Dear Sir/Madam
Such is the extent of US National Security law that over 5,000 classified devices are currently covered by the US Inventions Secrecy Act. Many of these are either based on or working with many of the 20,000 plus satellites now circling the Earth (many in geosynchronous orbit) and the countless array of supercomputers that work in with them, operating at ground - based locations like The Langley Research Centre (CIA) and Fort Meade (NSA). These computers are all manned by technicians and are each capable of processing more information than the entire human population of the planet (something exceeding 700 trillion calcs a second each). And what is the upshot of all of this? That the agencies and military can rely on the blanket cover of tagging all such covert activities as a matter of "National Security"and thereby covertly and remotely take control of people and organisations as they see fit, without challenge.
Couple these technologies with the mass surveillance systems outlined by Edward Snowden and others and you will realise that the agencies are all seeing, all knowing and promote themselves and their usefulness in the name of security at the expense of liberty. Yet where are they when mass shootings, terrorist attacks and such take place? They watch, as accessories before, during and after the fact, and do nothing; more intent on controlling public figures with blackmail friendly material, more interested in oppressing writers, activists and whistleblowers than protecting the public at large. Equally, through false flag operations, protected trafficking syndicates and such, the agencies foster and profit from crime while all the while pretending to do otherwise...The agencies, in particular the CIA, are not securing our safety, they imperil it....
Even former Presidents recognised this and wanted the CIA stopped...."There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot"...JFK. And the CIA reply?..."I was in Dallas when we got the S.O.B." David Morales , CIA chief of operations.
US DOD Directive 5240 1.R saved 882013, Ch 4, Procedure 13 says "Experimentation is allowed on human subjects for intelligence purposes". So, whether it be a false claim, a National Security Letter or any other bogus move, the covert agencies can line up any or all critics, malcontents, political targets and thinkers that the PTB dislike and have them thrown into satellite facilitated mobile concentration camps where the aforementioned technologies allow all manner of mind control, cybernetic, neuroscience, genetic, brain / dream study and other experiments to be run.... unreported and with complainants labelled as paranoid etc..
Yet we had the UN Treaty of 1967 saying you cannot use satellites in conjunction with any weapon of mass destruction, (only to be amended to allow the Reagan era Star Wars system). We also have the UN's UNIDIR committee and the European Parliament calling for bans on all weapons for human manipulation (Eg A4-0005/99 EP). In addition we have Executive Order 13526 banning the use of classification to hide crime. But all of this clearly amounts to just words on paper when the PTB and the agency - controlled media ignore it all.
I have researched this for over 25 years. I've spoken with countless spies, political aides, marginalised journalists, senior law enforcers, entertainers, scientists and more. Knowledge of this form of oppression, using classified technologies, is widespread in those circles but fear or complicity prevents many from speaking out.
In the absence of reliable, honest political and media representation the campaigners fighting against covert oppression of this sort (on behalf of millions of targeted people worldwide) are forced to rely on the marginalised media and various human rights organisations for support in their efforts to get this information to the general public. Nevertheless, by so doing we hope to expose and end the silent holocaust that sees the isolation of the combined genetic traits of all those willing to question authority as they are gradually wiped out; oppressed into oblivion.
I call on any and all with a conscience or a soul to turn on this evil. Help to expose and end it and restore true democracy to a world where, at the moment, only lies and hypocrisy exist when it comes to true justice and freedom.
Paul Baird,
Human Rights Advocate,
A few apt quotes....
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity". A. Einstein.
"This satellite technology will allow us to track, monitor, torture, destroy and kill anyone in the world. It will give us complete global control. Develop it immediately"...Anon. world leader ...over 50 years ago.
" The world is a dangerous place to live, not (just) because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it". A. Einstein.
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless". D. Bonhoeffer.
"The further society moves from the truth the more it will despise those that speak it". G. Orwell.
"The CIA controls everyone of significance in the major media" William Colby, Ex CIA director.
"It is the duty of the patriot to protect the people from the government". Thomas Jefferson.