This happens before reaching destination at Fl.
A man starts talking about me with any person he finds around me.
After such an event I center my attention in him, partially. But I would have forgotten the incident if I had not found the man in the bus
that I was taking to go to Miami Beach. Immediately the atmosphere in the bus started to change while listening the man talking about me.
There was a girl that I had helped to bring her suitcases on the bus - she was a foreigner. Curiously we went to the same destination. When
I offered to help her to take the things down her look was completely different from the one she had had in the beginning. The man's comment
had had a very negative effect. If it was a coincidence or not to find him in the bus I will never now. Apparently he went also to the hotel where
I was going to stay during the evening. A very negative atmosphere was perceived there , as soon as I arrived.