Satellite Torture Flyer



Satellite technology, presumably developed and controlled by the U.S. government, is being used to track, monitor, torture and kill Americans.  The satellite operators establish an invisible microwave connection with peoples’ brains, providing constant tracking and silent surveillance.  They can hear what we hear, see what we see and even read our thoughts - total surveillance of anyone, anywhere in the world.  This technology is infinitely more frightening and Orwellian than NSA data collection. 


Unfortunately, illegal surveillance is not the most serious issue.  This technology can also be used as a remote, untraceable torture instrument and lethal weapon.  By interacting with the brain, the operators can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes, and cause numerous pains and sensations throughout the body.  These include the sensation of electrical currents and vibrations; ear ringing; pressure on the ear drums; eye stinging and irritation; headaches; pains in the stomach, chest, heart, brain, genitals, teeth, jaws and gums; upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues; heart palpitations; shortness of breath; stinging, burning, tingling and pin prick sensations all over the body; uncontrollable itches; scratchy throat; coughing and sneezing; severe chills; dehydration; frequent urination; nasal drain; and genital stimulation/de-stimulation.  The technology can interfere with your sleep and memory and cause sudden, extreme swings in energy levels and emotional states – depression, anxiety and anger.


Victims are broken down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture in an attempt to push them to suicide or violence.  Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, they are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering.  While it may not be “mind control” as some literature suggests, the torture can dramatically alter a victim’s thought processes and physical and emotional stability.


Aaron Alexis was targeted by satellite technology prior to the tragic Navy Yard shooting in September 2013.  Many believe Miriam Carey was also targeted prior to driving 270 miles from Stamford, Connecticut to Washington D.C., and being shot and killed fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013.  She believed she was being stalked and monitored in Stamford and had reported hearing President Obama’s voice.  Many other inexplicable tragedies are likely caused by this technology.


A massive organized stalking apparatus is also being used against American citizens.  They have the ability to follow, monitor, harass and threaten people across the country.  Their numbers and enormous reach suggest government involvement and funding, possibly part of the vast Homeland Security apparatus.  The architects created a government control system with ties to organized crime - utilizing tactics similar to the Stasi and the Nazis. 


Many thousands of Americans are victims of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture.  Many are incorrectly diagnosed with mental illness and forced into the mental health system.  Their constitutional and human rights are under attack, and their careers, relationships, health and lives are being destroyed.  Unspeakable atrocities are being committed - Crimes against Humanity as defined by the United Nations. 


This will prove to be the largest crime in U.S. history, yet law enforcement, major media and the mental health profession have not even acknowledged the situation.  No one is investigating these crimes.  Nothing is being done to lock down the technology or stop the torture.  Please share this and help us expose and end these hideous crimes. 

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  • The satellite image is clearly misleading because it is used on a page about Kathleen Watterson. Kathleen Watterson was targeted by a signal from a terrestrial satellite dish. NOT from a signal from a satellite in Earth orbit. This is absolutely clear if you bother to read the link and examine the evidence.
    One has to ask: If satellites are used to beam DEW at people then why was a terrestrial dish deployed in this case? Why not just retarget a satellite? They would have got away with it if it came from a satellite now wouldn't they. Why did they risk getting caught unnecessarily?

  • You're right. The iconographic image must be changed, however, I do not understand why travel 1000 km and nothing changes.

  • Check this link here:

    I quote:

    Levi was able to show that standard satellite dishes within a 5-mile radius of Kathleen’s home were all pointed toward the equator where most satellites orbit the earth – except the defendant’s satellite dishes which were pointed at Kathleen’s house! He also revealed that the other neighborhood satellite dishes were geared toward receiving signals for TV, the Internet, etc. – except the defendant’s satellite dishes which, according to meter readings from an RF spectrum analyzer and a tri-field meter, were shown to be transmitting microwave signals at her house.

    Note, the transmitting antennae (in this case a satellite dish) was local and terrestrial. The signal did NOT originate from a satellite or satellites orbiting the Earth. Your picture showing a person being hit by signals from satellites in Earth orbit is misleading.

    Satellites are low-power devices relying mainly on the sun to charge their batteries up. Even with incrediby high gain antennae, by the time a satellite signal reaches the earth it is low-power/weak and distributed over a very wide area.

  • La sentenza, caso CIVMS n°700231, è visibile su


    Satellite? The judge is crazy?

  • @Big Lebosky : There are different opinions. The cases are not all equal.
    I have traveled from Italy to France to Switzerland. I traveled from my home town to Bari.

    You have tried to travel 1000 km and notice if something changes? BigL The cases are not all equal. In America a woman won a case? The court handed down the sentence. Satellite.

    The judge is crazy? Kathleen Watterson with an expert. She won the case with an expert and not with the chatters. Expert report

  • He considered dirty electrics or worse. A heads up that most refuse on orders. Better some than none as a TI. Radiation messes with the brain and constant hunger is one symptom....of many. Your comment was shot from the hip.
  • I told a neurologist that I was always hungry and he said "Check your electrics."

    If I ever need a neurologist, God forbid, remind me to avoid yours.

  • I have experienced DEW and EH on many occasions, but I firmly believe it was from local sources and not from a satellite. There are hundreds of accounts of people being followed about in their apartment by neighbours next door or overhead, draggging heavy DEW equipment around with them.  Because you get DEWed on a plane does not mean a satellite is doing it...and how could it track a moving plane anyway and target just you and not everyone else on board? It's impossible. There are also documented accounts of TIs being burned by DEW on planes and confronting perps about it on the plane.

  • Interesting answer :) but ... Instead of google, I found the answers thanks to mcmailteam of John Tiger Finch. An excellent 2003 article of the American politician John Fleming. Thanks to the emails by mcmailteam :), then, it was possible to have the idea of adding other sources Officers

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