Posted by Steve Wong on December 9, 2013 at 3:45pm
Satan's motiveSatan's only future is being tormented in the Lake of fire. His only motive now is to get as many souls to Hell with him as he can. That is the only way he can hurt God.He tempted Eve to take the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of a Good and Evil by casting doubts in her mind to doubt God's command not to take the fruit of that Tree else she would surely die. But Satan tempted Eve by lying to her that she would not die but would instead become wise as God. That's the fall of mankind.Since the beginning of the history of mankind, there are many religions. All religions conformed God to mankind's sinful image in order to entice man's sinful appeal. None saves mankind from Hell, they only confuse man. Only by doing God's commandments and thus entering an obedient relationship with our Messiah YAHUSHUA can a man be saved from Hell. Only by washing our sins in the Blood of YAHUSHUA can we be cleansed from all sins.Satan and his agents have infiltrated the majority of the denominational churches around the globe. Few teaches the importance of obeying all God's commandments, speaking out against various evils in the world and the importance of being holy. The reason for this is very simple, the more you obey God, the closer your walk with Him. Satan and his minions seek to lure people away from God. Thus he is trying his very best to get people into hell.The only way to fight the good fight of faith for all believers out there is to be aware of this constantly. By seeking to obey God at every moment, trying his best to resist temptations from the devil, doing his best to seek and do the will of God, only them can he stand a chance to counter the devil's endless assaults. Be aware of this, Satan will use money, sex, jobs, family relationships, friends, work associates, all sort of circumstances to tempt the believer to disobey God.My advice to all these is that you take the hard and narrow road even if it means that you have to sacrifice all of the above. Doing God's will is paramount, in order to be perfect. I know it is a tough decision but you will not regret it in the future. God is faithful and He will recompense sevenfold for what you have given up for His sake.Have a good run!