhuman to not even close to what them prisoners on death row has.. i am living with a death row impant and all they can do iss direct all of that microwave to me and have me a heart attack any second and t .. say i never killed no one in utah...............
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  • thank you.. i have gone far and beyond now .. i am in the shelter right now.. and on face book. each night iam alone with these perps that i am very uncofortable with them.. i am being aware of thing of them perps are doing... 24 hours of tortures.. even before my friends at the shelter of the salt lake city, utah.. them v2k are not really eduated for the public.. only to vicitms like my self.............. and them v2k are very dangerouse to me and to my surounding.. they give to much pains and a heavy heart pysically i want to find them perps.. at the shelter they like to play a game with me all the time .. trying to play games with my mind.. :mind control" i am not laughing  at all.. i sometime only know that .. that them perps are playing a game of trying to find a ways to get caught by playing games with me................... my life as well.. i had beeen played abulance games.. doctors visit games... death games... death game are for real.. i almost lost my life over the fact they wanted to get rid of me.. i usually a quiet person and very strong........... and i am going to live.. i gave alot of time crying that them peerps out of salt lake city, utah .. would find me dying in the shelter.. i am going to hang this note on the wall where i sleep....................... and maybe i will wake up each moring ........................... 24 hours of the v2k and as a vicitm.. i am so in trouble as a victim of direct energy .. microwave................. i have to be very carefull about all of this.. them perps are destroyin a part of my health as they contuie to play with my heart.. and weaking it to .. i know i will never breath again. i already had acouple of time when i nearly never breath.. they can crush me as a can and .. they can burn me to a t.................

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