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I have a fellow TI with whom I communicate once every week by phone for mutual support. We know that every word is listened to but we cannot allow that to take away the mutual psychological benefit that we derive from sharing our pain, commiserating, sharing ideas on shielding and offering each other research material in the form of books, professional journals etc.

They torture me immensely after each communication, but we have vowed never to stop supporting each other. He told me once that each time we are about to talk, he suddenly develops an inexplicable need NOT TO TALK to me, after looking forward to the conversations all week, and yet once he does talk to me, disregarding the discouraging thought, he feels much better. I told him to INSIST on talking to me, as I INSIST on talking to him. That not yielding to "planted" ideas is critical to fighting this. By not yielding to the "planted idea" that tries to discourage communication, he defeats it.

He told me yesterday that this website " " is good as a secure search engine. There are others of course, like "" but this latter is under US regulation. The former is not.

I am not a criminal. I am not a terrorist. Therefore, I INSIST on my human rights and the right to privacy without apology. I started using the search engine today. Best to you all...

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