Satan's Tactics

Satan (the name means adversary) main tactics is to keep people in ignorance to the spiritual reality. As long as people are in a state of ignorance, they are easily manipulated into bondage. Once people are in bondage they are very easily controlled. Money, fame, worldly glory are just a few examples. Mankind are created to have a relationship with the one true God, if they cannot have a relationship with God, then they will have a spiritual void. Satan fills this spiritual void with vanity. They are empty, sensual, carnal and only lead the people to hell.

The scripture reminds us not to love the world and the things in it. We have to follow the instructions in the scripture exactly as they are stated, for God will not and cannot lie to us. People need to humble themselves and start seeking God in humility. We need to understand the way of the world is contrary to the way of God. They are mutually exclusive. They cannot co-exist together, that's why God told us in the scripture plainly that in we love God, we would hate the world. The way of the world only leads us to hell, that's the only final reward. The way of God involves total dedication to our Lord, obedience to His commandments, the ultimate reward is the way to heaven.

Satan causes people to disobey God, hence puit them in a state of disobedience. First he puts people in a state of ignorance, then he causes people to worship the wrong things. If you do not have a right relationship with God, you can fall into the folly of worshipping the wrong things like science, religions, power, etc. We who serve God faithfully are in the world but do not live like the world. We are not to commit adultery with the world. We are not to commit idolatry, meaning the worship of false gods. When you are in a state of disobedience, you provoke God to anger. Too few people are aware of this fact that they think they can believe in anything without serious consequences, well they are in for a big surprise.

As stated in the scripture, Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Following the way of the world is following Satan. Do not be deceived, and be ignorant no more. Satan comes to steal your souls, do not let him, the price of ignorance is too high.

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