



what a day, cooked so bad on legs i screamed for help and was made to cry myself to sleep,they made me take too many pills and slash arm twice,i hope the police are watching,what you have done to me is inhuman,outrageous,they stopped my internet from working and my pc windows were opening right left and center,now the new blokes on as they shift,6-2,2-10,10-6,the bloke on at 10 is the leader,whatever happens between 10 pm and 6 am is what will happen that day,they are cooking my legs again all day and now getting worse to make me scream thta the neighbours will call the police and so they can put me in the mental hospital,am been setup because they dont want me researching to post on the net,the bloke who is doing it is a slaphead and they use computers obviously more hi tech than ours as i have seen the picture which states quote they have the power to put fear into people,the police was watching me as i went to the shop,everytime i go out i am been watched ,hence they cook my legs so bad so i cant have any outside communication with anybody,at least one good thing was i slept alot,obviously that aint a help,but to make someone so so sore to scream and cry there selves to sleep is disgusting,the pain is horrific and have been told today that ,quote,this is the police force and we want you dead,we hate your fucking guts.originally this was intended so i miss the football on saturdays,now they cooking me again so bad,looks like i will scream again,they have warned me if i do any more research they will kill me,this is our beloved police force,COVENTRY police will end up killing me because i sent them and the goverment my research upon which i had a letter from the coventry police and it stated lies,so i sent them stuff as an eye opener,since then they have lets say got it in for me,its that bad i was in a taxi and refused to pay what was alarmingly twice the amount it normally was and the police {coventry little park st}stated at first they couldnt do nothing,then a copper appeared and stated to wipe that fucking smile off my face,i didnt have a smile,i was ordered to pay the taxi upon which he kept the meter running,so basically i was charged for going to the cop station,then ordered to get a different taxi,outrageous,i was even harrassed by them walking home from the pub upon which i was searched and called  a criminal by the fantastic police,they are bloody terroists and i have made sure if anything happens to me that it will be all over the news,they are suppose too serve and protect,here we pay council tax which every house has to pay which includes paying for the police,if you dont pay it u go to prison,i got in touch with the commisson about the harrassment and found out they were ex  police officers,wow i thought as was told they had nothing to do with the police,the police shot a man in london cos a copper was shgging the blokes misses,he died and in uk they had riots because of it,the police have been involved with sex assaults on the public,hilsborough disaster which they could have saved 41 lives but covered it up to blame the liverpool fans for 23 years,they have had a bloke in custody who had mental illness apparently for 6 mths,he died while in there care,people in the uk are been targetted as apparently its against the law to do certain things even posting pictures on ya windows could see you in prison,so where the freedom of speech gone??thepolice are criminals and most people hate there guts,they tried setting up my friend by putting words in his mouth,i was aslo annoyed as the police came into my  local pub and said in front of everybody i could hear voices ,then asked me to have a chat outside??why didnt he say can i have a word with you outside,then they ordered me to go to hospital to see about my sleep,i went for three hours and got three leaflets,the walsgrave said quote,WE DONT HAVE ANY MEDICINES TO HELP WITH INSOMNIA,its a bloody hospital lol,even the  police said they would follow as i said i  wasnt going with them,i went with sister and they said they would follow incase i jumped  out the car,why the  bloody hell would  i do that for?the attacks have got worse as they dont want me on the internet researching,bloody coventry city police are the terroists.walsgrave hospital had put a band on my wrist,it was so itchy,they took it off after a few mins??the band had my name on with velcro like underneath,which is weird as its normally just a band of plastic,go figure yourself! conspiracy?paranoia?threats!



same thing tortured all morning,cant stand up,its like a vibration thats so painful words cannot describe,its 3.06 am in the morning and for the past 2 weeks for some strange reason they have stopped me sleeping full stop bar yesterday,i think they want me to go out and spend money,because if they wanted me to stay in why is the harrassment so bad???they cant do itas much outside,but make it so difficult that i cant go outside,they keep threatening that its going to get worse and they wont stop till i am dead,thats the police,how wonderful considering i have never been in trouble with the police and am pretty much a saint,so why torture a normal hrd working citizen???research is all i can think of,like i said i sent the police information because they lied in a letter,now the police know i am researching and it got worse since i found out about the sussex police station with the microwave been detected by an author who took readings outside the police station and approached them they said quote we have no interest in microwave even if it does cause cancer etc,he had the frequency counter taken off him by the police,also the antenna that is guarded by a fence so the public cannot go anywhere near it,also in brighton police vans stationary for months,using microwave to clear any trouble or citizens around the area,the information also stated if i was to look deep into this or any subject from above then expect things to get worse,which they have,but why???all its done is prove the police are using microwave frequencies,when i do go out they cook my legs as i walk,if i go to see my mates the closer i get to them the more pain they put on my legs,my legs are soso sore i wanna scream,causing anxiety and stress to eventually cause a heart attack,they also hate labour parties and personally i blame margaret thatcher,she was the one who sold off the frequencies hence tetra which is used by the army,the police ambulances and fire brigade,now for some weird reason the police are every where,even been outside my house whilst going to get food,just imagine a new war,world war 3?if they can use mind control and other countries use it,why be so scared a bout nuke missiles etc,they invaded iraq and shouldnt of,they went in and found nothing yet they went on and killed iniscent people,it had nothing to do with what they did or didnt have,it was about oil.britain like america go to war for one purpose themselves,they couldnt give a monkeys how many hundreds of thousands it kills in between,all i know is i will still fight on and live in hope that one day the harrassers  get whats coming to them,we need to do more to unite the sufferers,untill that happens we have  no chance of changing anything!



yet more torture,cooked legs all day,now doing the same all morning,fell asleep for two hours and woken up to horrific pain that drives you insane ,they are pist cos i am on here,another at least person on this forum posted on the main page about the feelings in your feet,exactly what woke me up,they are torturing more so i stop and the police are deffinately hacking into  my pc as sent email and struggled to send it cos they trying to stop me doing things,sharpest pains all the time with now and again the most horrific sharp pains ever,they make me close my eyes and then turn up the torture,am that tired i cant stay awake,what do you do???they trying to give me a heart attack,stressing me up so bad


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