0 Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use:Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S. Posted by ron on October 20, 2009 at 1:46am Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use:Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S.By Dr. Lt. Col Tom Bearden (Retired)© T. E. BeardenOct. 13, 2004Drafted Sept. 11, 2004 on the Third Anniversary of 9/11/01So in early 1990, the weather engineering operations over North Americawere assumed from the FSB/KGB by the Yakuza/Aum Shinrikyo teams, andoperations continued with the Yakuza’s leased giant scalar interferometers.The weather engineering against the United States continues today under therogue Japanese teams on site in Russia, with direct FSB/KGB supervision.Cold War Development of Scalar InterferometryPrior to 1990, our weather over North America was being steadily engineered bythe KGB æ particularly beginning on July 4, 1976 æ using giant strategic scalarinterferometers on site in Russia {i,ii,iii,iv}. From the beginning of thedevelopment program started shortly after WW II, the KGB personally controlledthe development of startling new Russian weapons under the Soviet energeticsprogram {v,vi,vii}. That program was for research and eventual development ofhighly advanced new superweapons more powerful than the atomic bomb.The new superweapons were developed, produced, manned, and operated by theKGB itself, and were never placed in the hands of the regular Russian armedforces. Speaking to the Presidium in 1960, Khrushchev referred to the forthcomingscalar interferometer weapons with the following statement:"We have a new weapon æ just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak æso powerful that, if unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth."The large Soviet strategic scalar interferometers were deployed and becameoperational in April 1963 æ a bit too late for Khrushchev to use and counter theU.S. confrontation in the Cuban Missile Crisis of latter 1962. However, the firstoperational weapon was used to destroy the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear submarineunderwater and on maneuvers off the East Coast of the United States, in April1963. Thereby Khrushchev demonstrated the power of his new weapons over oneof the major three elements of the strategic military nuclear firepower...scalar wars.pdf, 90 KB Scalar wars.doc, 105 KB S E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow