COMPLETELY UPDATED IN 2008 - Database and Calculation Software for the Satellite Industry DATABASE SECTIONhas information on over 500 satellites (orbital location, frequencies, EIRP, G/T, SFD, bandwidth, programming etc.) and 9,000 companies (address, tel, fax, web, products, services and contact names etc.) and 19,000 executives in the commercial satellite industry. Containing a very fast search ability plus over 800 hundred EIRP, G/T & SFD maps in color not published anywhere else. THE CALCULATION SECTIONHas full up-down digital link budget calculators with input provision for uplink power control (UPC), ALC, various interferences and multiple carriers. Finds HPA size, uplink power requirements, bandwidth and power usage per carrier. Calculates atmospheric losses and rain fade margins for any desired availability on uplink and downlink. Handles BPSK, QPSK, M-PSK or M-QAM with any FEC code rate. Determines power or bandwidth limited modes and calculates the power equivalent bandwidth, if appropriate. Provision for RS codes or 'Turbo' modems. Option for rain up AND rain down scenarios where uplink and downlink are from/to the same city.Database SectionUsers can search from amongst Company Information, Satellite Details, What's On Satellite, Uplink Providers, Country Standards and a full List of Executives.COMPANY INFORMATIONThis section includes information on:INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES - Government Regulators & Administrators with contact names and addresses for domestic and international public network services; Information on each country's TV & electrical standards, Cabled Household Numbers etc.; State, Provincial & Local Authorities.SPACECRAFT - Launch Vehicle capabilities and a four year international analysis of planned launch schedules; Manufacturers of Propulsion Systems, Spacecraft, Satellites and Satellite Components.MANUFACTURERS OF SATELLITE GROUND EQUIPMENT - Amplifiers; Antennas; Baseband Equipment; Cable; Converters; Complete Earth Stations; Feed Systems; Filters; Modems; Modulators; Multiplexers; Positioners; Power Supplies; Processors; Software; Teleconferencing Products; Test & Diagnostic Equipment; Transmitters; VSATs and many other products. Includes descriptive details on the fast growing DBS marketNETWORK SYSTEMS - System Integrators; Corporate & Business Networks; VSAT Systems & Management; Videoconferencing. Global Positioning System; Mobile Telephones, Video & Voice Systems; Transportable Equipment.USERS AND PROVIDERS OF SATELLITE SERVICES - Satellite Programmers; Broadcasters; Major Cable Systems; Educational & Religious Programmers; Distributors of Hardware; Transmission Services; Transponder Brokers; Common Carriers - all the providers of satellite-delivered video voice and data transmission services.GENERAL SERVICES - Comprehensive contact and descriptive information on Technical and Consulting Services; Installation and Mainenance Companies, Associations; Legal Services; Insurance Brokers and Underwriters; Research Centers; Financial Institutions; Publishers.SATELLITE DETAILSThis section includes information on:SATELLITE OPERATORS - System Operators including Intelsat, PanAmSat, Inmarsat, Intersputnik Telesat Canada, Eutelsat, Arabsat, Palapa, Optus and many others; Complete details on planned satellite systems with full details on their complex operations.GEOSYNCHRONOUS SATELLITES - Complete information on over 500 satellites including their mass, dimension, location, date of launch, number & type of transponders, users, operators, and many other relevant facts.EIRP MAPS - Invaluable EIRP, SFD & G/T color maps giving essential engineering & technical information for all operational and most planned satellite systems.WHAT’S ON SATELLITEThis is a complete guide to all operating satellites. You get the operating frequencies; video, voice or data activity; format used; transponder allocations and FEC.UPLINK FACILITIESThis is a complete guide to all the companies that provide uplink and transmission services. Includes the location; operator name & address; satellite orientation; capabilities & services provided.COUNTRY STANDARDSInformation on the standars of satellite and broadcasting which are used worldwide. Also includes general telecommunications and other useful information.LIST OF EXECUTIVESWant to create a mailing list? Here are the contact details (which includes what the companies do) on over 19,000 executives. Create a marketing and sales campaign exactly designed for your products or services.Database SectionUsed by Broadcasters, SNG operators, VSAT designers, dish installation companies and dealers serving the satellite TV industry. Calculation capacity including dish aiming, link budget analysis and solar outage prediction provide the backbone of the package. The link budget facilities employ rain attenuation and atmospheric absorption prediction modeling even for low elevations. These and other useful features, such as an integral magnetic variation calculation and over 30,000 stored town/city coordinates, combine to enable a system to be either designed for any global location. Designed to be very simple to use, it works just like any other Windows application with pull-down menus, toolbar for shortcuts, dialog boxes, text and graphics windows, a status bar and a comprehensive help system.You can calculate the following:Digital Link Budgets: To view the output of a typical Digital Link Budget Click HereFull up-down digital link budget calculators with input provision for uplink power control (UPC), ALC, various interferences and multiple carriers. Finds HPA size, uplink power requirements, bandwidth and power usage per carrier. Calculates atmospheric losses and rain fade margins for any desired availability on uplink and downlink. Handles BPSK, QPSK, M-PSK or M-QAM with any FEC code rate. Determines power or bandwidth limited modes and calculates the power equivalent bandwidth, if appropriate. Provision for RS codes or 'Turbo' modems. Option for rain up AND rain down scenarios where uplink and downlink are from/to the same city.Click numbers 1-4 to see other digital link budget inputs 1 2 3 4Features included:* Digital link budgets for Satellite TV, SNG, radio and data* FM link budgets* Sun outage prediction (single site and satellite)* Sun outage batch file handling (multiple sites or multiple satellites)* Antenna aiming* Dual/multi feed positioning* Dish sizing* Polar mount alignment* EIRP, SFD and G/T map viewer* Automatic magnetic variation calculation* Solar transit times* Off-axis gains* Rain attenuation model (ITU-R P.618-8 or Crane)* Calculates atmospheric absorption and tropospheric scintillation losses* Loads and displays decoded two line element (TLE) files (SGP4/SDP4 model)* Fast batch processing of up to 500 GEO link budgets* Ionospheric scintillation estimator* Four satellite, ASI calculator within GEO 'bent pipe' link budget modules* Automatic 'Antenna Noise' calculation option* Tabulation of R0.01 values and rain attenuation for a selected country* Highlighting of key link budget results* Non-reflector gains and effective apertures accepted* Polarization offset shown in 'Satellites above Horizon' listings* Generates numerous graphs and tables* Numerous satellite based calculation tools such as G/T and off axis antenna gains.The software can calculate digital link budgets for GEO satellite 'bent-pipe' and regenerative transponders as well as snapshot digital link budgets for some NON GEO varieties. Minimum system requirements are Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP (Intel) with at least 800*600 display resolution and any i586 (Pentium) or later. Will run on older processors.Link Budget CalculatorsFull up-down digital link budget calculators with provision for interference input, uplink power control (UPC), ALC, E.S. intermodulation. interference and multiple carriers per HPA. Finds HPA size, uplink power requirements, bandwidth and power usage per carrier. Calculates atmospheric losses and rain fade margins for any desired availability on uplink and downlink. Optional auto-estimation of output back off and transponder intermodulation interference. Handles BPSK, QPSK, M-PSK or M-QAM with any FEC code rate. Determines if transponder is power or bandwidth limited and calculates the power equivalent bandwidth if appropriate. Provision for RS codes or 'Turbo' modems. Option for rain up AND rain down scenarios where uplink and downlink are from/to the same city.Rain Attenuation ModelsITU-R P.618-8, Crane global or Crane revised two component models are supported without any requirement to consult maps. These models are used for link budgets, graphs and tables and have simple radio button selection. For the ITU-R model it is also possible to enter locally obtained R0.01 values in mm/h.Atmospheric LossesFor low elevation paths, atmospheric absorption and tropospheric scintillation losses are significant. The program calculates these parameters as standard but there is also an option to zero these parameters for comparison with other link budget tools that neglect them.Tabulate Availability v Rain AttenuationGenerates tables of availability, rain attenuation, XPD and expected downtimes.Separate Rain Attenuation ModuleQuickly calculate XPD, rain attenuation and noise increase due to rain for use with other software and spreadsheets. Tabulate rate tables for any selected country.Antenna AimingCalculates elevation, true azimuth, compass bearing and polarization offset for any geostationary satellite from any location. No need to know magnetic variation values, it's all automated. Finds minimum and maximum antenna elevation for satellites in inclined orbits.Quick Dish SizingShort form downlink budgets digital TV broadcasts using GEO satellites with minimum dish size optimizer.Sun Outage PredictionPresents accurate annual lists of date and time windows for geostationary satellite/ground station combinations worldwide. All time zones supported. Output in Local Civil Time or GMT. Please note, this module is not suitable for elderly satellites placed in inclined orbits. There is also a batch file processes to produce listings for either multiple sites, or multiple satellites, ready for pasting into MS Excel or a similar spreadsheet program.Dual / Multi Feed CalculationsFinds relative satellite and feed spacing relative to boresight. Calculates antenna "squinting" efficiency for link budget. Execute any number of times for multiple feeds. Tabulate dual feed calculations for major towns and cities in a country with average value.Footprint MapsOver 500 colour G/T, SFD and EIRP footprint maps included in BMP, GIF, PCX, TIFF and JPEG formats. More can be added. Maps can be exported to paste into reports etc. Click Here to see a sampleFlexible Output OptionsPrints reports with your company name at the top or output may be copied and pasted into MS Excel or similar as tab delimited text for unlimited customisation. Reports and tables may also be saved in HTML for uses such as emailing, uploading to web sites or importing into other applications.Reference MapsDisplays world and regional maps of ITU and Crane rain-climatic zones, seasonal water vapour density and mean surface temperatures.Modified Polar MountsLocate true north/south anywhere in the world using the sun's position as your guide. Calculates modified polar mount angles for any latitude with notes on installation.Wind LoadingCalculates overturning moment (OTM) and ballast required for a given wind speed. Assumes antenna is pole mounted using a base frame weighted with concrete blocks.Overcome Local Magnetic AnomaliesSelect monthly tabulations of the local time when the sun and a selected satellite have the same azimuth. Useful where local magnetic anomalies may affect compass readings.Tabulate Availability v Rain AttenuationGenerates tables of availability, rain attenuation, XPD and expected downtimes.Data FilesSupplied with a satellite data file and over 30,000 town and city records arranged in over 200 separate country data files. Easy browse transfer of data to input forms. All databases may be user edited. The satellite data is also updated and may be downloaded at any time. Easy browse transfer of data from database section to input forms. All databases may be user edited.Table GeneratorTabulates modified polar mount angles, antenna look angles to any geostationary satellite from multiple town/city locations in a selected country, 'visible' satellites from either a single location or two sites.Graph PlotsPlots graphs relating to digital modulation, ITU-R or Crane rain attenuation models, BER v Eb/No, atmospheric absorption, dish parabolas, lobe patterns and much more. There is also a BER v Eb/No reference chart for Reed Solomon concatenated Viterbi codes and 'turbo' codecs at various FEC rates.Calculations and ConversionsPerforms often used calculations and conversions, including antenna focal distances, rain attenuation with noise increase, off-axis gains and power spectral densities. Includes an editable mathematical expression evaluator.Tool BarIncludes convenient toolbar with speed buttons for most often used menu selections. Menu option for quick opening of the six most recently used files.Multiple Document InterfaceAllows mixes of link budgets, maps, graphs and tables within a single application window. Ideal for comparing link budgets.Persistent Input DataInput forms under the Graph, Table and Calculate menus have persistence of input data by default but can be turned off.Batch Link Budget CalculatorCalculates a full set of GEO digital link budget output parameters. It's like running a standard link budget program up to 500 times with different data. Can save hours of tedious link budget work compared to using point-to-point link budget programs.Large Help File40,000 word technical help file packed with easy-to-understand theory and practice. Ideal as a staff training or self learning aid for those new to the industry. Help file is fully context sensitive by using the F1 key or selecting the button on any active input field. Option to call up any other third party help file, directly from the application's menu.Total cost of a single user SatFinder licence with four database updates thoroughout the year is $1,250. For Information on multiple site licenses - Click Here.YOUR SITE LICENSE INCLUDES:* YOU GET 4 CD's - one every 3 months (a new database is created every quarter)* YOU ALSO GET a free current edition of the International Satellite Directory (Value $495.00)* PLUS YOU ALSO GET free access to our OnLine database maintained on a monthly update basis.(Value $425.00)All output can be directly pasted into common Windows packages, as either common delimited text or tiff images for editing, customization or to be included in other documents.PrintSatnews DailyDie, Spy Satellite, Die — Says U.S. Homeland Security SecretaryIn a report from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano plans to do away with a program begun by the Bush administration that would use U.S. spy satellites for domestic security and law enforcement.Napolitano recently reached her decision after the program was discussed with law enforcement officials, in which she was told it was not an urgent issue, according to an employee who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it.The program, called the National Applications Office, was announced in 2007 and was to have the Homeland Security Department use overhead and mapping imagery from existing satellites for homeland security and law enforcement purposes, but has been delayed because of privacy and civil liberty concerns.According to Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat and House homeland security committee member who was briefed on the department's classified intelligence budget the program was included in the Obama administration's 2010 budget request. She had not been given final word that the program would be killed.For years, domestic agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Interior Department have had access to this satellite imagery for scientific research, to assist in response to natural disasters like hurricanes and fires, and to map out vulnerabilities during a major public event like the Super Bowl. Since 1974 the agency's requests satellite imagery have been made through the federal interagency group, the Civil Applications Committee. The Bush administration, however, decided to funnel the requests through the Homeland Security Department and expand their use for homeland security and law enforcement purposes.Anti-Satellite WeaponsOverview* Programs Program 437* Program 505* Air-Launched Miniature Vehicle (ALMV)* Kinetic Energy ASAT [KE-ASAT]* Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser [MIRACL]* High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF)* Targets and VulnerabilityOther Resources* Duel Between an ASAT with Multiple Kill Vehicles and a Space-Based Weapons Platform with Kinetic Energy Weapons by P. Cutchis, Institute for Defense Analyses, January 1986* Space target with multi-spectral energy reflectivity, U.S. Patent 4,733,236, March 22, 1988* Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, presented to the House Armed Services Committee, July 2004* US Space System Survivability: Strategic Alternatives for the 1990s by Robert B. Giffen, National Defense University, 1982 (1.75 MB PDF file)* Vulnerability Assessment of the Transportation Infrastructure Relying on the Global Positioning System, prepared for the Department of Transportation, August 29, 2001.* High Altitude Nuclear Detonations (HAND) Against Low Earth Orbit Satellites (HALEOS), Defense Threat Reduction Agency, April 2001.* Testimony of Gordon P. Soper, hearing on "Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) -- Should this be a Problem of National Concern to Businesses Small and Large as well as Government?" House Small Business Committee, June 1, 1999.* Survivability: Critical Process Assessment Tool, 14 August 1998* Thinking About Space Warfare by Allen Thomson, Space News, April 22-28, 1996.* Space Reconnaissance Vulnerability by Allen Thomson, Space News, October 10-16 1994.* Civil Satellite Vulnerability by Allen Thomson, Space News, 20-26 February 1995.* Satellite Vulnerability: a post-Cold War issue? by Allen Thomson, Space Policy (ISSN 0265-9646), 11 (1), February 1995, pp.19-30.* Threats to United States Space Capabilities by Tom Wilson, prepared for the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization, January 2001.* Recommended Changes in U.S. Military Space Policies and Programs, submitted to the Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy, October 1988* The U.S. Anti-Satellite Program: A Key Element in the National Strategy of Deterrence, from the Reagan White House, 1987* Space Countermeasures Hands On Program (CHOP), March 2001 (PowerPoint presentation, >1.6 MB)* Space Countermeasures Hands On Program Designs Docking Nanosatellite in Six Weeks, Air Force Research Laboratory, 2002* Target Effects Assessment from Commerce Business Daily, September 29, 2000* Space Control Architecture - briefing from DOD Space Architect* Spacecast 2020 RAPID SPACE FORCE RECONSTITUTION (RASFOR)* Spacecast 2020 Space Modular Systems* Air Force 2025 Star Tek-Exploiting the Final Frontier: Counterspace Operations in 2025* Military Is Hoping to Test-Fire Laser Against Satellite* U.S. weighes sharing satellite laser test data By Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES January 2, 1998* Yeltsin letter reveals anti-satellite weapons By Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES November 7, 1997* "Contracting speeds up ASAT effort" U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command December 1996* Shooting Down a "Star" Program 437, the US Nuclear ASAT System and Present-Day Copycat Killers Clayton K Chun, CADRE paper no. 6 - AIR UNIV MAXWELL AFB AL CENTER FOR AEROSPACE DOCTRINE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION* Proceedings of the First Space Systems Survivability Workshop, 14-15 April 1966FAS | Space | Military | Programs |||| Search | Join FAS by Steven AftergoodCreated by John PikeUpdated May 23, 2007